Ch. 14 An Era of Reform

DNA: Answer this question…
“Since the 1800s, women have
not made significant progress in
obtaining equality with men.”
Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Day #1
Ch. 13 - An Era of Reform
• To what extent did the reform movements of
the mid-1800s improve life for Americans?
• Response Group activity: Students examine
the reform movements of the mid-1800s to
evaluate to what extent they improved life for
Americans. They then debate the extent to
which grievances from the Declaration of
Sentiments have been redressed today.
“Let Us All Speak Our Minds”
• Please follow along with the lyrics on your handout.
• Afterward, we will answer the questions on the
other handout.
Men tell us 'tis fit that wives should submit
To their husbands, submissively meekly,
Tho' whatever they say their wives should obey,
Unquestioning, stupidly, weakly;
Our husbands would make us their own dictum take
Without ever a wherefore or why for it
But I don't and I can't, and I wont and I shant!
No, I will speak my mind if I die for it!
For we know it's all fudge to say man's the best
Of what should be, and shouldn't and so on,
That woman should bow, nor attempt to say how
She considers that matters should go on;
I never yet gave up myself thus a slave,
However my husband might try for it
For I can't and I won't, and I shant and I don't,
But I will speak my mind if I die for it!
And all ladies I hope who've with husbands to cope,
With the rights of the sex will not trifle,
We all, if we choose our tongues but to use,
Can all opposition soon stifle;
Let man if he will then bid us be still,
And silent, a price he'll pay high for it, -For we won't and we can't, and we don't and we
Let us all speak our minds if we die for it!
Song Questions:
1. What is the mood of the song’s melody?
What emotions are expressed in the lyrics?
Do the melody and lyrics seem to go
together? Why or why not?
2. Why do you think women like those pictured
above would write and sing a song like this?
3. Do you think this song’s message still has
meaning today? Why or why not?
An Era of Reform
• Read Section 18.1 of your “Packet.”
Reading Discussion Questions:
• Who was Sojourner Truth?
• How did she answer those
who said women were
• What are some of the
other reform movements
that began during this
Choose one of the question’s below and answer it.
1. Do you think women in America today have the same
rights as men? Why or why not?
2. Are girls and boys treated equally at a party? In the
classroom? Explain.
3. Are men and women treated equal in the home? In
the workplace? Explain.
4. How do you think male and female roles in America
have changed since the early 1800s?
Number off by 4’s
DNA: Day #2 (Thursday)
Take out your graphic organizer to help learn about the
reform movements of the mid-19th Century (mid-1800s).
Write this KEY Question at the top!
• To what extent did the reform
movements of the mid-1800s
improve life for Americans?
Class Activity
• Read & complete sections 18.2-18.7 of your
graphic organizer.
• Must have completed for tomorrow.
• Today is a workday. Enjoy the music!
– ATTN: For a much more efficient work day, I will
not be taking requests for songs.
– Thank You.
• As you read sections 18.2-18.7, complete the
graphic organizer as you learn about the key
figures and events of the reform movement of
the mid-19th Century.
• Use the following terms to write above each
box on the graphic organizer: Beginnings of
Reform, Prison Reform, Women’s Rights,
Seneca Falls, Education Reform, Abolitionism
• New Term: Grievance – a complaint against an
unfair condition.
• Have these finished for tomorrow. You will
work on them all class period today.
Day #3
Response Group
• Please take out “Excerpt A.”
• We will examine 4 excerpts from the Declaration
of Sentiments.
• Redress – correction of an unfair condition
• Review the 3 Steps…(on handout)
• Look at “Fact Sheet on Women in the U.S. Today.”
– You will use these facts, as well as your own
experiences, during this activity.
• …next slide…
Response Group
• Groups may be asked to share their written
responses…so be prepared.
– The role of the Presenter will rotate with each excerpt so
that everyone in the group will be the Presenter at least
• Reminder: You must use the facts from the handout or
from your own personal experience, to defend your
stance for each spectrum.
• ATTN: All Presenters must use this phrase when they
begin, “(Name of previous Presenter, our group
disagrees/agrees with your group’s placement
• Each group, complete “Excerpt A.”
Excerpt A:
“He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable
[undeniable] rights to the elective franchise [vote]. He
has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation
of which she had no voice.”
Excerpt B:
“He has monopolized [dominated] nearly all the
profitable employments, and from those she is
permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty
remuneration [pay].”
Excerpt C:
“He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a
thorough education, all colleges being closed against
Excerpt D:
“He has created a false sense of public sentiment by
giving to the world a different code of morals for men
and women.”
Debriefing the Activity
Question #1: In what areas have women
made progress since the Seneca Falls
Convention? Why have they made so much
progress in these areas?
Debriefing the Activity
Question #2: In what areas have women
made the least progress since the Seneca Falls
Convention? Why have they made so little
progress in these areas?
Debriefing the Activity
Question #3: What actions are women and
men taking today to continue to redress the
grievances in the Declaration of Sentiments?
Day #4 - Monday
• DNA – Walk up to the front of the room and take
a blank piece of white paper and the handout
next to it back to your desk. Next, take out your
Ch. 13 Reform Age “packet” and place it on your
desk. Begin working on the assignment below:
• Complete the illustrated timeline in class today.
– (see handout)
• You have the entire class period to work on your
– Due tomorrow on Tuesday.
Day #5 - Tuesday
• Read “Women Speak Out For Equal Rights” and
complete the corresponding assignment on your
• Work on this over the next three days!
– There will be NO traditional test.
– This will be an alternative assessment and it will be for
a test grade (75 points).
– Use the handout for help on how to write a eulogy. Or
go to:
– Make sure you put your best effort into it!
– Be creative…as you WILL be graded on creativity.
3-day film Iron Jawed Angels
• We will spend ONE DAY in class on this, which
will be the day after the film Iron Jawed
Angels ends.
• It’ll probably be this Friday…which means the
Eulogy paper will be due by the beginning of
class on Tuesday…since there is NO school for
students on Monday!!!
Fri.=In-class / Mon.=DUE