What is a Captivity Narrative?

 Separation(abduction)
 Transformation
 Ordeal
 Accommodation
 Adoption
 Return
 Escape
 Release
 Redemption
 The hero/heroine of the narrative can be seen as a
pilgrim or individual Christian confronting the worldly
elements on his/her way to a heavenly plane. Divine
intervention as the redemption factor displays itself.
 Descriptions of strange wilderness and wild
 Detailed descriptions of Native American Life
 Lurking threat of sexual violation by savages
 Include:
 The attempt to arouse the sympathy and humanitarian
impulses of the reader against slavery(not necessarily
indentured slavery of Equiano)
 Emphasis on traditional Christian values
 Show of acceptance of the norms of the dominant
 Emphasis on the cruelty of the slave owners
 Once you have constructed your menu:
 Send one person from your table for 4 to get the
“dishes” you will sample
 Begin a close reading with annotations on the dishes
themselves—no tablecloth writing yet!
 Remember you have to prove that the “dish” you are
sampling came from your menu
 Now that you have thoroughly ingested your “dish” it is
time to SHARE.
 Move in a clockwise procedure around the table—
move your body NOT the tablecloth.
 You have 7 minutes to:
 Find something new to critique about the text
 Question the previous person’s findings
 Ask questions for clarification
 This rotation process will repeat until you have returned
to your original place at the table.
 Finally, you must now ask your timekeeper to give each
dinner guest a 2 minute opportunity to thoroughly
discuss his/her primary meal.
 Then, we will proceed to the culmination of our
meal—Check Please!
Using the following acrostic,
explain the shift from the Early
American captivity narrative to
the 21st century captivity
narrative. Make sure to include
in your work:
 5 of your current vocabulary
 characteristics of this narrative
specifics about the various
 C
 A
 P
 T
 I
 V
 I
 T
 Y
 N
 A
 R
 R
 A
 T
 I
 V
 E
 The following article, written by James Ellroy regarding the
kidnapping and murder of 17-year-old Lily Burk, appeared in the
July 31, 2009 edition of Newsweek magazine. In the article Ellroy
discusses larger issues than the death of someone he barely knew
brings to his world concerning the mysteries of life and death. In
a well-written essay analyze the rhetorical strategies Ellroy uses
to make his point regarding certainty and doubt in the grieving
 Take 10-15 minutes to annotate this passage and formulate your
thesis according to the model we have studied.
 Then, use the remaining 40-45 minutes to write your response.
 All responses and annotation are due at the end of the period.