HandworkThroughtheYear - Waldorf Homeschooling Connection

The Waldorf Connection
June 24, 2010
Jennifer Tan, MA
Thank you all for listening. Join
me on our adventure through
planning handwork in your home!
“Children who learn while they are young
to make practical things by hand in an
artistic way, and for the benefit of others
as well as for themselves, will not be
strangers to life or to other people when
they are older. They will be able to form
their lives and their relationships in
social and artistic ways, so that their
lives are thereby enriched. Out of their
ranks can come technicians and artists
who will know how to solve the problems
and tasks set us by life.”
–Rudolph Steiner, Handwork Indications
Holidays and Celebrations
Tie-in with curricula and blocks
Look at yearly Waldorf chart
Purchase Supplies
Schedule weekly handwork time
Online tutorials and blogs
Classes at yarn shops, parks/rec, colleges
Amazon Book Shop
Living Crafts magazine
Curriculum, such as Earthschooling
Handwork in the Dell eBook
songs, stories
•spin, knit, crochet, weave
•knitted & crocheted gnomes (simple)
•how to set up the handwork room
•articles about handwork in Waldorf education
•chart featuring year-by-year types of projects and handwork
Dyeing Fun with
Children eBook
A wealth of information on dyeing with natural
ingredients, powdered drinks mixes, gelatin
desserts and more! Wonderful resources for
families who want to get started with dyeing
yarns, silks, eggs, fabrics at home. Written by
master dyer Bjo Trimble of Griffin Dyeworks
and published by Syrendell.
Make Family Projects!
Weaving on a Loom: table runner
Natural Dyeing: silks, yarns, fabric
Felting: ornaments, animals, balls, clothing
Woodworking: sandbox, playhouse, play stands, sailboats
Sewing: curtains, quilting, embroider towels
Knitting/Crocheting: blanket, pillows, washcloths
Glass: stained glass ornaments, pebble bowls
Learn Handwork Yourself!
at least one new craft each year
books, patterns, blogs
songs, verses, stories
do, do!
and work alongside
Sewn puppets for plays
Glass fused into magnets or jewelry
Felted Advent wreath, Menorah or Kwanzaa candleholder
Handspun/dyed yarn, crocheted or knitted into scarves
Whittled, carved, sanded candleholders, animals, frames
Finger crocheted bookmarkers, spiral paths, birthday rings
Ukrainian or natural egg dyeing
Window stars for holidays, seasons, birthdays
Soaps, oils, lotions, aromatherapy products for home and gifts
Felted balls for games, math, garland
Polished stones for rock classifying and jewelry
Woven placemats for special dinners and holidays
Origami animals for storytelling
Woven baskets with reeds, pine needles, cane
Metal forging, copper chasing, soldering stained glass
Leather (sewn, stamped) belts, shoes, bracelets
Ceramic bowls built by hand or on the wheel
Learn and love the handwork before teaching it to children!
Take classes, look at YouTube, take private lessons.
Look at Waldorf recommendations for type of handwork per grade level, and relate to
blocks and child’s interests.
Schedule handwork time each week. Remember that some projects will take much
longer than you plan for!
Work on “Family Projects” together regularly.
Start holiday and gift projects early!
Get involved in swaps and exchanges to get ideas from other crafty parents.
Have a room or area set up with materials that are easy-to-reach and use. When a
project is in sight, it will get worked on!
Sing, say verses, share stories, play games, or play music in the background while
doing handwork.
Come follow my blog, get one of my eBooks, come take a workshop, and email me,
any time!
All teaching
must take an
artistic form.
--Rudolph Steiner
Ravelry: gyi
Facebook: Syrendell