Lecture 1: Inheritance Patterns and Chromosomes Disease – abnormal condition of organism or part, especially as a consequence of infection, inherent weakness, or environmental stress that impairs normal physiological function. Phenotype – Genotype + Environment Genotype – Based on DNA sequence Homologous Pair – In genetics, one allele from each parent for each characteristic. Homozygous – Purebred, same allele from both parents Heterozygous – Different allele from each parent Punnett’s Square – Square which shows the different ways in which to cross gametes from the mother and the father, so that all of the possible zygotes are shown. Uniformity – Crossing of two homozygotes with different alleles yields identical, heterozygous offspring. Segregation – Each individual carries two genes for a characteristic, but the zygote only gets one allele from the mother, and one allele from the father. Independent Assortment – Members of different gene pairs segregate to offspring independently of each other. o How is the Law of Independent Assortment broken? Gene linkage. Alkaptonuria – Autosomal Recessive Disorder. A mutation in position 3 on the chart leads to deficiency of homogentistic acid oxidase, which causes the disease o How many molecules per genome per cell? 23 molecules How many base pairs in euchromatin? 3X10^9 bp What percentage of the DNA sequence is conserved? 5% How long is the DNA in the cell before coiling? 2m/cell How many genes are there? 23,000 genes To what accuracy is the genome sequenced? Why is this number important? The genome is sequences to 99.99% accuracy. This is important because any two unrelated individuals differ by .01%. What is an Open Reading Frame? In mRNA, open reading frames code for proteins. Huntington’s Disease – Autosomal Dominant Disease where patients are forgetful, and have jerky, grimacing movements. Marfan Syndrome – Autosomal Dominant Disease Achondroplasia – Autosomal Dominant Disease Osteogenesis Imperfecta – Autosomal Dominant Disease Cystic Fibrosis – Autosomal Recessive Disease. Can present as Pseusodominant in areas where it is more common. Infected patients have severe chest infections and bulky stools. A sweat electrolyte test above 60 mM can confirm. Males with CF are infertile. Sickle Cell Anemia – Autosomal Recessive Bilateral Hearing Loss – Autosomal Recessive Thalassaemia – Autosomal Recessive Consanguinity – Increases the risk of a child with a recessive disease Does limited population size imply consanguinity? No Pseudodominant Pedigree – A recessive allele is so common in the population that it would be possible for a homozygote to have affected children with a heterozygous carrier frequently. What are some examples of Pseudodominant Disorders? ABO, Blue Eyes, Sickle Cell, Cystic Fibrosis. Complementation – Both parents have the same recessive phenotype, but the mutation is at a different locus. All children are heterozygous for both alleles and are unaffected by the phenotype. Locus Heterogeneity – Same phenotype in two different people that leads to the same disease or recessive phenotype. Can lead to complementation in children. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – X-Linked Recessive Pedigree. Child uses Gower’s Maneuvre to rise from the floor. Obligate Carrier – In X-linked Recessive Disorders, if the son is affected with the disease, the mother must be a carrier of the disease. Symbol is a circle with a dot in the middle. Blind or Impaired Vision (due to retinal changes) – Mitochondrial Inheritance example. Mitochondrial Inheritance – Mitochondrial DNA is only inherited from the mother. Therefore, only mother can pass down recessive phenotypes in mitochondrial inheritance. Penetrance – The proportion of individuals with a mutation who exhibit the phenotype. Variable Expressivity – Different symptoms (or severity of symptoms) in individuals with the same mutations X-Linked Dominant – Most of the time, only females are affected because the disease is male-lethal. Mosaic – Composed of two different cell populations (one with mutation, one without). It is a somatic mutation after fertilization. It can only be passed on if in the parental germ line. Polyploidy – Extra copies of the entire genome o Triploidy – 3 genome copies o Tetraploidy – 4 genome copies Aneuploidy – Extra copies of particular chromosomes. o Monosomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy = 1, 3, 4, copies of one particular chromosome o What are the 3 origins of trisomy? Normal (n) egg + 2 separate sperm, each (n) = 3n (66%) 2n egg fertilized by one, normal sperm (n) = 3n (10%) Normal (n) egg + 2n sperm = 3n (24%) o What is the origin of tetrasomy? Normal fertilization (n) egg + (n) sperm. But cell does not divide after DNA duplication = 4n o What is Trisomy 21? Down’s Syndrome. Can also happen because of Robertsonian Translocation. Excess nuchal skin, epicanthic folds, upward sloping palpebral fissues, single palmar crease, etc. o What is Trisomy 13? Patau Syndrome. Cleft lip. o What is Trisomy 18? Edward’s Syndrome. Large protruding back of head. Chromatids – Two sister chromatids are held together by cohesion proteins to form the signature X shape of chromosomes during Prophase. Usually, cohesion proteins are throughout the entire chromosome, but separase removes all of the cohesion besides what is left at the centromere. How often must recombination occur? At least once for each pair of homologous chromosomes. Meiosis I – Separates homologous chromosomes, still 2n. Meiosis II – Separates sister chromatids, results in haploid gametes. How many possible combinaions are there for 23 (human) chromosomes? 2^23 What are the stages of Oogenesis? 2n zygote (1) 2n oogonia (2) 2n oogonia (2) 2n primary oocyte (2) n secondary oocyte (2) mature (n) gamete + 4 polar bodies. What are the stages of Spermatogensis? 2n zygotes (1) 2n spermatogonia (2) 2n spermatogonia (2) 2n primary spermatocyte (2) n secondary spermatocyte (2) 4 mature sperm (n) What are the steps for preparing a karyotype? Draw blood Add phytohaemagglutinin (stimulates cell division) Culture for 3 days Add colchicine (to prevent spindle formation) Cells arrest in Metaphase Add hypotonic saline (fixes cells) Add to slide Digest with Trypsin Stain with Giemsa Analyze Spread Metacentric Centromere – The centromere is in the middle. The P arm and the Q arm are equal in length. Submetacentric Centromere – The centromere is not directly in the middle. The P arm is shorter than the Q arm. Acrocentric Centromere – The P arm is only satellite DNA, and the Q arm is normal. What is the trend of the human chromosomes? As you go from chromosome 1 to chromosome 23, the length is largest to smallest (21 is smaller than 22). What is a misconception about the Y-Chromosome? It is classically defined as acrocentric, but it isn’t because it has little/no satellite DNA. What are the results of non-disjunction in Meiosis 1? Two trisomies, two monosomies. What are the results of non-disjunction in Meiosis 2? One trisomy, one monosomy, two normal. When does non-disjunction most often occur? Maternal Meiosis I. Turner Syndrome – 45X. Short, puffy feet, excess nuchal skin, ovarian stroma devoid of germ cells, infertility. Klinefelter Syndrome – 47 XXY. Male with female secondary sex characteristics (female pubic hair, breast development, hypogonadism). Triple X Syndrome – 47XXX 47XXY – Tall stature What is the formula for barr body number? One only X chromosome is active. Barr bodies = n-1. Reciprocal Translocations – sections of the arms translocate (does not involve centromere) can result in normal gametes, balanced carriers, or trisomy and monosomy. Robertsonian Translocation – Exchange in short arms (Satellites) of satellite DNA. Satellites are lost and there are two centromeres on one chromosome. o Adjacent Meiosis – leads to unbalanced translocation o Alternate Meiosis – leads to balanced translocation Pericentric Inversion – Chromosome breaks on both sides of the centromere. Can result in a ring chromosome. Paracentric Inversation – Chromosome breaks on one side of the centromere Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndome – 4p deletion. Cri du Chat Syndrome – 5p deletion. Cat-like cry, mental deficiency.