How to use the worksheet generator and software

This software has been developed to support the use of the TI15 in a classroom.
TI-15 Explorer is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
Mathculator : an interactive resource package is a trademark of Mathculator
The program has three parts – the stand alone calculator, the calculator , videos as help files and the
Worksheets generator. In the trial version you cannot save or print worksheets. However, the trial
version will allow you 30 uses of the software before it will prompt you to consider purchasing it for
either personal use or whole school use.
Website :
Robert Rook at
Carol Moule at
How to use the worksheet generator....
1. There are four different category tabs on the page (Vertical)
The one which is coloured GREEN is the tab that is in use.
2. Select one of the tabs
Press any of the buttons to automatically generate a worksheet.
(Randomly generated, you get a new sheet each time the button is pressed, so saving
is required if you want same sheet.)
 The toolbar at the top of the screen allows for resizing, printing, loading and general
 Bottom left of screen has choices for sending to Microsoft word. Select check box if
you want to send, choices for borders and number of pages for worksheets available
from here.
 NB If sending to word let computer finish sending all information to word first
before going off to do anything else. You will know when information sent to word is
complete when top of page 1 is displayed.
Some examples of fraction sheets:
Simple, Simplify, Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication and Comparing fractions
Quantities of Units and Mixed Numbers worksheets
1. Various fraction types
2. Calculator 2
3. Quantities- Units
4. Quantities – Mixed Number
Basic Skills
Addition/Subtraction of money
Inequalities, Roots, Place Value and solving for unknown values using the TI 15 Calculator.
1. Unknown – ie mixed questions.
2. Place value
3. Decimals – comparing numbers
4. Clock faces and time
Basic Maths
Generation of simple mathematics worksheets, you select the complexity of the equation and the
layout for the screen.
Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Squares and Square Roots.
Tabs here for entering the size for first and second numbers, Find (select whether first number,
second number or the answer to right of equals sign is the number to be found), Orientation for
the problem (horizontal or vertical) and if answer is to be always positive.
Equation pairs button generates worksheet to match the simple equation with either a number for
the answer or a square with the same number of dots as the answer.
Some examples of basic maths sheets – notice that the first and second numbers can be varied in size
and number of decimal places.
1. Changing the numbers
2. Basic skills - Mixed questions
3. Calculator allowed..
4. Equation pairs..
The Tables tab has a huge variety to choose from.
Various table worksheets, press each button to view.
1. Adding with symbols
2. Ordered grids- 4 operations
3. Random order grids – answer sheets there too.
4. Multiplication tables in various forms