Significant Figures (10 min)

Unit 1, Concept 6
Scientific Notation POGIL printouts (3 teams work)
Scientific Notation Practice worksheet (1 per
Key Ideas
Rules of Significant figures
 Rules
of 0’s
 Addition/subtraction
 Multiplication/division
CLO: I can do arithmetic operations and report the
results to the correct number of significant figures
using a POGIL activity and independent practice
Do Now
Calculate the density of a silver statue with
a mass of 105 g, and a volume of 10 cm3.
Do Now
Calculate the density of a silver statue with
a mass of 105 g, and a volume of 10 cm3.
Density =
= 105 g/10 cm3
= 10.5 g/cm3
I can do arithmetic operations and report
the results to the correct number of
significant figures using a POGIL activity
and independent practice
Complete the Significant Figures
Practice Worksheet. Due
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision (10 min)
 Introduction to Significant Figures (10
 Team Activity: POGIL (40 min)
 Significant Figures Review (15 min)
 Exit Ticket (5 min)
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision (10 min)
 Introduction to Significant Figures
 Team Activity: POGIL
 Significant Figures Review
 Exit Ticket
Accuracy vs. Precision
Accuracy refers to how close a
measured value is to the true value.
 are you correct?
Precision refers to how close a series of
measurements are to one another.
 are your measurements the same
every time?
Accuracy vs. Precision
Precise Instrumentation
What makes one piece of lab equipment
more precise than another?
A piece of lab equipment is more precise
than another if it has smaller increments
(spaces between numbers)
(Ex: A graduated cylinder with 0.5 mL increments
is more precise than a graduated cylinder with 1
mL increments)
What makes one measurement of more
precise than another?
A value with more digits (#’s) is
more precise. (3.52 is more
precise than 3.5)
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Accurate and precise
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Precise, but not accurate
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Neither accurate, nor precise
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Accurate, but not precise
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision
 Introduction to Significant Figures (10
 Team Activity: POGIL
 Significant Figures Review
 Exit Ticket
Uncertainty and Significant Figures
Every measurement is an estimate of the
actual value because every measurement
contains a degree of uncertainty or error.
 Error does not mean “mistake”.
 Error (uncertainty) is the variance between
individual measurements that happens
when repeated measurements are made
on the same sample or object.
Example: four students weighed a dime ($0.10)
multiple times using different types of balances.
The measurements in Set I contain two digits. The first digit (the one’s
place) is called the reproducible digit and the second digit in the
tenth’s place (0.1) is called the doubtful digit.
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision
 Introduction to Significant Figures
 Partner Activity: POGIL (40 min)
 Significant Figures Review
 Exit Ticket
Introduction to POGIL
Today we will be doing our first POGIL activity
 You will be working in groups of 3 to facilitate
your own learning around significant figures
In a POGIL activity, you will look at data to
come to your own understanding of a concept
 You and your group members will figure out
the answers for yourselves, and be able to
explain it to Ms. B!
POGIL Group Roles
Reader: you will read all information
Facilitator: you will lead your group in
discussion for each question/task
Recorder: you will write down all
important information, and answers to
POGIL: Significant Figures
Complete parts B, C, and D of your POGIL
activity sheet
By the end of this activity you will understand
 Uncertainty
 Significant Figures
 Rounding with Sig Figs
 Calculations with Sig Figs
Part B - Uncertainty
An increase in precision DECREASES
Part C – Significant Figures
Non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant
Rules of Zeros
 Zeros
between non-zeros are ALWAYS significant
 Zeros in the coefficient of scientific notation are ALWAYS
 Zeros after a decimal point are ALWAYS significant
 Trailing
0’s are not significant
 Leading 0’s are not significant
Part D – Rounding & Calculations with
Significant Figures
Rules of Significant Figures
When multiplying/dividing measurements,
the answer must contain the same number
of Sig Figs as the measurement with the
least Sig Figs
108.4 mi/3.5 gal = 30.97142857 mpg
= 31 mpg
Rules of Significant Figures
When adding/subtracting measurements,
the answer must contain the same number
of decimal places as the starting
measurement with the least amount of
decimal places.
7.6 mL + 125 mL = 132.6 mL
= 133 mL
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision
 Introduction to Significant Figures
 Partner Activity: POGIL
 Significant Figures Review
 Exit Ticket (5 min)
Exit Ticket
Complete the Exit Ticket at your desk, and
hand it to Ms. Bergman as you leave class.
NO calculators!
45 Minute Version of Lesson
Scientific Notation Practice worksheet (1 per
Exit Ticket (1 per student)
Key Ideas
Rules of Significant figures
 Rules
of 0’s
 Addition/subtraction
 Multiplication/division
CLO: I can do arithmetic operations and report the
results to the correct number of significant figures
using a notes and independent practice
Do Now
Calculate the density of a silver statue with
a mass of 105 g, and a volume of 10 cm3.
Do Now
Calculate the density of a silver statue with
a mass of 105 g, and a volume of 10 cm3.
Density =
= 105 g/10 cm3
= 10.5 g/cm3
I can do arithmetic operations and report
the results to the correct number of
significant figures using notes and
independent practice
Complete the Significant Figures
Practice Worksheet. Due
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision (7 min)
 Uncertainty (5 min)
 Significant Figures (10 min)
 Independent Practice (10 min)
 Exit Ticket (3 min)
Accuracy vs. Precision
Accuracy refers to how close a
measured value is to the true value
Precision refers to how close a series
of measurements are to one another.
Accuracy vs. Precision
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Accurate and precise
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Precise, but not accurate
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Neither accurate, nor precise
Accuracy and precision: the target example
Accurate, but not precise
Precise Instrumentation
• lab equipment is
more precise when
it has smaller
increments (spaces
between numbers)
(Ex: A graduated cylinder with 1
mL increments is more precise than
a graduated cylinder with 10 mL
Precise Measurements
Numbers with more digits (places)
are more precise.
3.52 is more precise than 3.5
2.14 is more precise than 2.1
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision (7 min)
 Uncertainty (5 min)
 Significant Figures (10 min)
 Independent Practice (10 min)
 Exit Ticket (3 min)
Uncertainty and Significant Figures
Measurements have uncertainty because
you never know the EXACT value
Uncertainty is the variance between
individual measurements that happens
when repeated measurements are made
on the same sample or object.
The pencil is between 25.5 and 26.0 cm long. The uncertainty is ±0.1 cm
Do Now, Objective (7 min)
 Accuracy and Precision (7 min)
 Uncertainty (5 min)
 Significant Figures (10 min)
 Independent Practice (10 min)
 Exit Ticket (3 min)
Significant Figures
Significant figures are those numbers in a
measurement that are known with
 They matter
Significant Figures
Four students weighed a dime ($0.10) multiple times
using different types of electronic balances.
The measurements in Set I contains two digits.
• The first digit (the one’s place) is called the reproducible digit
• The second digit in the tenth’s place (0.1) is called the doubtful
Significant Figures
Reproducible Digit: a number that can be reproduced in
multiple measurements. All digits that can be reproduced.
Doubtful Digit: a number that cannot be reproduced in
multiple measurements. The last digit in the measurement.
Significant Figures
Sig Fig Rules
Non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant
Rules of Zeros
Zeros between non-zeros are ALWAYS significant
Zeros in the coefficient of scientific notation are
ALWAYS significant
Zeros after a decimal point are ALWAYS
Trailing 0’s are not significant
Leading 0’s are not significant
Sig Fig Examples
Non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant
 234
= 3 sig figs
 3 = 1 sig fig
 5426 = 4 sig figs
Zeros between non-zeros are ALWAYS significant
80.3 = 3 sig figs
3017 = 4 sig figs
Zeros in the coefficient of scientific notation are
ALWAYS significant
3.008 x 106 = 4 sig figs
7.20 x 102 = 3 sig figs
Sig Fig Examples Continued…
Zeros after a decimal point are ALWAYS
Trailing 0’s are not significant
2.0 = 2 sig figs
3.420 = 4 sig figs
700 = 1 sig fig
70180 = 4 sig figs
Leading 0’s are not significant
0.0034 = 2 sig figs
0.09 = 1 sig fig
Multiplying & Dividing Sig Figs
When multiplying/dividing measurements,
the answer must contain the same number
of Sig Figs as the measurement with the
least Sig Figs
108.4 mi/3.5 gal = 30.97142857 mpg
= 31 mpg
Adding & Subtracting with Sig Figs
When adding/subtracting measurements,
the answer must contain the same number
of decimal places as the starting
measurement with the least amount of
decimal places.
7.6 mL + 125 mL = 132.6 mL
= 133 mL
Sig Fig Independent Practice
Get started on your Sig Fig Practice
 1.
– a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o
 2. – a, c, e
 3. – a, c
 4. – a, c, e, g
 5. a, c, e
 6. entire problem
Exit Ticket
Complete the Exit Ticket at your desk, and
hand it to Ms. Bergman as you leave class.
NO calculators!