Name.______________________ Period._______ Introduction to Business -Chapter 2 Outline BI-Economic Activity 2-1: LT-Measuring Economic Activity Define gross domestic product. Describe economic measures of labor. Identify economic indicators for consumer spending. Name 2 components of the GDP? 1. 2. Vocabulary: 1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2. GDP per capital 3. unemployment rate 4. productivity 5. personal income 6. retail sales What types of economic activities are not included in GDP? Date._____________ Name.______________________ List 2 Labor Activities Period._______ 1. 2. How can productivity be increased? Name 2 ways Consumer Spending aides Economic Growth? 1. 2. What are the main sources of Personal Income? 2-2: LT-Economic Conditions Change Describe the four phases of the business cycle. Explain causes of inflation and deflation. Identify the importance of interest rates. Vocab: 1. business cycle 2. prosperity 3. recession 4. depression 5. recovery 6. inflation 7. price index 8. deflation Date._____________ Name.______________________ Name the 4 phases of a business cycle? 1. 2. 3. 4. Name 4 factors that affect Consumer Prices? 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the main causes of inflation? Types of Interest rates1. Prime rate 2. Discount rate 3. T-bill rate 4. Treasury bond rate 5. Mortgage rate 6. Corporate rate 7. Certificate of deposit rate Period._______ Date._____________ Name.______________________ Period._______ How do interest rates affect business activities in our economy? Date._____________ 2-3 Other Measures of Business Activity Discuss investment activities that promote economic growth. Explain borrowing activities by government, business, and consumers. Describe future concerns of economic growth. Vocab: 1. capital project 2. stock 3. bond 4. budget surplus 5. budget deficit 6. national debt The money for capital projects come from 3 main sources, name them. Give some examples of capital projects? BORROWING Name the 3 major borrowing (debt) markets and explain how/what they borrow money for. Future Economic Challenges-Name the 4 challenges the book sees in our future