File - live to Create

Facebook U
Annalisa Bove, Noemi Munoz, Catherine Nolli,
Zach Parrish, Michelle Sanchez, Torrean Slaughter
Facebook is losing the loyalty of its original
target market.
Facebook was created by Marc Zuckerberg in 2004 to serve as
a network for college students (specifically ivy league at the
time). Over the years it has shaped itself into a central space for
anyone to communicate, play games, see advertisements,
research companies, share photos and much more. Loyalty is
an area that Facebook is beginning to lack in and this is due to
the neglect in their original target market. Many of Facebook’s
recent updates have actually complicated navigation instead
of simplifying it. With many other social media competitors,
young adults are conforming to simpler alternatives such as
Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr because of dissatisfaction and
boredom on Facebook. Increased competition in the social
media market has made it difficult for Facebook to keep it’s
users engaged. Our mission, therefore, is to remind college
students of the benefits of using Facebook, as well as
introducing some new features, with the objective of improving
their online experience. It is not too late to remind students of
why they need Facebook, because Facebook began with U.
Catherine Nolli
Facebook began as an exclusive online
network for Harvard University students, the
school that Zuckerberg himself attended.
After just a few short weeks Facebook went viral spreading to
nearly half of the schools in the Boston area. As a result, students in
Boston demanded a ‘Boston Network’. Zuckerberg then recruited
several of his friends to help build, improve, and execute
Facebook and after four months, over thirty colleges had acquired
Facebook networks. In 2005 Facebook was opened to high school
students which prompted the release of Facebook’s most popular
feature, photo sharing. As the number of Facebook users
increased by the millions, many companies tried to buy Facebook
and each offer was declined. In Fall of 2006, Facebook was
officially open to anyone with an email address increasing the
number of users even more rapidly. Between then and now
Facebook has gained many investors. Today it is worth $50 Billion.
In 2012, Facebook announced that it was going to being making a
public offering and on May 18th that year the company went
public, opening on the NASDAQ with sharing starting at $42.05.
Today over 845 million users log on to Facebook every month and
about half that number log on daily.1
1 CrunchBase "Facebook" . (accessed ).
Zach Parrish
Facebook’s mission is “to give the power to
people to share and to make the world a
more open place.”
Facebook believes that increasing connections between people through
their site will lead to a better understanding between diverse groups.2
Before 2008 Facebook's tag line was: “Facebook is a social utility that
connects you with the people around you.3” This tagline was also used by
the company's customer service representatives in effort to inform people
that Facebook was not a social network, or at least had not adapted that
label yet. Between then and now Facebook has changed its tagline
several times. Facebook’s most recent tagline reads: “Connect and share
with people in your life.” You might notice the company changed the
ending of their tagline from “people around you” to “people in your life”.
This shows that Facebook is no longer as personal as it once was, as it was
first created with the goal of sharing your information and content with
people around you on a daily basis (for example friends, family, coworkers), and is not used to share personal content with multiple groups of
people instead (for example acquaintances, people met on Facebook, or
at a party or bar).
2 Gresham, Tom. "The Purpose of Facebook |" eHow.
http// (accessed March 9, 2013).
3 Arrington, Michael. "New Facebook Home Page, New Facebook Tagline Means Too Many Marketing
Meetings At Facebook | TechCrunch." TechCrunch. (accessed March 9,
Zach Parrish
The most important people of Facebook
are Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg.
Zuckerberg is Facebook’s CEO, and Sandberg is the COO.4 Sandberg
oversees Facebook’s business operations including sales, marketing,
business development, human resources, public policy, and
communications. She’s also on track to becoming one of the worlds most
wealthiest women. Facebook makes many important business decisions
daily, some of them involving their acquisition of other companies (which
to date have totaled $1.18 billion dollars). Another one of Facebook’s
highly anticipated business decisions was their release of their IPO to the
public, which took place on May 18th, 2012.5 The release of Facebook’s
IPO raised over $16 billion.
Facebook’s market shares are shared with the top 5 social media sites
YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. According to
DreamGrow, a social media and internet marketing company, in January
2013 Facebook still dominated the market by having the largest amount of
market shares 61.82.54% among it’s competitors YouTube at 21.33%, Twitter
at 1.85%, Pinterest at 1.22%, Instagram at 0,37%, and Tumblr at 0,34%.7
4 Carlson, Nicholas. "Facebook's Most Important People - Business Insider." Business Insider. (accessed March 11, 2013).
5 "Facebook IPO." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Accessed March 11, 2013.
6 Kallas, Priit. "Top 10 Social Networking Sites by Market Share of Visits [January 2013] | DreamGrow Social
Media."DreamGrow Digital - Social media marketing. N.p., 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 Mar. 2013.
7 "Facebook Market Share | DreamGrow Social Media." DreamGrow Digital - Social media marketing. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
Zach Parrish
Companies choose to segment markets to
better respond to consumer needs and
potentially increase sales and profitability.
Since market segmentation involves grouping prospective consumers by
their common needs, Facebook needs to segment its target consumers in
order to better understand and serve their needs. We therefore need to
focus in on our consumers through: geographic segmentation,
demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, and behavioral
segmentation. Geographic segmentation is based on where the
prospective consumer lives of characteristics or attributes of the prospective
consumer lives or works. This may include region, city size, etc. Demographic
segmentation is based on the characteristics or attributes of the prospective
consumer such as gender, race, income, education, etc. Psychographic
segmentation is based on the personality, lifestyle, or needs of the
prospective consumers such as their shopping patterns.8 In order for
Facebook to advertise in an effective way, we first have to understand who
our target market is and what their needs are.
8 Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2009). Marketing Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning .
Marketing (9/e [9th ed., pp. 222-244). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Michelle Sanchez
9 Carmichael, Matt. “The Demographics of Social Media,” Ad Age, May 16th 2011.
Catherine Nolli
We will target college students specifically
as we aimed to do at the initial launch of
The new and improved
Facebook will reach users from
diverse backgrounds, different
college campuses, and specific
interests. College students need
to be reminded of why they
joined the social network in the
first place. We therefore want to
interact with users and
encourage them to give us
suggestions on what they would
like to see on their page, and
what information they would like
to receive specifically.
Catherine Nolli
10 “College Students Deal Hunt on Mobile.” Emarketer,
March 8th, 2013
Facebook has become a part of many
people’s daily routine.
College Student Survey
• Asked 50 college students a list of questions about their
experience on Facebook
• Encouraged participants to share any suggestions they had to
enhance their experience on Facebook
• Compared common results
Self Analysis
• Using ourselves as an example, we agreed to not use Facebook
for a period of 5 days (Wednesday-Sunday)
• Within this time period we recorded what we missed and how
we felt not being able to use the social networking site
• 2 out of the 6 participants were not able to accomplish this
Catherine Nolli
Catherine Nolli
“Not being able to use Facebook was like disconnecting me
from the world.”
“I had to resist the urge to see what friends were up to.”
“After three days without Facebook I cracked.”
“I felt restricted without Facebook.”
“Everything I do involves Facebook.”
Catherine Nolli, Annalisa Bove,
Zach Parrish, Noemi Munoz,
Michelle Sanchez, Torrean Slaughter
What do college students want out of
Amy from New York University:
Honors student seeking internships
Sean from Oklahoma State
University: “party animal”
Main Objective
• Network
• Build online presence
Main Objective
• Make friends
• Never Miss another Event
Main Concern
• Seek a paid internship in NYC
• Be in control of what I see on
Main Concern
• Keep track of parties
“I don’t want to see pointless ads
and information on my timeline
anymore. This is why I stopped using
Catherine Nolli
“I don’t like that Facebook keeps
changing. It makes the experience
more confusing and less enjoyable.
Keep it simple.”
Theresa from SUNY Buffalo: “social
network guru”
Main Objective
• Strengthen skills on many social
networking sites
Main Concern
• Stay connected to many people
“I think Facebook has reached it’s
peak. I still go on every now and
then to check status updates”
Problems and Opportunities for Facebook
• Top Leader of social networking sites
• Largest user base
• Most number of languages translated into
• It is a household name
• Mobile use is very high
• Unites other social media sites in one place
• Video chat
• Networking
• College students are losing interest
• Timeline setup: many users did not like it
• Hard to remove content once it is uploaded
• Many fake accounts
• Facebook makes money from its ads: will users
get tired of seeing so many ads?
• Public Display on Internet
• Unable to generate nearly as much revenue as
other social media sites such as MySpace
• Facebook privacy
Annalisa Bove, Noemi Munoz
Advertising for small and big business on
business page
Making platform user friendly to initial target
market: college students
Facebook marketplace where users can see
the latest ads posted
Expansion into China
Ad expansion through profile “likes”
Becoming partners with other websites such as
Amazon and Netflix
Many users are getting bored of Facebook:
could downfall similar to MySpace
Many similar sites are copying what they have
Other social media such as Pinterest and
LinkedIn may take away market share due to its
more centralized target audience
What is Facebook currently doing to
increase usage on the site?
From Facebook’s beginning in 2004 up to the beginning of 2012,
Facebook has not made any type of marketing or advertising for itself.
They were not spending money on marketing campaigns or new tag
lines. Facebook makes its revenue from advertisements made through
them and through payments made. This social media giant has been
able to survive on its name alone.
With the introduction of Facebook Exchange, a commercial on
YouTube, and the overhaul change of its Newsfeed, Facebook is
gearing itself up for major changes to bring back the original reason
why Facebook was created in the first place; to stay connected.11
11 “Facebook tests targeted advertising on News Feed; Facebook is testing a system of advertising on its
recently overhauled News Feed that targets adverts according to the website a user has recently visited.”
Telegraph Online. 27 Mar. 2013. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
Noemi Munoz
Facebook has launched Facebook
Exchange which will help with targeted
advertising in Newsfeed.
Facebook is trying a new system of advertising that place
targeted ads between the posts of other users on your Newsfeed.
Up until now, ads on Facebook were always on the right-hand
side. Facebook believes by putting the ads in between user posts
they will be eight times more effective than the ads used prior to
the change.12 Facebook hopes that this will create more useful
ads for its users since the ads will be based on the user’s previous
website searches. This method is called “retargeting” and is called
Facebook Exchange on the website. This will hopefully bring users
to stay on Facebook for longer periods of time and have
advertisers spend more money.13
12 “Facebook tests targeted advertising in newsfeeds.” Financial Times 27 Mar. 2013: 19. Business Insights:
Essentials. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
13 Williams, Christopher. “Facebook makes bid for more attention and advertising.” Daily Telegraph [London,
England] 8 Mar. 2013. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 1 Apr 2013.
Noemi Munoz
Facebook celebrates 1 million members
by releasing first ever video advertisement.
In October of 2012, Facebook celebrated the reaching of one billion members. To
mark that event, they released their first ever advertising commercial. The
commercial, “The Things That Connect Us”, is a short video created by Wieden +
Kennedy, the agency responsible for the Nike ads. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
says of the video, “For the first time in our history we’ve made a brand video to
express what our place is on this earth. We believe that the need to open up and
connect is what makes us human. It’s what brings us together. It’s what brings
meaning to our lives.”14 One of the tag lines that are used is “Chairs are like
This 90 seconds ad shown below shows its members different things that connect
them and how Facebook is part of that connection. This ad was supposed to
eventually be on TV but to date it is only on Facebook’s website and YouTube.15 16
14 Stern, Joanna . "Facebook (FB) Celebrates a Billion Users With a New Advertisement - ABC News." - Breaking News, Latest News & Top Video News - ABC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
15 Starke, Petra . "Facebook releases first ad, compares itself to a chair." Fox News. N.p., 7 Oct. 2012. Web. 1
Apr. 2013. <>.
16 Facebook. “The Things that Connect Us.” YouTube. TheOfficialFacebook. 1 Apr. 2013
Noemi Munoz
Facebook eliminates the need to look
anywhere else because the information
you need is already accessible on the site.
Facebook needs a unique selling proposition that its users will remember. We
are targeting college students, between the ages of 18-24. Our new unique
selling proposition will therefore fit this specific user category. With the large
amount of users on Facebook, one of the unique advantages it has over all
other social media sites is its user count. With the mass amount of users on
Facebook, there is a flow of countless different types of information. This
information may include restaurant suggestions in a specific area, concert
tickets that just went on sale, the best nightclubs and events for a certain
weekend, and much more.
Unlike other social networking sites that limit their users’ experience, Facebook
offers its users a wide range platform that connects the user’s multiple profiles.
By integrating these profiles into one single place, Facebook has improved user
experience. The new Facebook will be customizable. We will include panels to
choose from that will be of interest to college students.
Catherine Nolli, Michelle Sanchez, Torrean Slaughter
Facebook U- “Its Facebook for U”
The rebirth of Facebook has sought out ways to tailor its
features to fit the specific needs of college students. It
will be easy to use and efficient unlike its current format
which both confused and discouraged many of its loyal
users. With the addition of Facebook U, college students
will have the exclusive opportunity to create a subprofile by simply entering in their University email
address (.edu) upon registering, to verify that they are
students. This sub-account will be called ‘U.’ This subaccount will be exclusive to college students which
brings back the reason why the network was created in
the first place. This sub-profile will offer new features that
are fit for college life and affords college students the
opportunity to connect with other students their own
age in one space, while still keeping their general
Facebook profile.
Catherine Nolli, Michelle Sanchez, Torrean Slaughter
Use It While U Can.
• The new Facebook U is only available to college
students. Users can only sign up once they are in
college and are removed once they graduate to
keep this group of users exclusive.
• With all the discounts and advantages Facebook
U users will receive, we will encourage them to
take advantage of the opportunity while they
can before they are removed from the exclusive
U community.
• There will be a special offer of an extended 1
year post graduation admission to Facebook U for
college Juniors and Seniors who sign up within the
first month of the release of U.
Torrean Slaughter
Students use Facebook to maintain
relationships with people they already know.
However, participants also use Facebook out of boredom or in
response to computer-mediated communication initiated by
someone else. Only a small number of students use Facebook to
meet new people.17 We want to provide students with simple to use
and new features to create a better experience for Facebook users
and decrease the level of boredom users feel when they are on the
site. Because Facebook users are currently spending less time on the
site, it has to tailor to the specific needs and wants of their user base
in order to create a positive and lasting relationship. This leads to the
introduction of:
1. Bulletin
2. Custom Ads
3. My News
4. Picture Roll
17 Maria Kalpidou, Ph.D., Dan Costin, M.A., and Jessica Morris, B.A. “The Relationship Between Facebook and
the Well-Being of Undergraduate College Students.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Volume 14, Number 4, (2011): ABI Inform.
Catherine Nolli
Photo Roll
Catherine Nolli
U Choose.
This file sharing application will be
called Bulletin. The Bulletin will be a
file sharing space where users in the
group can edit shared content. This
will make it easier for students to
communicate with each other while
working on group assignments.
Bulletin will be similar to Google Docs.
Many students already
communicate via group discussions
on Facebook and this will only make
the process easier and efficient.
There will also be an agenda tool in
this file sharing space which will serve
as a planner to keep track of
deadlines or any other important
Catherine Nolli
Custom Ads:
Students can select to only see ads
that match their particular interests.
• Local movie theatres, discounted
newspaper subscriptions, gym
memberships, student credit card
special offers, night life, food,
internships, voter registration,
textbook sites etc.
o Ultra-niche advertising to reach
specific users “cherry picking.”
o Being successful in social
media is all about finding a
way to interact with the
o By tailoring users’ experience
on Facebook they will have
more available to them on one
single social media platform.
18 Larocco, Michael. 2010. “Ultra Niche Advertising,
Cherry Picking Now Possible with Facebook, Google
Ads.” Business Source Premier, EBSCOHOST (accessed
March 12, 2013)
Facebook currently launched new ways to
filter Newsfeed.
My News:
These include a Photos feed of Facebook
and Instagram photos, and a revamped
Music feed of what friends are listening
to, concerts, and new albums, according
to multiple sources both within and close
to Facebook. If the “new look” for the
news feed that it’s unveiling works, it
could get users to spend more of their
time on Facebook because they will be
receiving a large traffic of more intense
advertisements. Content-specific feeds
have been hard to access, and the “Top
News” or “Most Recent” sorting options
usually just re-shuffles content rather than
surfacing different stories that may be of
interest to the user. In October 2012,
Facebook added a Pages-only feed that
only shows updates from Pages you
Like.19 We will work on making this feed
more attractive and noticeable to the
end users.
19 Constine, Josh. “Facebook Will Launch ContentSpecific News Feeds, Bigger Photos And Ads On
Thursday,” TechCrunch.
Catherine Nolli
Photo Roll:
More and more online users are
preferring pictures rather than text. In
conducting our primary research, many
students said that they wished people
would not talk so much about irrelevant
things on Facebook. This is obviously
something that Facebook cannot
control however we can give users more
options. One of the most common
weaknesses that Facebook has is status
updates. By introducing a separate
Newsfeed called the Photo Roll, users
can filter content and only look at
pictures. Users can have the best of the
both worlds because they now have the
option of only seeing what they want.
We will also remind our users of the
current benefits of Facebook.
•Birthdays: With the busy schedule that college students have, who
has the time to remember everyone’s birthday? You don’t need to
because Facebook keeps track for you!
•Events: Get invited to parties/social events or school related
events on Facebook, and have the option of creating your own!
•Groups: Stay connected with classmates by forming groups to
discuss class assignments, and form groups for campus clubs and
organizations projects.
•Communication: If you lost your phone, or don’t have a way of
communicating with someone immediately, get on Facebook!
By appealing to the need to fit in, to always be aware of what is
going in one’s community, our goal is to position Facebook as a
central location of all social information for college students. We
want to make it feel exclusive again, but without taking out the
other members completely.
Catherine Nolli, Michelle Sanchez,
Torrean Slaughter
“Why weren’t you at the party last night?
It was on Facebook.”
30 Second Commercial Spots: We will show our target audience that without Facebook,
they will miss out on a vast amount of information that only Facebook users receive on a
daily basis. We will advertise our USP in commercials where we will ask users: “Why find
out tomorrow when U can find out today?”
Commercial Spot 1: Scene will
entail a student walking into her
dorm asking her roommate why
she missed the party last night if it
was on Facebook.
Catherine Nolli
Commercial Spot 2: Scene will
entail a student asking his group
member why he didn’t show up to
the meeting if it was posted on
Commercial Spot 3: Scene will
entail an upset student because his
“friend” forgot his birthday.
Opportunities for College Students!
Brand Ambassadors
Amazon Raffle
Compete to Share Our Home
Brand Ambassadors will
represent Facebook on select
college campuses. Facebook
will offer 30 unpaid social
media and event planning
internships to ambitious
college students.
Every Facebook user who
creates a college account will
automatically be in a raffle to
win big.
Duties include:
Create a college subprofile account and have
a chance to win big
Share Our Home will be a
contest in which participants
will post campus life photos to
the “Share Our Home”
Facebook page
5 winners will receive $1000
in Amazon gift cards
The school with the highest
percentage of students
who have switched to the
new platform will win an
event hosted by
Research competitors
Event planning
Conducting primary
research in the form of
Interns will participate in
Catherine Nolli
Contribute creative college
campus photos to join the
movement of Facebook’s
Prize for this contest will be to
have your photo featured on
the Facebook homepage for
one month
The college with the most
student photos submitted will
also be featured on the
Facebook homepage for one
Several factors have to be taken into
account when deciding on a budget for an
advertising campaign of this size.
The percentage of Facebook
users that are between the
ages of 18-24 is 23.4%. In 2011,
Facebook spent $600 billion
on global advertising. This
includes TV, radio, print, direct
mail and other offline, mobile,
and online advertising. TV was
the area Facebook
concentrated on the most,
with mobile advertisements
being the smallest.20
20 Kim-Mai Cutler. “Stats: Facebook Made $9.51 in Ad Revenue Per User Last Year In The U.S. and
Canada 17 March 2013
Noemi Munoz
Utilizing our budget in the most efficient and
cost effective form is what we strive for.
We have discussed how our agency will be creating short
commercials, have our Brand Ambassadors promote the new
Facebook integration with colleges and universities, and use as
much market research as possible to reach our goals. With the
amount of 30 million dollars that we have selected as our budget,
we will be able to achieve great success with our campaign.
To target this group and combine the ideas of our creative strategy
brief, the budget for this campaign will be $30 million dollars. This
amount will mainly be broken down between TV air time, our new
Brand Ambassadors program, and new web design. With TV, we will
be creating several 30 second commercials that will be shown on
popular channels that college students watch such as: MTV, ESPN,
NBC, FOX and ABC. These 3 goals will be important because they
ass serve as reminders for our consumers as to how Facebook now
allows you to connect with people on an even more selective level.
Noemi Munoz
What will the budget be used for?
There are many changes being made
on Facebook, for college students
specifically, and they should therefore
be well aware of what we have to offer
and how they can navigate through
these different channels. This budget will
also include the money we will need for
all the market research that will be
conducted for these new features. We
plan to conduct focus groups, surveys
and interview our users as well, in order
for us to see what our target audience
consists of and better understand the
opinions, of our users, as to what
Facebook is missing, and what needs
improvement. This will keep users coming
back to our site more than just once a
day. The last portion of our budget will
go towards events hosted by Facebook
and contest giveaways.
TV – 30 sec
Noemi Munoz
Setting goals is important but making sure
they are measurable is more important.
Increase brand loyalty
Increase revenue
Encourage students to log
on daily
Obtain 5% increase in target
market user base within the
first year
Increase engagement on
Annalisa Bove, Catherine Nolli
Perception of brand
Commitment to
• Word of mouth
• Facebook U
• Monitoring traffic on
Facebook U
• Participants in
Return on
Receive more money
from advertisements
Return on marketing
Increase college
student user base
Acquire more users
What we are recommending is as follows…
Facebook should keep their main focus on college students (ages 18-24) since college students
are Facebook’s largest target market.
To keep users on Facebook, Facebook should keep adding new features that makes Facebook
more appealing than other social networking sites. Intergrading other social networking sites with
Facebook, that way Facebook can still calm most of the market shares.
Although Facebook’s main target audience is college students, Facebook should remember to
stay appealing to all ages to prevent a loss in market shares. An example of this would be when
Facebook added games to it’s site
Many Facebook users do not use Facebook to the fullest. Some people don’t even update their
status, they just use Facebook to see what friends and family are up to. Facebook wants you to
be connected and share. An example of this would be Spotify and Fandango apps which shares
users activity on Facebook.
Too Many Ads
Facebook should either
limit ads or make ads
more customizable
based on what
Facebook pages each
user ‘likes’, that way users
wouldn’t have such a
negative response to the
ads on their page.
Zach Parrish
Too Many Status Updates
Many users find Facebook
status updates annoying
and irrelevant. User would
prefer to see photos and
other types of shared
Too Many Site Updates
Facebook updates the
layout of it’s site too often, or
at least the user feel so. For
most users it’s frustrating and
a turn off to have to relearn
how to navigate through
Facebook. Updating site
layout or adding new
features should be gradual
instead of all at once.
A message to our Facebook community:
We want U to remember how important Facebook is
to your life. We want U to feel like you’re a part of
something greater than just any social network. We
want U to feel connected with not only your closest
friends, but also your classmates, school, and
community. U are our number one priority, and U
should have your needs attended to. Stay connected
with people in your age group, people in your school,
and/or people who share your exact interests, goals,
or tasks. Because it’s not just Facebook anymore….
Michelle Sanchez
“Facebook tests targeted advertising on News Feed; Facebook is testing a system of advertising on
its recently overhauled News Feed that targets adverts according to the website a user has recently
visited.” Telegraph Online. 27 Mar. 2013. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
“Facebook tests targeted advertising in newsfeeds.” Financial Times 27 Mar. 2013: 19. Business
Insights: Essentials. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2009). Marketing Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning .
Marketing (9/e [9th ed., pp. 222-244). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Larocco, Michael. 2010. “Ultra Niche Advertising, Cherry Picking Now Possible with Facebook,
Google Ads.” Business Source Premier, EBSCOHOST (accessed March 12, 2013)
Maria Kalpidou, Ph.D., Dan Costin, M.A., and Jessica Morris, B.A. “The Relationship Between
Facebook and
the Well-Being of Undergraduate College Students.” Cyberpsychology,
Behavior, and Social Networking Volume 14, Number 4, (2011): ABI Inform.
Williams, Christopher. “Facebook makes bid for more attention and advertising.” Daily Telegraph
[London, England] 8 Mar. 2013. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 1 Apr 2013.
Arrington, Michael. "New Facebook Home Page, New Facebook Tagline Means Too Many
Marketing Meetings At Facebook | TechCrunch." TechCrunch. (accessed March 9, 2013).
Catherine Nolli
Websites cont.
Carlson, Nicholas. "Facebook's Most Important People - Business Insider." Business Insider. (accessed March
11, 2013).
Carmichael, Matt. “The Demographics of Social Media,” Ad Age, May 16th 2011.
“College Students Deal Hunt on Mobile.” Emarketer, March 8th, 2013
Constine, Josh. “Facebook Will Launch Content-Specific News Feeds, Bigger Photos And Ads On
Thursday,” TechCrunch.
CrunchBase "Facebook.” (accessed ).
"Facebook IPO." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Accessed March 11, 2013.
"Facebook Market Share | DreamGrow Social Media." DreamGrow Digital - Social media marketing.
N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
Gresham, Tom. "The Purpose of Facebook |" eHow. (accessed March 9, 2013).
Catherine Nolli
Websites cont.
Kallas, Priit. "Top 10 Social Networking Sites by Market Share of Visits [January 2013] | DreamGrow
Social Media."DreamGrow Digital - Social media marketing. N.p., 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 Mar. 2013.
Kim-Mai Cutler. “Stats: Facebook Made $9.51 in Ad Revenue Per User Last Year In The U.S. and
Canada 17 March 2013
Starke, Petra . "Facebook releases first ad, compares itself to a chair." Fox News. N.p., 7 Oct. 2012.
Web. 1 Apr. 2013. <>.
16 Facebook. “The Things that Connect Us.” YouTube. TheOfficialFacebook. 1 Apr. 2013
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Catherine Nolli