WordSkills Lesson 14 AERO 1. aero -- air aerate aerial aerobics aer (air) ate (make) aer (air) ial (pertaining to) aero (air) ics (science of) ANTHO 2. antho -- flower anthology ananthous antho (flower) logy (study of) an (lacking, without) anth (flower) ous (full of) anthozoan anth (flower) zo (animal) an (related to) ARBOR 3. arbor -- tree arbor arbor (tree) arboreal arbor (tree) eal (resembling, related to) arboretum arbor (tree) ium (place) BATH, BATHY 4. bath (bathy) -- deep bathos bathymetry bath (deep) : sinking from the lofty to the depths of the ridiculous bathy (deep) metr (measure) y (result of) bathysphere bathy (deep) sphere (circle) CAD, CID, CAS 5. cad (cid, cas) – fall, happen, accident decadent casualty recidivism de (down) cad (fall) ent (that which) cas (fall) al (related to) ty result of) re (back, again) cid (happen) ism (belief, doctrine) CALC 6. calc – lime, stone, pebble calcification calcium calculate calc (stone) fic (make) ation (act of) calc (lime) ium (mineral) calc (pebble) ate (do, make) CHLORO 7. chloro -- green chlorine chloroform chlorophyll chloro (green) ine (pertaining to) chloro (green) form (form) chloro (green) phyll (leaf) CHRYS 8. chrys – yellow, gold chrysanthemum chrysalis chrysophyte chrys (yellow) anth (fower) chrys (yellow):hardshelled pupa of a butterfly chrys (yellow) phyt (plant) CRE, CREAS, CRET 9. cre (creas, cret) -- grow increase crescendo accretion in (in) creas (grow) cres (grow) scend (climb) ac (to) cret (grow) tion (act of) CUR 10. cur – care for curator curious sinecure cur (care for) or (one who) cur (care for) ious (full of) sine (without) cur (care for) CYAN 11. cyan -- blue cyan cyan (blue) anthocyanin antho (flower) cyan (blue) in (in) cyanosis cyan (blue) osis (disease, abnormal condition) CYTO 12. cyto -- cell astrocyte cytogenesis cytotoxin astr (star) cyto (cell): star shaped cell in brain and spinal cord cyto (cell) gen (start) sis (process) cyto (cell) tox (poison) in (in, into) DOMIN 13. domin – lord, master dominate predominate ano Domini domin (master) ate (make) pre (before) domin (master) ate (make, do) anno (year) domini (lord) ERYTHRO 14. erythro -- red erythema erythrocytometer erythro (red): abnormal redness of the skin emia (condition) erythro (red) cyto (cell) meter (measure) erythrophobia erythro (red) phobia (fear of) ETHNO 15. ethno – nation, race, culture ethnic ethnology ethnocentric ethn (race, culture) ic (related to, having the characteristics of) ethno (culture) logy (study of) ethno (culture, race) centr (center) ic (related to) FERV 16. ferv – hot, boil, bubble fervent fervid effervescent ferv (hot) ent (full of) ferv (hot) id (related to) ef (out) ferv (boil) scent (beginning to) GYN 17. gyn -- woman gynecologist androgynous gynophobia gyn (woman) log (study) ist (one who) andro (man) gyn (woman) ous (full of) gyn (woman) phobia (fear of) -- ISH 18. – ish – like, resembling childish feverish dwarfish child (child) ish (like) fever (fever) ish (like) dwarf (small) ish (like) --ITIS 19. –itis – infection, inflamation meningitis arthritis hepatitis meninx (brain membrane) itis (inflamation) arthr (joint) itis (inflamation) hepat (liver) itis (inflamation) LIBER 20. liber -- free liberal liberty liberate liber (free) al (related to) liber (free) ty (state of) liber (free) ate (make, do) METER 21. meter -- measure perimeter isometric odometer peri (around) meter (measure) iso (same) meter (measure) ic (pertaining to) hodos (road, trip) meter (measure) MOLL 22. moll -- soft mollify mollusk emollient moll (soft) fy (make, do) molluscus (soft boiled) e (out) moll (soft) ent (that which) ORNI, ORNITH 23. orni (ornith) -- bird ornithology ornithivorous orniscopy ornith (bird) logy (study of) ornith (bird) vor (eat) ous (full of) ornith (bird) scop (look, see) y (result of) PHYLL 24. phyll -- leaf phylloid aphyllous phyllophagous phyll (leaf) oid (like) a (lacking) phyll (leaf) ous (full of) phyll (leaf) phag (eat) ous (full of) PON, POS 25. pon (pos) – place. put compose depose opponent com (with, together) pos (put) de (down) pos (put) op (against) pon (place) ent (one who)