Bravo -Play Attendance PAPER Requirements (Check for all requirements and initial each section. Attach this rubric to your final paper or the paper will not be graded.) TYPED Student’s initials Teacher’s initials WORD COUNT written at the top-(at least 750 words --don’t count title, name, etc!!!) BRIEF SUMMARY of plot (less than 150 words) in the beginning Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring Student’s initials Teacher’s initials OPINION of the play and EXAMPLES. DOUBLE SPACED ACTING/SINGING/DANCING (examples) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials TITLE of PLAY Student’s initials Teacher’s initials Discuss what you thought of these aspects and WHY: Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring COSTUMES/MAKE-UP/PROPS/SET (examples) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring NAME of AUTHOR or DIRECTOR Student’s initials Teacher’s initials GRAMMAR and SPELLING STORY/PLOT (with examples from it—parts you liked/didn’t like/etc.) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring (proof-read and spell-check your paper) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring PROOF (ticket stub/program/adult signature) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials SOUND/MUSIC/LIGHTS/SPECIAL EFFECTS (examples) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring OVER-ALL THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS on the production (with reasons why) Student’s initials Teacher’s initials and scoring BRAVO- Play Attendance Requirements First: You must either see a LIVE THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE OR you can READ a full length script ( I have many in the classroom) The performances must have clear story lines and be at or above the junior high level. You may not use medley performances, concerts, stand-up or improvisational groups for this assignment. You may certainly use musicals. You MUST write a paper (750 words) for the first play, first term. Attached is a rubric to follow. Second: You must attend our Musical (Nov. 14-16) this semester. This is a requirement and is a big part of your grade, You will also write another 750 word paper, following the same rubric. The cost is $5. If money is an issue, please talk to me and we will work something out. FIRST TERM: Complete a 750 word paper on a performance or script. DUE Oct. 18 SECOND TERM: Complete a 750 word paper on the Musical (Nov. 14, 15, 16). Dec. 6 You must turn in a ticket stub, program, parent note, or some proof of when you saw the show with EACH assignment. Your assignment is due within 2 weeks of seeing the show. Write about it while you still remember specific details!!! You must fill out the critique worksheet as completely as possible. Feel free to attach an additional paper if necessary. Within each section you may focus on whichever elements you would like. For example, if I was extremely impressed with the make-up and costumes, I can talk about those in that whole space rather than describing the props and set too. Any papers turned in after the due date will automatically receive ½ credit. Nothing will accepted more than one week late. You may critique additional plays for 20 points of extra credit. Make sure that you are sharing your opinion of the play and WHY you think so. If this play was good, then tell me why it was good by giving SPECIFIC examples. If you didn’t like it, that’s okay! Give examples of things that happened to make you not like the play. Good Example: If you liked the play, tell me WHY. “This play was really good, because everything fit together perfectly. The costumes were amazing because they were so colorful and exciting, etc. Jasmine really looked like an Arabian princess, etc.” Good Example: If you didn’t like the play, tell WHY you didn’t like it. “The actors forgot a lot of their lines and the costumes weren’t very believable. The King did not even have a crown or anything fancy, etc.” Bad Example: “The costumes were awesome because they were awesome!” or “This play was sweet! I loved it! It was the best! It was soooooo good!” or “I hated this play. It was dumb. Everything about this play was lousy. I wish I had not gone.” Tell my WHY you did or did not like certain things. Give EXAMPLES!! *** YOU MUST ATTEND one night of the Musical Nov. 14-16. You will receive 30 points for supporting your peers and classmates. You MUST use this play for the second term critique ***