PLATE TECTONICS POWER POINT RUBRIC Purpose: Students will research types and locations of different plate boundaries found on planet Earth and discover how these boundaries have influenced the culture in a particular location. This is a Major Grade and should be treated as so. Guidelines: 1. All work should be your own. (Any plagiarism will result in a zero!) 2. Students will be required to save to the designated folder by the end of class on TBA. 3. Animation and music is optional but should not distract from the information being presented. 4. Students may work on the technology project at school and at home. 5. Students may use a flash drive or jump drive to transfer between home and school. 6. Students are expected to work on presentation everyday in class. 7. This will be a group assignment with 2-3 students per group. ORGANIZATION/CREATIVITY/TECHNOLOGY POSSIBLE POINTS EARNED POINTS TITLE SLIDE Includes Name, Period, title for Presentation, and a Graphic. Information is presented in a logical manner. Presentation uses a variety of Powerpoint features (transitions, sounds, graphics, text art, and etc.) without over doing it. Project is saved to teacher’s dropbox and in the correct class period by due date and functions properly. TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS 10pts. 60pts. 15pts. 15pts. 100 PLATE TECTONICS POWER POINT RUBRIC Criterion B: Communication in Science Rubric Who is Alfred Wegner? Should include picture and brief biography. (1 slide) What is Pangaea? You should include description and an image. What is the Theory of Continental drift and what evidences support the theory of continental drift? What is Sea floor Spreading? Should also include a picture of the Mid Atlantic ridge. What are Plate Tectonics and what causes them to move? (use a image to show what causes them to move) Plate Boundaries Give name, image, & a description of how each boundary moves. What type of geological feature is found at your particular location? Tell how this feature has influenced the lives of people in that location The student presents ALL the information appropriately using symbolic and/ or visual representation accurately according to the task. The student communicates scientific information effectively using scientific language correctly. The student presents MOST of the information appropriately using symbolic and/ or visual representation accurately according to the task. The student communicates scientific information using scientific language. 5 - 6 3-4 The student presents SOME of the information appropriately using symbolic and/ or visual representation accurately according to the task. The student attempts to communicates scientific information using some scientific language. The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6. 0 1-2 4 or more complete sentences about Wegener and his accomplishments. 3 complete sentences about Wegener and his accomplishments. 2 sentences about Wegener and his accomplishments. No information or incomplete sentences about Wegener and his accomplishments. Includes a description that effectively using scientific language correctly and has an image. Includes a description that effectively using scientific language correctly and has an image. Includes a description that effectively using scientific language correctly and has an image. Includes a description that effectively using scientific language correctly and has an image. Includes a description using scientific language and has an image. Includes a description that uses some scientific language but does not have an image. Description does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6. Includes a description using scientific language and has an image. Includes a description that uses some scientific language but does not have an image. Description does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6. Includes a description using scientific language and has an image. Includes a description that uses some scientific language and has an image. Description does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6. Includes a description using scientific language and has an image. Includes a description that uses some scientific language and has an image. Description does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6. Includes a description that effectively using scientific language correctly and has ALL images. Includes a description that effectively using scientific language correctly and has an image. Includes a description using scientific language and has MOST images. Includes a description that uses some scientific language and has SOME images. Description does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6. Includes a description using scientific language and has an image. Includes a description that uses some scientific language and has an image. Description does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors for level 1 – 6.