George “Daddy” HW Bush

George H. W. Bush
Period 5 AP U.S. History
Full Name: George Herbert Walker Bush
He was born on June 12, 1924 in Milton,
Massachusetts. His family moved to
Greenwich, Connecticut shortly after his
His father, Prescott Bush, became
Connecticut’s senator.
On his 18th birthday, George enlisted in the
armed forces, becoming the country’s
youngest commissioned pilot.
He also served in the World War II on 58
missions from 1942 to 1945. He was
awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
After the war he studied economics at Yale
In 1951 he created the Bush-Overby Oil
Development, an oil-drilling business in
In addition to that, he joined Thomas J.
Devine, a former CIA officer, to create
Zapata Oil.
Background/Family Cont.
George Bush married Barbara
Pierce on January 6, 1945, only
weeks after his return from the
The couple produced the following
- George Walker Bush (born 1946)
- Pauline Robinson Bush ("Robin",
1949–1953, died of leukemia)
- John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (born
- Neil Mallon Bush (born 1955)
- Marvin Pierce Bush (born 1956)
- Dorothy Bush Koch (born 1959)
Rise to Presidency
Bush started his political career in 1964
as Chairman of the Republican Party and
later then involved into making policies
and made him aim for a US Senate seat
from Texas.
Bush was later elected to a House
Representative Seat from the 7th district of
Texas over Democratic Briscoe in 1966.
During his Representative Seat he was
later given the head of House Ways and
Means Committee where he voted to
abolish the military draft. After his first
term he was later re-elected in 1968.
During his second and last term, Bush
lost in 1970 for his 3rd term against
Bentsen, a Democrat.
After his loss in 1970, Nixon appointed
him Ambassador to the United Nations.
Rise to Presidency cont.
In 1980, Bush decided to run for
president in the 1980 election
against Ronald Reagan. Although
he lost in the election of 1980,
Reagan appointed Bush as his vice
When Reagan was shot in 1981,
Bush was second in command for
the country and had 2 tasks from
Reagan on deregulation and drug
Towards the end of Reagan and
Bush’s first term they decided to run
again as a team for Presidency and
Vice Presidency.
After Raegan’s second term Bush
decided to run for president in the
1988 campaign.
George H.W. Bush served two terms as
a Representative to Congress from
Texas in 1964.
George had also been appointed to a
series of high-level positions like
Ambassador to the United Nations,
Chairman of the Republican National
Committee, Chief of the U. S. Liaison
Office in the People's Republic of China,
and Director of the Central Intelligence
George was also a Vice President for
Ronald Regan.
During 1988 Bush campaigned for
Republican nomination for president and
President Bush sent American troops into
Panama to overthrow the corrupt regime
of General Manuel Noriega.
When Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
invaded Kuwait, then threatened to move
into Saudi Arabia, Bush had taken drastic
measures and also vowing to free Kuwait
had sent 425,000 troops and with 118,00
allied forces and 100 hrs of land combat,
had started Operation Desert Storm.
In his early childhood years, in 1942 George
attended, Phillips Academy in Andover and
achieved many leaderships positions.
At the age of 18 Bush enlisted in the armed
forces and became a naval aviator.
While Bush was enlisted he flew 58 combat
missions, on one of his missions over the
Pacific he was shot down by a Japanese
Antiaircraft fire and was rescued by a U.S.
George H.W. Bush was awarded the
Distinguished Flying Cross for his bravery in
He had attended Yale University and was
part of the accelerated program.
At Yale he excelled in sports and studies.
Bush was also captain of his baseball team.
Also was a part of a fraternity Delta Kappa
Epsilon and was also a member of the Phi
Beta Kappa
He was initiated into the Skull and Bones
Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and
degree in economics.
• George H.W. Bush’s
religion is a
- Episcopalian is
defined as pertaining
or adhering to the
Episcopal Church in
Arts/ Culture
• Born in Milton
Massachusetts, family
moved to Greenwich
• George H.W. Bush came
from a family who had a
tradition of public service.
• After attending Yale
University he had started
a career in the Oil
Industry and had moved
his family to West Texas.
After Ronald Regan's presidency he left the US in national debt, and as George H.W. Bush was
taking office he vowed to getting rid of the debt.
Although during his presidential campaign, Bush had promised not to have any new taxes, “Read
my lips: no new taxes.” With the deficit growing 3 times larger than it was in the 1980s and
amounting to $220 billion in debt by the 1990’s. Bush had to resort to raising taxes, which led to
a downfall of the number of his supporters.
America also had landed in a mild recession, that had lasted for 6 months, and the
unemployment rate had gone up, Bush had also signed a bill proposing for additional benefits for
unemployed workers.
After his, “Read my Lips: no new
taxes” statement was justified as
a lie, after taxes had been raised
to help our national debt many
people had disapproved of him
as president.
Bush after his presidency, had
been awarded with honorary
knighthood by Queen Elizabeth
In 1993, Bush had visited the
Kuwait to celebrate the
coalitions victory over Iraq in the
Gulf War.
Domestic Policy Issues
In the beginning of his term, he faced
economic problems due to Reagan’s
actions in the past years. At $220 billion
in 1990, the deficit increased three times
its size since 1980.
With the Congress being dominated by
Democrats, he began to persuade them
to act on the budget. With the
Republicans believing that the best way
was to cut government spending, the
Democrats felt that an increase in taxes
would be a better solution. Caught
between the two political parties, Bush
was forced by Congress to raise tax
Bush went against his promise of “no
new taxes,” that he made in his 1988
campaign which caused the Republicans
to feel betrayed.
Near the end of the 101st Congress, the
president and congressional members
reached a consensus on a budget
package that both increased the marginal
tax rate and phased out immunity for
high-income taxpayers.
Domestic Policy Issues Cont.
• During the same time
as the budget deal,
America entered a 6month mild recession,
government programs
• When the
unemployment rate
increased in 1991,
Bush signed a bill
providing additional
benefits for
unemployed workers.
Foreign Policy Issues
Panama – In the 1980s, a Panamanian
leader, Manuel Noriega was accused for
drug trafficking and racketeering so Bush
sent troops to Panama as well as overthrow
some of their chairmen.
Soviet Union – Bush met with Mikhail
Gorbachev who was the leader of the USSR
in hope of ending the Cold War with the
Soviets. This meeting has been previously
avoided but was an important step to ending
the Cold War and a peaceful period with the
USSR when the Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaty was signed.
Persian Gulf War – When Saddam Hussein
invaded Kuwait, the Iraqis turned to the US
for help. An attack was launched on the US
in which we retaliated but withdrawn before
more problems arose. The Gulf War was
ended and the Madrid Conference resulted
from this.
NAFTA – When Bush and his administration
took control of the NAFTA trade talks, much
was being debated about trades and tariffs
in the US, Canada, and Mexico. NAFTA has
been criticized as much as defended and
when NAFTA was finally adopted, it had
many benefits as well as quandaries.
One Quote Says It All…
“I come before you and assume
the Presidency at a moment rich
with promise. We live in a
peaceful, prosperous time, but we
can make it better. For a new
breeze is blowing, and a world
refreshed by freedom seems
reborn; for in man's heart, if not in
fact, the day of the dictator is over.
The totalitarian era is passing, its
old ideas blown away like leaves
from an ancient, lifeless tree. A
new breeze is blowing, and a
nation refreshed by freedom
stands ready to push on. There is
new ground to be broken, and
new action to be taken.”
- George H.W. Bush, at his
Inaugural Address.
When There’s Success…
With great knowledge of politics Bush
had a long career in both domestic
politics and foreign affairs and knew
the government bureaucracy.
Bush was known for his great success
of foreign policies like the ones in
Panama, Persian Golf War, and the
Soviet Union.
The number one foreign policy that he
made was NAFTA, this was the
agreement between the Bush
administration and the Canadian Prime
Minister Brian Mulroney to eliminate
tariffs traded among the United States
and North America.
NAFTA benefitted America because of
its increase of 54% of economy growth •
with 25 million new jobs created
The Clean Air Act Amendments
controlled air pollution on a national
In1991 Bush accomplished the Strategic
Arms Reduction Treaty (START), signed in
July with Soviet president Mikhail S.
Gorbachev at their fourth summit
conference, marking the end of the long
weapons buildup.
Bush’s successful prosecution of the war to
liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation gave
the benefit of U.S. as leading a grand
coalition, including Arab countries which
had long distrusted the United States. This
experience of cooperation led to a renewal
of the stalled Mideast peace process.
…There’s Failure
Bush’s main failures were focused
on United State’s economy issues
because of his promise of not to
raise taxes.
By not raising taxes it made Bush in
a harder position to reduce the
deficit of America without imposing
additional taxes for the people.
By having no raised taxes, Bush had
to sign the Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1990 which cut
government expenditures and raised
taxes. This is when the people of
America felt disappointed at him
because of his last resort of raising
Another thing on top of the economy
was the fall of Savings and Loan
- By having the Savings and
Loan Industry fail Bush had to
compromise with Congress to
have a bailout program of S&L.
Making cost payers more than
$100 billion dollars, this added
more difficulty in America’s
President Bush in one word..
• ERUDITE - characterized by great
knowledge; learned or scholarly
• Having been in the political game for many years, as a
vice president, ambassador, part of the U.S. Congress,
and most importantly, a U.S. president, he knew how
everything worked, and that
resulted in his success in
many endeavors like foreign
and domestic policies and
as a president.
Worthy to Run for President Today
George H. W. Bush had a significant
impact on our country’s current
economic status. Even though Bush
felt that he had done enough for
economy during his term, he should’ve
continued to work on it. If he spent
more time on America’s economy, our
economy would’ve not been in this
recession that we’re currently in.
He would have successfully ran for
President today, just because he was
President not to long ago. His ideals
on economy and taxes, would
probably be accept by the general
population today. However, he would
have to make sure that his actions do
not disrupt any ties between people,
like what happened in his previous
Polk’s Cabinet Members
After Bush’s presidency, he retired to
his wife to their home in Houston.
While visiting Kuwait to commemorate
the end of the Gulf War, an
assassination attempt was initiated
without success and resulted in minor
retaliations from both sides.
The George Bush Presidential Library
and Museum is the tenth presidential
library was named after Bush and
contains the presidential and vicepresidential papers of Bush and Dan
Received the Honorary Knighthood
Order of the Bath from Queen
Elizabeth II, the Roland Reagan
Freedom Award, and the NIAF One
America Award after his presidential
term was ended.
Bush entered the presidential
campaign of 1988.
Bush had been planning a presidential
run since as early as 1985 against
Reagan, and entered the Republican
primary for President of the United
States in October 1987.
Bush ran against Democratic nominee
Michael Dukakis who focused mostly
about immigration for his campaign.
During his campaign Bush announced
his “thousands points of light” speech
which stated his vision of America
when he becomes president.
For his campaign Bush aimed at the
flaws toward Dukakis like his pollution
of the Boston Harbor during Dukakis’
government reign in Massachusetts.
- Bush beat Dukakis in the electoral college
by 426 to 111. Bush took 53.4% of popular
- This is when Bush became the first vice
president since Van Buren to win a
president election.
" Episcopalian | Define Episcopalian at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at
N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010. <>.
"A History Lesson |" | Your Place for Late-Breaking Opinions. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
"American Experience . The Presidents . Geroge H. W. Bush | PBS." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
"American Experience | George H. W. Bush | PBS." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
<>. .
"Asia Tomorrow." Yale Entrepreneurial Society (YES). N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010. <>.
"George Bush Presidential Library and Museum :: Public Papers - 1990 - September." George Bush Presidential Library and Museum ::
Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010. <>.
"George H.W. Bush -- Academy of Achievement Photo Credit." Academy of Achievement Main Menu. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
"George H. W. Bush." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
"George H. W. Bush | The White House." The White House. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
"George H. W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
"George H. W. Bush Quotes - eQuotes - A Famous Quotes Wiki." Welcome to eQuotes! - eQuotes - A Famous Quotes Wiki. N.p., n.d.
Web. 9 Apr. 2010. <
"No New Taxes Hawaii." Mel's Internet Universe. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010. <>.
"The Malta Summit - Transcript of the Bush-Gorbachev News Conference in Malta - Text -" The New York Times Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2010. <>.
There’s no “I” in Team!
-Oliver Dabalos
Justine Pascual-
-Chelsea Sangalang
Ace Cordero-