LBJ PPT - Humanities with Mr. Shepard





Kennedy’s civil rights bill

Great Society

LBJ Howard University

Commencement speech 1965

But freedom is not enough. You do not take a person who, for years has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, and then say, ‘you are free to compete with all the others,’ and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.

Thus it is not enough to just open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates. This is the next and more profound stage in the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom, but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity, but human ability, not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a right, and equality as a result. To this end, equal opportunity is essential, but not enough.

War on Poverty

Michael Harrington’s book, The Other

America (1962) led to:

1. 40 million living in poverty

2. Office of Economic Opportunity

– Billion dollar budget

• Head Start

• Job Corps

3. Literacy programs

4. Great Society costs cut back once

Vietnam War starts

LBJ destroys Goldwater in ‘64

Great Society Reforms

• Medicare

• Medicaid

• Elementary and Secondary Education Act

• Abolished discriminatory quota laws of the

1920s Increase spending for higher education, public housing and crime prevention

• Created the department of Urban Development

• Increased funding for higher education

• Congress passed automobile reforms after

Ralph Nader’s Unsafe at any speed

Influential literature of the


 Unsafe at any speeds (Ralph


 Silent Spring



Civil Rights

• Civil Rights Act of 1964

– Illegal to segregate in all public facilities

• 24 th Amendment

– Abolish poll taxes

• Voting Act of 1965

– After the brutality in Selma, AL, Congress passes Voting Act of 1965 which ended literacy tests in the South


• National prominence began during the

Montgomery Bus Boycott

• Jailed in 1963 in Birmingham

• “I have a dream speech” in ’63

Black Muslims

• Leader Elijah

Muhammad preached separatism, nationalism and self improvement

• Malcolm X called

MLK an “Uncle Tom”

• Malcolm X killed in


Other civil rights groups

1. SNCC and Core

1. Freedom Riders

2. Freedoms Summer

2. Black Panthers

CORE accomplishments

Route taken by the Freedom


Students were testing the decision by the Court in

Boynton vs.


Race riots

• Race riots sprang up throughout UIS cities from 1964-1968

• Kerner Commission

– investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States and to provide recommendations for the future

– Racism and segregation were responsible for riots

– ignored the report and rejected


This year was a pivotal year during the ‘60s


LBJ publicly state that he will not seek nor will he accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States


After winning the California

Democratic Primary,

Robert Kennedy is assassinated by Sirhan



After visiting Memphis in support of garbage workers strike MLK is assassinated after leaving his hotel room by James Earl Ray


Sexual Revolution

Alfred Kinsey

– Found that premarital sex, marital infidelity and homosexuality were on the rise

Karl Djerassi

– Creates the pill in 1960

Women’s Movement

Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan encourage women to seek careers

• National Organization for Women (NOW)

• Equal Pay (1963) and Civil Rights Act


• ERA not adopted during the Conservative

