Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 1 Academic Vocabulary: natural number Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.1.1 Use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. GLE 0506.1.4 Move flexibly between concrete and abstract representations of mathematical ideas in order to solve problems, model mathematical ideas, and communicate solution strategies. 0506.1.2 Make reasonable estimates of fraction and decimal sums or differences using models. 0506.1.3 Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and truncating. 0506.1.9 Use age-appropriate books, stories, and videos to convey ideas of mathematics. GLE 0506.2.1 Extend the understanding of place value through millions and millionths in various contexts and representations. GLE 0506.2.5 Develop fluency in solving multi-step problems using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0506.2.1 Read and write numbers from millions to millionths in various contexts. SPI 0506.2.9 Compare whole numbers, decimals and fractions using the symbols <, >, and =. Resources Pgs. 4-5 Pgs 6-9 Topic 1-2 Pgs 12-13 Topic 1-4 Pgs 230-231 Topic 9-5 TN 27 Pgs. 4-5 Topic 1-1 Pgs 10-11 Topic 1-3 TN 18 Pgs 28-29 Topic 2-2 Pgs 68-69 Topic 3-3 Pgs 124-125 Topic 5-2 Pgs 136-137 Topic 5-7 Pgs 174-175 Topic 7-3 TN 14-15 BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Math stories Place Value Game Math Slice BrainPOP Roman Numerals Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 1 - Continued Academic Vocabulary: natural number Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Decimals Place Value Lesson 1: Getting Started BrainPOP Decimals BrainPOP Rounding BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Place Value lesson, worksheet, answers Place Value Easy to Hard BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Decimals Mixed Numbers Comparing Prices Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Rational and Irrational Numbers Inequalities Decimals Rational and Irrational Numbers Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 1 - Continued Academic Vocabulary: natural number Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Place the Numbers in the Correct Order Comparing Decimals worksheet Answers iculum/Math/compare%20deciamal .htm Lesson 5: Fractions on Number Lines Example 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions, and... Illuminations il.aspx?id=U83 Illuminations2 aspx?id=U102 Bibliography of Children’s Literature in Math Math Videos Math Mysteries Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 1 - Continued Academic Vocabulary: natural number BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator InterpretingData preting_data/play.shtm Reasoning Logic Rounding Numbers Math Games On Soft Schools BrainPOP Word Problems Academic Vocabulary Sports Challenge Academic Vocabulary Jeopardy Guess the Covered Word Vocabulary PowerPoint Triangles Academic Vocabulary BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Game Theory Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Create a Graph b07591e6201b4092be6bde8df1007419 Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 2 Academic Vocabulary: Round, Significant Digits Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.5 Develop fluency in solving multi-step problems using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0506.2.9 Compare whole numbers, decimals and fractions using the symbols <, >, and =. Resources Pgs. 12-13 Pgs 6-9 Pgs 230-231 GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. 0506.1.3 Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and truncating. SPI 0506.2.5 Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and decimals TN 27 TCAP Test Prep pgs 18-19 TCAP Test Prep (reteaching) pgs 20-21 Topic 1 Test Pgs 28-29,68-69, 124-125, 136-137, 174-175 GLE 0506.2.4 Develop fluency with addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers; explain and model the algorithm. Pgs 30-32 SPI 0506.1.2 Pgs 34-37, 42-51, 256-259, 262-263, 264-265 Estimate fraction and decimal sums or differences. TN19 TN 31 BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 2 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Round, Significant Digits Word Problems Decimals Mixed Numbers Comparing Prices Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Rational and Irrational Numbers Adding and Subtracting Fractions Converting Fractions to Decimals Math stories es.htm BrainPOP Inequalities BrainPOP Rational and Irrational Numbers BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Place the Numbers in the Correct Order Comparing DecimalsAnswers culum/Math/compare%20deciamal.h tm Lesson 5: Fractions on Number Lines Example 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions, and... BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 2 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Round, Significant Digits InterpretingData preting_data/play.shtml Rounding Numbers Math Games On Soft Schools BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions Comparing Prices Decimals Mixed Numbers Budgets Compound Events What Are Fractions? Finding Fractions of a Whole BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Proper and Improper Fractions Bingo Subtract Fractions Subtract Fractins II Subtract Fractions III Subtracting Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Adding Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet BrainPOP Estimating Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 2 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Round, Significant Digits Fractions and Quotients Quiz wfs/help/extra_help.swf?tm=/kids/m w/swfs/help/tmfg0601eT.swf Estimation -PowerPoint The Test tp:// Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 3 Academic Vocabulary: Exponents, Exponential Notation, Justify Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources SPI 0506.2.5 Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and decimals. Pgs 34-37, 42-43, 44-45, 46-51, 256-259, 262263, 264-265 GLE 0506.2.4 Develop fluency with addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers; explain and model the algorithm. TN 19 0506.1.5 Solve problems in more than one way and explain why one process may be more effective than another. 0506.1.3 Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and truncating. TN 31 TCAP Test Prep pgs 50-51 TCAP Reteaching pgs 52-55 GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. Pgs 162-165 0506.2.10 Use exponential notation to represent repeated multiplication of whole numbers. Pgs 246-249 GLE 0506.2.2 Write natural numbers (to 50) as a product of prime factors and understand that this is unique (apart from order). Pgs 28-29, 68-69, 124-125, 136-137, 174-175 Pgs 62-63 Pgs 72-73 Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 3 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Exponents, Exponential Notation, Justify BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions Comparing Prices Decimals Mixed Numbers Budgets Compound Events What Are Fractions? Finding Fractions of a Whole BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Proper and Improper Fractions Bingo Subtract Fractions Subtract Fractins II Subtract Fractions III Subtracting Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Adding Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Rounding Numbers Math Games On Soft Schools BrainPOP Word Problems BrainPOP Estimating Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 3 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Exponents, Exponential Notation, Justify BrainPOP Problem Solving Using Tables BrainPOP Using a Calculator BrainPOP Using a Calculator InterpretingData ng_data/play.shtml Math star Hotmath msm2_ch01_02_homeworkhelp.html Math Goodies Exponents BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Prime Numbers PowerPoint Prime Factorization Prime Factorization msm2/msm2_ch02_06_homeworkhelp.html Prime Factorization II msm1_ch04_02_homeworkhelp.html Prime Numbers Worksheet, answers Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 4 Academic Vocabulary: Truncate, divisibility, remainder Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources SPI 0506.2.4 Solve problems involving the division of two- and three-digit whole numbers by one- and two-digit whole numbers. Pgs 90-93, 94-97, 98-101, 122-123, 126-127, 128-129, 130-133, 134-135 GLE 0506.2.3 Develop fluency with division of whole numbers. Understand the relationship of divisor, dividend, and quotient in terms of multiplication and division. TN 22 0506.1.3 truncating. Pgs 88-89 Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and SPI 0506.1.3 Recognize the unit associated with the remainder in a division problem or the meaning of the fractional part of a whole given in either decimal or fraction form Pgs 86-87, 28-29, 68-69, 124-125, 136-137, 175-175 TN 6 TN7 TN 20 BrainPOP Division TNWhole 26 Number Multiplication and Division SPI 0506.1.4 Identify missing information and/or too much information in contextual problems. BrainPOP Division PgsBrainPOP 138-139 Factoring BrainPOP Multiplication Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 4 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Truncate, divisibility, remainder Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. SPI 0506.2.3 Select a reasonable solution to a real-world division problem in which the remainder must be considered. 0506.1.3 Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and truncating. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. Resources Long Division with remainders Worksheet Long Division with no remainders - Worksheet Long Division Worksheet Dividing With Decimals Rounding Numbers Math Games On Soft Schools BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator InterpretingData data/play.shtml BrainPOP Division Example 3: Dividend, Divisor, and Quotie... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 4 continued Academic Vocabulary: Truncate, divisibility, remainder Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Multiplying and Dividing Fractions BrainPOP Division Plotting Fraction Values on the Number L... The Tes BrainPOP Word Problems BrainPOP Game Theory Lesson 3: Multiplying Equations and Work... Rounding Numbers Math Games On Soft Schools Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 5 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources GLE 0506.2.3 Develop fluency with division of whole numbers. Understand the relationship of divisor, dividend, and quotient in terms of multiplication and division. Pgs 90-93, 94-97, 98-101, 122-123, 126-127, 128129, 130-133, 134-135 SPI 0506.2.4 Solve problems involving the division of two- and three-digit whole numbers by one- and two-digit whole numbers. 0506.1.3 Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and truncating. TN 22 GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. SPI 0506.1.4 Identify missing information and/or too much information in contextual problems. SPI 0506.1.3 Recognize the unit associated with the remainder in a division problem or the meaning of the fractional part of a whole given in either decimal or fraction form. 0506.2.8 Understand that division by zero is undefined. Pgs 28-29, 68-69, 124-125, 136-137, 174-175 Pgs 138-141 TN 23, 26 TN 6 , 7 TN 10, 11 Division BrainPOP BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Multiplication Long Division Long Division with remainders Worksheet Long Division with no remainders - Worksheet Long Division Worksheet Dividing With Decimals Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 5 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Whole Number Multiplication and Division Rounding Numbers BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator InterpretingData ing_data/play.shtml BrainPOP Game Theory Lesson 3: Multiplying Equations and Work... BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Plotting Fraction Values on the Number L... The Test Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 6 Academic Vocabulary: Substitution Property, variable, inequality Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators 0506.2.4 Use divisibility rules to factor numbers. GLE 0506.2.2 Write natural numbers (to 50) as a product of prime factors and understand that this is unique (apart from order). SPI 0506.2.2 Write the prime factorization of numbers through 50 using both exponential and standard notation. 0506.2.1 Identify prime numbers up to 50. 0506.1.4 Explore problems in different contexts to interpret the meaning of remainders as discrete values or not. GLE 0506.1.6 Read and interpret the language of mathematics and use written/oral communication to express mathematical ideas precisely. GLE 0506.3.2 Develop and apply the concept of variable. 0506.3.2 yet known. Use variables appropriately to represent numbers whose values are not Resources Pgs 102-105 Topic 4-7 Pgs 106-109 Topics 4-8 TN 8, 9 TN 21 Pgs 138-139 Topic 5-8 Pgs 74-79 Topics3-8 Pgs 146-167 Topic 6-1 Pgs 152-155 Topic 6-3 Pgs 148-151 Topic 6-2 Divisibility Rules Division Eduplace _help.swf?tm=/kids/mw/swfs/help/tmff0404eT.swf 0506.3.1 Evaluate an expression by substituting non-negative rational number values for letter variables in the expression. Amby’s Math Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 6 continued Academic Vocabulary: Substitution Property, variable, inequality Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.3.3 Understand and apply the substitution property. Resources BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Prime Numbers PowerPoint Prime Factorization Prime Factorization msm2/msm2_ch02_06_homeworkhelp.html Prime Factorization II msm1/msm1_ch04_02_homeworkhelp.html Prime Numbers Worksheet, answers BrainPOP Standard and Scientific Notation BrainPOP Roman Numerals Example 3: Prime and Composite Numbers--... Hotmath Help with Fractions Prime Quiz BrainPOP Game Theory BrainPOP Inequalities Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 6 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Substitution Property, variable, inequality Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Equations with Variables Associative Property Graphing and Solving Inequalities Graphing Linear Equations Polynomials Two-Step Equations Word Problems Variables Variable Video ndex.html Variables worksheet, answers df Order of Operations Game AAA Math Equations Variables Worksheet and answers Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 6 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Substitution Property, variable, inequality Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources nequalities Substitution Property Video Substitution Property Video II Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 7 Academic Vocabulary: Solution Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators 0506.1.6 Communicate answers in correct verbal and numerical form; including use of mixed numbers or fractions and use of units. SPI 0506.2.7 Recognize equivalent representations for the same number. GLE 0506.2.4 Develop fluency with addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers; explain and model the algorithm. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. 0506.1.7 Organize and consolidate verbal statements involving fractions and mixed numbers into diagrams, symbols, and numerical expressions. 0506.2.3 Use visual models, benchmarks, and equivalent forms to add and subtract commonly used fractions and decimals. 0506.2.5 SPI 0506.2.6 numbers. Make reasonable estimates of fraction and decimal sums and differences. Add and subtract proper and improper fractions as well as mixed Resources Pgs 158-160 Pgs 224-225 Topic9-2 Pgs 256-259 Topic 10-1 Pgs 262-263 Topic 10-3 Pgs 264-265 Topic 10-4 Pgs 266-267 Topic 10-5 Pgs 228-229 Topic 9-4 Pgs 238-241 Topic 9-8 TN 28 Pgs 226-227 Topic 9-3 TN 14, 15 Pgs 268-269 Pgs 380-381 Topic 15-3 Pgs 382-385 Topic 15-4 Pg 223 What’s Your Name? Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 7 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Solution Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators 0506.1.8 Use patterns, models, and relationships as contexts for writing inequalities and simple equations. Resources BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP GLE 0506.1.5 Use mathematical ideas and processes in different settings to formulate patterns, analyze graphs, set up and solve problems and interpret solutions. Converting Fractions to Decimals Mixed Numbers Roman Numerals Standard and Scientific Notation Medieval Millions Game on Fractions and Percent Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Perc... Lesson 4: Changing Fractions to Decimals... BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Proper and Improper Fractions Bingo Subtract Fractions Subtract Fractins II Subtract Fractions III Subtracting Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 7 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Solution Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Adding Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator InterpretingData rpreting_data/play.shtml Fractions Game percentage/fractions/comparingfractions/game.shtml Cyberchase Game Proper and Improper Fractions Cool Math -Zeeob the King of Fractions Visual Fractions Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 7 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Solution Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Macmillian Eduplace PBS kids ls.swf Decimals worksheet , answers BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Mixed Fractions Adding Game Example 1: Adding Fractions with a Commo... BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Problem Solving Using Tables Graphs Game Theory Coordinate Plane Glencoe Online Math Quiz Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 8 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.4.4 Solve problems that require attention to both approximation and precision of measurement. 0506.4.10 Recognize that measurements are never exact. 0506.4.11 Understand the usefulness of approximations. 0506.4.13 Recognize and use measures of weight and temperature. SPI 0506.4.6 Record measurements in context to reasonable degree of accuracy using decimals and/or fractions. 0506.1.5 Solve problems in more than one way and explain why one process may be more effective than another. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. Resources TN 8 Pgs TN 36-37 Pg TN 54 Pgs 352-353 Topic 14-3 Pgs 364-365 Topic 14-8 Pgs 34-37 Topic 2-4 Pgs 162-165 Topic 6-6 Pgs 246-249 Topic 9-11 BrainPOP Precision and Accuracy Illuminations Measurement Measurement Practice Quiz Measurement Practice Quiz II Measurement Multiplication & Division Measurement with Whole Numbers Estimating Distance - Worksheet Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 8 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Links Learning on_of_Length/index.html Measuring Monsters Tools of Measurement Measurement Woodlands Measures Skills http://www.woodlands- How a Thermometer Works er.html BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Decimals Customary Units Metric Units Fractions and Decimals - PowerPoint The History of Standard Measurements Sizes of Standard Units Introduction: Standard Units of Measurem... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 8 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator InterpretingData rpreting_data/play.shtml Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 9 Academic Vocabulary: formula, Irregular View, Edge, Volume, surface area, polyhedral solid, parallelogram, regular solid, convex polygon. Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.4.1 figures. Use basic formulas and visualization to find the area of geometric Resources Pgs 212-215 Topic 8-6 Pgs 270-273Topic 10-7 0506.1.1 Make and test conjectures about geometric properties and develop logical arguments to justify conclusions. 0506.4.1 Develop the formula for the area of a triangle as it relates to the area of a parallelogram/rectangle. 0506.4.3 Build, draw, and work with prisms by means of orthogonal views, projective views, and nets. Pgs 314-317 Topic 12-8 Pgs 340-343 Topic 13-7 Pgs 308-309 Topic 12-6 Pgs 322-325 Topic 13-1 Pgs326-327 Topic 13-2 0506.4.4 Describe and identify the five regular (Platonic) solids and their properties with respect to faces, shapes of faces, edges, and vertices. Pgs 330-331 Topic 13-4 TN 10 0506.4.6 Decompose prisms to calculate surface area and volume. 0506.4.7 Understand, select and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, lengths/distances, area, surface area and volume. Pgs TN 40-41 Pgs 328-329 Topic 13-3 Pgs 332-335 Topic 13-5 Pgs 204-205 Topic 8-2 Pgs 296-297 Topic 12-1 Pgs 298-299 Topic 12-2 Pgs 306-307 Topic 12-5 Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 9 Continued Academic Vocabulary: formula, Irregular View, Edge, Volume, surface area, polyhedral solid, parallelogram, regular solid, convex polygon. Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators SPI 0506.1.1 Given a series of geometric statements, draw a conclusion about the figure described. SPI 0506.4.1 Solve contextual problems that require calculating the area of triangles and parallelograms. SPI 0506.4.2 Resources BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Area of Polygons Geometry Circles Pi World of Measurement asurement/ Decompose irregular shapes to find perimeter and area. Making 3D shapes SPI 0506.4.3 Identify a three-dimensional object from two-dimensional representations of that object and vice versa. SPI 0506.4.4 Solve problems involving surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and polyhedral solids. GLE 0506.1.3 Develop independent reasoning to communicate mathematical ideas and derive algorithms and/or formulas. PowerPoint Geometric Formulas Geometric Solids and Their Properties Area of a Triangle htm Making 3D Shapes Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 9 Academic Vocabulary: formula, Irregular View, Edge, Volume, surface area, polyhedral solid, parallelogram, regular solid, convex polygon. Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Math Is Fun Platonic Solids HotMath Practice Rectangular Prisms =/kids/mw/swfs/help/tmfg2104eT.swf Reviewing Shapes BrainPOP Types of Triangles BrainPOP Word Problems Using the Formula for the Area of a Tria...Introduction Alien Angles Game Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 9 Continued Academic Vocabulary: formula, Irregular View, Edge, Volume, surface area, polyhedral solid, parallelogram, regular solid, convex polygon. Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Volume of Prisms msm1_ch10_07_homeworkhelp.html BrainPOP Area of Polygons BrainPOP Polygons Area and Perimeter ks2/maths/perimeter_and_area/index.html Area, Perimeter, and Volume Math Printables Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Area & Perimeter ks2/maths/perimeter_and_area/index.html Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 9 Continued Academic Vocabulary: formula, Irregular View, Edge, Volume, surface area, polyhedral solid, parallelogram, regular solid, convex polygon. Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources More on Area and Perimeter Covering Surfaces BrainPOP Polyhedrons BrainPOP Volume of Prisms Categorizing Two-dimensional Shapes Acco... Octagonal Prism. BrainPOP Volume of Cylinders Example 2: Volume and Capacity Example 2: Volume - Pools reasoning Logic Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 10 Academic Vocabulary: Terminating, Decimal Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators 0506.2.6 Add and subtract mixed numbers. 0506.2.9 Explore numbers less than 0 by extending the number line through familiar applications (e.g., temperatures below zero, owing money, measuring elevation below sea level). SPI 0506.2.4 Solve problems involving the division of two- and three-digit whole numbers by one- and two-digit whole numbers. SPI 0506.2.8 Write terminating decimals in the form of fractions or mixed numbers 0506.1.3 truncating. Explore different methods of estimation including rounding and GLE 0506.2.1 Extend the understanding of place value through millions and millionths in various contexts and representations 0506.3.6 Recognize there are many numbers between any two whole numbers on the number line. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. Resources Pgs 266-267 Topic 10-5 Pgs 268-269 Topic 10-6 Pgs 412-413 Topic 17-1 Pgs 90-93 Topic 4-4 Pgs 94-97 Topic 4-5 Pgs 98-101 Topic 4-6 Pgs 122-123 Topic 5-1 Pgs 126-127 Topic 5-3 Pgs 128-129 Topic 5-4 Pgs 130-133 Topic 5-5 Pgs 134-135 Topic 5-6 TN 22 Pgs 28-29 Topic 2-2 Pgs 68-69 Topic 3-3 Pgs 124-125 Topic 5-2 Pgs 136-137 Topic 5-7 Pgs 174-175 Topic 7-3 Pgs 224-225 Topic 9-2 Pgs 244-245 Topic 9-10 TN 1, 4, 5 Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 10 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Terminating, Decimal Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources L.html html BrainPOP Division Whole Number Multiplication and Division BrainPOP Decimals BrainPOP Mixed Numbers Example 2: Decimals--Money for Groceries Rounding Numbers Math Games On Soft Schools Numbers on number line BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator InterpretingData rpreting_data/play.shtml Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 11 Academic Vocabulary: Exponential notation Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.2 Write natural numbers (to 50) as a product of prime factors and understand that this is unique (apart from order). 0506.2.2 Use the prime factorization of two whole numbers to determine the greatest common factor and the least common multiple. SPI 0506.2.2 Write the prime factorization of numbers through 50 using both exponential and standard notation. 0506.2.10 Use exponential notation to represent repeated multiplication of whole numbers 0506.1.5 Solve problems in more than one way and explain why one process may be more effective than another GLE 0506.1.6 Read and interpret the language of mathematics and use written/oral communication to express mathematical ideas precisely. GLE 0506.1.8 Use technologies/manipulatives appropriately to develop understanding of mathematical algorithms, to facilitate problem solving, and to create accurate and reliable models of mathematical concepts. GLE 0506.1.1 Use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning. Resources Pgs 106-109 Topic 4-8 TN 3 TN 8, 9 TN 21 Pgs 72-73 Topic 3-7 Pgs 34-37 Topic 2-4 Pgs 162-165 Topic 6-6 Pgs 246-249 Topic 9-11 Pgs 138-141 Topic 5-8 TN 23 PowerPoint Prime Factorization Holt Mathematics msm2/msm2_ch02_06_homeworkhelp.html Prime Factor Tree Game IXL Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 11 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Exponential notation Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators SPI 0506.1.4 problems. Identify missing information and/or too much information in contextual GLE 0506.1.7 Recognize the historical development of mathematics, mathematics in context, and the connections between mathematics and the real world. Resources Prime Factorization II msm1/msm1_ch04_02_homeworkhelp.html Prime Numbers Worksheet, answers BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Standard and Scientific Notation Factoring Prime Numbers Roman Numerals Example 3: Prime and Composite Numbers--... BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Game Theory Inequalities Adding and Subtracting Fractions Using a Calculator Word Problems Money Visual Puzzle Visual Puzzle II Visual Puzzle III Visual Puzzle IV Problem Solving Brain Teasers Problem Solving II Math Playground Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 11 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Exponential notation Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP Word Problems Academic Vocabulary Sports Challenge Academic Vocabulary Jeopardy Guess the Covered Word Vocabulary PowerPoint Triangles Academic Vocabulary BrainPOP Game Theory Lesson 3: Multiplying Equations and Work... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 12 Academic Vocabulary: Order of Operations Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.3.1 Understand and use order of operations. SPI 0506.3.2 Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions involving fractions using order of operations. SPI 0506.3.1 Evaluate algebraic expressions involving decimals and fractions using order of operations. GLE 0506.3.2 Develop and apply the concept of variable. 0506.3.2 yet known. Use variables appropriately to represent numbers whose values are not Resources Pgs 158-161 topic 6-5 TN 32 TN 16-17 Pgs 74-79 Topic 3-8 Pgs 146-147 Topic 6-1 Pgs 152-155 Topic 6-3 BrainPOP Order of Operations Operations Game Order of Operations Practice der.shtml Order of Operations Video Order of Operations Rules ns.html BrainPOP Multiplying and Dividing Fractions BrainPOP Rational and Irrational Numbers Example 2: Variable Quantities--Animal P... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 12 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Order of Operations Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP Decimals BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Order of Operations Lesson Example 3: Relationships among Variables... Order of Operations BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Equations with Variables Associative Property Graphing and Solving Inequalities Graphing Linear Equations Polynomials Two-Step Equations Word Problems Variables Variable Video ndex.html Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 13 Academic Vocabulary: Algorithm Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.3.3 Understand and apply the substitution property. 0506.3.1 Evaluate an expression by substituting non-negative rational number values for letter variables in the expression. Resources Pgs 148-151 Topic 6-2 Pgs 152-155 Topic 6-3 BrainPOP Equations with Variables GLE 0506.1.3 Develop independent reasoning to communicate mathematical ideas and derive algorithms and/or formulas. nequalities Substitution Property Video Substitution Property Video II Order of Operations Game AAA Math Equations reasoning Logic Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 14 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.3.4 Solve single-step linear equations and inequalities. 0506.3.3 Solve single-step linear equations using inverse operations. 0506.3.4 Solve single-step linear inequalities and graph solutions on a number line. 0506.3.5 Determine if a given value is a solution to a linear equation/inequality SPI 0506.3.3 Find the unknown in single-step equations involving fractions and mixed numbers. SPI 0506.3.4 statement. Given a set of values, identify those that make an inequality a true Resources .Pgs 376-377 Topic 15-1 Pgs 378-379 Topic 15-2 Pgs 380-381 Topic 15-3 TN 5 TN 12-13 TN 44-45 TN 24 BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Inequalities Two-Step Equations Equations with Variables Graphing and Solving Inequalities Word Problems Graphing Linear Equations Comparing Inverse operations PowerPoint Graphing on a number line tml#Inequalities Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 14 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Polynomials Solving Equations: Thinking Algebraicall... Example 2: Equations Using Variables--Pa... BrainPOP Coordinate Plane BrainPOP Graphing and Solving Inequalities Working with Mathematical Problems That ... Example 2: Symbols for Operations and Re... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 15 Academic Vocabulary: Prism Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.4.2 Describe polyhedral solids and analyze their properties, including volume and surface area. 0506.4.2 Find the area of a convex polygon by decomposing it into triangles/rectangles. 0506.4.5 Quantify total volume as filling space with same-sized units of volume without gaps or overlap 0506.4.6 Decompose prisms to calculate surface area and volume. 0506.4.7 Understand, select and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, lengths/distances, area, surface area and volume. SPI 0506.4.1 Solve contextual problems that require calculating the area of triangles and parallelograms. GLE 0506.1.4 Move flexibly between concrete and abstract representations of mathematical ideas in order to solve problems, model mathematical ideas, and communicate solution strategies. Resources TN 42-43 Pgs 332-335 Topic 13-5 Pgs 328-329 Topic 13-3 Pgs 204-205 Topic 8-2 Pgs 296-297 Topic 12-1 Pgs 306-307 Topic 12-5 Pgs 308-309 Topic 12-6 TN 56 BrainPOP Volume of Cylinders BrainPOP Volume of Prisms BrainPOP Polyhedrons Fun Brain Measurement Instructions for Breaking Polygons into Triangles rarea.html Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 15 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Prism Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Area of a Triangle html Area of a Convex polygon on.htm Volume volume/volume.htm#volume Finding Volume. HotMath Practice 1.html Rectangular Prisms =/kids/mw/swfs/help/tmfg2104eT.swf Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 15 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Prism Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Alien Angles Game Volume of Prisms msm1_ch10_07_homeworkhelp.html BrainPOP Area of Polygons BrainPOP Types of Triangles BrainPOP Word Problems Using the Formula for the Area of a Tria... BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Game Theory Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Create a Graph =b07591e6201b4092be6bde8df1007419 Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 16 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.4.3 Describe length/distance relationships using the first quadrant of the coordinate system. 0506.4.8 Identify characteristics of the set of points that define vertical and horizontal line segments. Resources TN 13 TN 9 Pgs 38-39 TN 46-47 TN 61 0506.4.9 Correctly interpret significant digits in the accuracy of measurements and associated calculations. SPI 0506.4.5 Find the length of vertical or horizontal line segments in the first quadrant of the coordinate system, including problems that require the use of fractions and decimals. GLE 0506.1.5 Use mathematical ideas and processes in different settings to formulate patterns, analyze graphs, set up and solve problems and interpret solutions. BrainPOP Coordinate Plane BrainPOP Geometry Perimeter and Circumference help/msm2/msm2_ch09_02_homeworkhelp.html Length Quiz Compare Length Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 16 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources Significant digits ns/lesson23.htm Rounding and Significant Digits BrainPOP Coordinate Plane BrainPOP Geometry BrainPOP Slope and Intercept Example 2: Distance Between Two Points--... Lesson 9: Working with Coordinates BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Problem Solving Using Tables Graphs Game Theory Coordinate Plane Glencoe Online Math Quiz Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 17 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Review 2nd 9 weeks standards Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 18 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Review 2nd 9 weeks standards Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 19 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators SPI 0506.2.1 Read and write numbers from millions to millionths in various contexts. SPI 0506.2.2 Write the prime factorization of numbers through 50 using both exponential and standard notation. GLE 0506.1.1 Use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning. Resources Pgs 4-5 Pgs 10-11 TN 18 Pgs 106-109 TN 8-9 TN 21 BrainPOP Roman Numerals BrainPOP Decimals Place Value Lesson 1: Getting Started Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 19 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Standard and Scientific Notation Factoring Prime Numbers Roman Numerals PowerPoint Prime Factorization Example 3: Prime and Composite Numbers--... BrainPOP Word Problems Academic Vocabulary Sports Challenge Academic Vocabulary Jeopardy Guess the Covered Word Vocabulary PowerPoint Triangles Academic Vocabulary Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 20 Academic Vocabulary: Model Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators SPI 0506.2.1 Resources Pgs 4-5 Pgs 10-11 TN 18 Pgs 34-37 Pgs 42-43 Pgs 44-45 Pgs 46-51 Pgs 256-259 Pgs 262-263 Pgs 264-265 TN 19 TN 31 Read and write numbers from millions to millionths in various contexts. SPI 0506.2.2 Write the prime factorization of numbers through 50 using both exponential and standard notation. GLE 0506.2.4 Develop fluency with addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers; explain and model the algorithm. GLE 0506.2.5 Develop fluency in solving multi-step problems using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0506.2.5 decimals Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and GLE 0506.1.3 Develop independent reasoning to communicate mathematical ideas and derive algorithms and/or formulas. GLE 0506.1.6 Read and interpret the language of mathematics and use written/oral communication to express mathematical ideas precisely. BrainPOP Roman Numerals BrainPOP Decimals Place Value Lesson 1: Getting Started. Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 20 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Model Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP Standard and Scientific Notation BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Prime Numbers PowerPoint Prime Factorization Example 3: Prime and Composite Numbers--... BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Proper and Improper Fractions Bingo Subtract Fractions Subtract Fractions II Subtract Fractions III Subtracting Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Adding Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet s.pdf Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 20 Continued Academic Vocabulary: Model Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Resources BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Comparing Prices Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Rational and Irrational Numbers Adding and Subtracting Fractions Converting Fractions to Decimals Math stories BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Budgets What Are Fractions? Finding Fractions of a Whole reasoning Logic BrainPOP Game Theory BrainPOP Inequalities Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 21 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.4 Develop fluency with addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers; explain and model the algorithm. GLE 0506.2.5 Develop fluency in solving multi-step problems using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0506.2.5 decimals Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and Resources Pgs 34-37 Topic 2-4 Pgs 42-43 Topic 2-6 Pgs44-45 Topic 2-7 Pgs 46-51 topic 2-8 Pgs 256-259 topic 10-1 Pgs 262-263 topic 10-3 Pgs 264-265 topic 10-4 TN 19 TN 31 BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Proper and Improper Fractions Bingo Subtract Fractions Subtract Fractins II Subtract Fractions III Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 21 Continued Subtracting Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Adding Fractions & Mixed Numbers Worksheet s.pdf BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Decimals Comparing Prices Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Rational and Irrational Numbers Adding and Subtracting Fractions Converting Fractions to Decimals Math stories BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions Comparing Prices Mixed Numbers Budgets Compound Events What Are Fractions? Finding Fractions of a Whole Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 22 Academic Vocabulary: Undefined Rational Number, Justify Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.3 Develop fluency with division of whole numbers. Understand the relationship of divisor, dividend, and quotient in terms of multiplication and division. 0506.2.7 Understand the placement of the decimal point in calculations of multiplication and long division, including the placement in the estimation of the answer 0506.2.8 Understand that division by zero is undefined SPI 0506.2.3 Select a reasonable solution to a real-world division problem in which the remainder must be considered. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. GLE 0506.1.7 Recognize the historical development of mathematics, mathematics in context, and the connections between mathematics and the real world. GLE 0506.1.8 Use technologies/manipulatives appropriately to develop understanding of mathematical algorithms, to facilitate problem solving, and to create accurate and reliable models of mathematical concepts. Resources Pgs 176-177 topic 7-4 Pgs 178-179 topic 7-5 Pgs 180-183 Topic 7-6 Pgs 184-185 Topic 7-7 Pgs 186-187 Topic 7-8 Pgs 188-193 Topic 7-9 TN 10-11 Pgs 88-89 Topic 4-3 TN 6-7 TN 20 BrainPOP Division BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Multiplication Long Division Long Division with remainders Worksheet Long Division with no remainders - Worksheet Long Division Worksheet Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 22 continued Dividing With Decimals Multiply and Divide decimals practice Decimal Numbers Divide by Decimals Cool Math Decimals Activities Multiplying Decimals , answers alsGr5WS.pdf Example 3: Dividend, Divisor, and Quotie... Lesson 4: More Short Division BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator InterpretingData rpreting_data/play.shtml Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 22 Continued BrainPOP Game Theory BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions Money Visual Puzzle Visual Puzzle II Visual Puzzle III Visual Puzzle IV Problem Solving Brain Teasers Problem Solving II Math Playground Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 23 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.3 Develop fluency with division of whole numbers. Understand the relationship of divisor, dividend, and quotient in terms of multiplication and division. 0506.2.7 Understand the placement of the decimal point in calculations of multiplication and long division, including the placement in the estimation of the answer 0506.2.8 Understand that division by zero is undefined SPI 0506.2.3 Select a reasonable solution to a real-world division problem in which the remainder must be considered. GLE 0506.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. GLE 0506.1.7 Recognize the historical development of mathematics, mathematics in context, and the connections between mathematics and the real world. GLE 0506.1.8 Use technologies/manipulatives appropriately to develop understanding of mathematical algorithms, to facilitate problem solving, and to create accurate and reliable models of mathematical concepts. Resources Pgs 176-177 Topic 7-4 Pgs 178-179 topic 7-5 Pgs 180-183 Topic 7-6 Pgs 184-185 Topic 7-7 Pgs 186-187 Topic 7-8 Pgs 188-193 Topic 7-9 TN 10-11 Pgs 88-89 Topic 4-3 TN 6-7 TN 20 BrainPOP Division BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Multiplication Long Division Long Division with remainders Worksheet Long Division with no remainders - Worksheet Long Division Worksheet Dividing With Decimals Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 23 Continued Multiply and Divide decimals practice Decimal Numbers Divide by Decimals Cool Math Decimals Activities Multiplying Decimals , answers alsGr5WS.pdf Example 3: Dividend, Divisor, and Quotie... Lesson 4: More Short Division BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Estimating Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Using a Calculator InterpretingData rpreting_data/play.shtml BrainPOP Game Theory BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions Money Visual Puzzle Visual Puzzle II Visual Puzzle III Visual Puzzle IV Problem Solving Brain Teasers Problem Solving II Math Playground Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 24 Academic Vocabulary: Categorical Data, Data Collection Methods, Line Graph, Numerical Data Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.5.1 Make, record, display and interpret data and graphs that include whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. 0506.5.1 0506.5.2 system. Construct and analyze double bar and line graphs. Represent data using ordered pairs in the first quadrant of the coordinate 0506.5.3 Design investigations to address a question and consider how data collection methods affect the nature of the data set. 0506.5.4 data. Resources Pgs 432-433 Topic 18-2 Pgs 436-439 Topic 18-3 Pgs 414-417 Topic 17-2 TN 48, 49 TN 50, 51 Pgs 454-457 Topic 18-9 TN 65 Pgs 414-417 Topic 17-2 Recognize the differences in representing categorical and numerical SPI 0506.5.1 Depict data using various representations, including decimal and/or fractional data. SPI 0506.5.2 Make predictions based on various data representations, including double bar and line graphs. GLE 0506.1.4 Move flexibly between concrete and abstract representations of mathematical ideas in order to solve problems, model mathematical ideas, and communicate solution strategies. BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Graphs Basic Probability Rational and Irrational Numbers Adding and Subtracting Fractions Slope and Intercept Graphing Linear Equations Converting Fractions to Decimals Decimals Illuminations id=L171 GLE 0506.1.5 Use mathematical ideas and processes in different settings to formulate patterns, analyze graphs, set up and solve problems and interpret solutions. Illuminations2 d=U114 Illuminations3 id=U114 Illuminations4 id=L579 Kids Zone aspx Let’s Graph Grapher entalmaths/grapher.html Homework Helper - Graphing msm1/msm1_ch06_04_homeworkhelp.html Billy Bug Game Space Boy Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 24 Continued Eye to Eye Let's Graph BrainPOP Graphs BrainPOP Mean, Median, Mode, and Range BrainPOP Game Theory Comparing Decimal Numbers – PowerPoint Step Three: Design and Conduct an Experi... Choosing Samples BrainPOP Graphing Linear Equations Get It Together: Organizing Information Example 1--Qualitative Data BrainPOP Word Problems BrainPOP Problem Solving Using Tables Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 24 Continued Create a Graph =b07591e6201b4092be6bde8df1007419 BrainPOP Coordinate Plane Glencoe Online Math Quiz Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 25 Academic Vocabulary: Outlier Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.5.2 Describe the shape and important features of a set of data using the measures of central tendency. 0506.5.5 Evaluate how different measures of central tendency describe data. 0506.5.6 range. Identify outliers and determine their effect on mean, median, mode and SPI 0506.5.3 Calculate measures of central tendency to analyze data. Resources TN 52, 53 Pgs 450-451 Topic 18-7 Pgs 452-453 Topic 18-8 TN 64 BrainPOP Mean, Median, Mode, and Range PowerPoint Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Mean, Median, Mode Mean, Median, Mode de_median_mean/read1.shtml PowerPoint Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Statistics m BrainPOP Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Mean, Median, Mode Analyze Graphs Statistics ex.html Median, Mode, Range Mean, Median, Mode, Range Activities Practice Central Tendencies Quiz Central Tendencies Example 1: Line Plot, Mean, Median, Mode... Example 3: Mean, Median, Mode, Range, an... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 26 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Review 9 Weeks Standards Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 27 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Review 9 Weeks Standards Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 28 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.1 Extend the understanding of place value through millions and millionths in various contexts and representations. SPI 0506.2.1 Read and write numbers from millions to millionths in various contexts. SPI 0506.2.7 Recognize equivalent representations for the same number. SPI 0506.2.8 Write terminating decimals in the form of fractions or mixed numbers SPI 0506.2.9 and =. Compare whole numbers, decimals and fractions using the symbols <, >, GLE 0506.1.1 Use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning. GLE 0506.1.8 Use technologies/manipulatives appropriately to develop understanding of mathematical algorithms, to facilitate problem solving, and to create accurate and reliable models of mathematical concepts. GLE 0506.1.6 Read and interpret the language of mathematics and use written/oral communication to express mathematical ideas precisely. Resources Pgs 4-5 Topic 1-1 Pgs 10-11 Topic 1-3 TN 18 Pgs 228-229 Topic 9-4 Pgs 238-241 Topic 9-8 TN 28 Pages 242-243 Topic 9-9 TN 29 Pgs 6-9 Topic 1-2 Pgs 12-13 Topic 1-4 Pgs 230-231 Topic 9-5 TN 27 BrainPOP Decimals BrainPOP Rounding BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Place Value lesson, worksheet, answers Place Value Easy to Hard Place Value Game Math Slice GLE 0506.1.7 Recognize the historical development of mathematics, mathematics in context, and the connections between mathematics and the real world. Place Value Lesson 1: Getting Started BrainPOP Roman Numerals BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Standard and Scientific Notation Medieval Millions Game on Fractions and Percent Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Perc... Lesson 4: Changing Fractions to Decimals... Example 2: Decimals--Money for Groceries BrainPOP Inequalities BrainPOP Rational and Irrational Numbers BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Place the Numbers in the Correct Order Comparing Decimals worksheet Answers th/compare%20deciamal.htm Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 28 Continued Lesson 5: Fractions on Number Lines Example 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions, and... Academic Vocabulary Sports Challenge Academic Vocabulary Jeopardy Guess the Covered Word Vocabulary PowerPoint Triangles Academic Vocabulary BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Using a Calculator BrainPOP Game Theory BrainPOP Word Problems Money Visual Puzzle Visual Puzzle II Visual Puzzle III Visual Puzzle IV Problem Solving Brain Teasers Problem Solving II Math Playground BrainPOP Using a Calculator Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 29 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.2 Write natural numbers (to 50) as a product of prime factors and understand that this is unique (apart from order). 0506.2.1 Identify prime numbers up to 50. 0506.2.2 Use the prime factorization of two whole numbers to determine the greatest common factor and the least common multiple. 0506.2.4 Use divisibility rules to factor numbers. Resources Pgs 106-109 Topic 4-8 Pgs 232-233 Topic 9-6 Pgs 260-261 Topic 10-2 Pgs 102-105 Topic 4-7 BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Prime Numbers PowerPoint Prime Factorization Prime Factorization rk_help/msm2/msm2_ch02_06_homeworkhelp.h tml Prime Factorization II rk_help/msm1/msm1_ch04_02_homeworkhelp.h tml Prime Numbers Worksheet, answers Hotmath Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 29 Continued Help with Fractions Prime Quiz PowerPoint Prime Factorization Holt Mathematics msm2/msm2_ch02_06_homeworkhelp.html Teaching Today Prime Factor Tree Game IXL Divisibility Rules Division Eduplace p/extra_help.swf?tm=/kids/mw/swfs/help/tmff0404 eT.swf Amby’s Math Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 30 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.3 Develop fluency with division of whole numbers. Understand the relationship of divisor, dividend, and quotient in terms of multiplication and division. 0506.2.10 Use exponential notation to represent repeated multiplication of whole numbers. SPI 0506.2.3 Select a reasonable solution to a real-world division problem inwhich the remainder must be considered. SPI 0506.1.2 Estimate fraction and decimal sums or differences. Resources Pgs 72-73 Topic 3-7 Pgs 88-89 Topic 4-3 TN 2 TN 6, 7 TN 20 BrainPOP Division BrainPOP Factoring BrainPOP Multiplication Long Division Long Division with remainders Worksheet Long Division with no remainders - Worksheet Long Division Worksheet Dividing With Decimals Hotmath help/msm2/ ml Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 30 Continued Math Goodies Exponents Example 3: Dividend, Divisor, and Quotie... Lesson 4: More Short Division BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions Comparing Prices Estimating Budgets Mixed Numbers Compound Events Fractions and Quotients Quiz ra_help.swf?tm=/kids/mw/swfs/help/tmfg0601e T.swf Estimation -PowerPoint The Test tp:// Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 31 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.2.4 Develop fluency with addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers; explain and model the algorithm. 0506.2.3 Use visual models, benchmarks, and equivalent forms to add and subtract commonly used fractions and decimals. 0506.2.5 Make reasonable estimates of fraction and decimal sums and differences. GLE 0506.1.4 Move flexibly between concrete and abstract representations of mathematical ideas in order to solve problems, model mathematical ideas, and communicate solution strategies. 0506.2.6 SPI 0506.2.6 numbers. Add and subtract mixed numbers. Add and subtract proper and improper fractions as well as mixed Resources Pgs 256-259 Topic 10-1 TN 6 TN 14, 15 Pgs 266-267 Topic 10-5 Pgs 268-269 Topic 10-6 Pgs 262-263 Topic 10-3 Pgs 264-265 Topic 10-4 TN 33 BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Proper and Improper Fractions Bingo Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 31 Subtract Fractions Subtract Fractins II Subtract Fractions III Subtracting Fractions & Mixed Numbers - Worksheet Adding Fractions & Mixed Numbers Worksheet s.pdf Proper and Improper Fractions Cool Math -Zeeob the King of Fractions Visual Fractions Macmillian Eduplace PBS kids wf Decimals worksheet , answers Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 31 BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Game Theory Problem Solving Using Tables Using a Calculator Create a Graph =b07591e6201b4092be6bde8df1007419 L.html BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Compound Events Mixed Fractions Adding Game Example 1: Adding Fractions with a Commo... Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 32 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators 0506.1.7 Organize and consolidate verbal statements involving fractions and mixed numbers into diagrams, symbols, and numerical expressions. 0506.1.8 Use patterns, models, and relationships as contexts for writing inequalities and simple equations. 0506.1.9 mathematics. Use age-appropriate books, stories, and videos to convey ideas of SPI 0506.1.2 Estimate fraction and decimal sums or differences. SPI 0506.1.3 Recognize the unit associated with the remainder in a division problem or the meaning of the fractional part of a whole given in either decimal or fraction form GLE 0506.2.5 Develop fluency in solving multi-step problems using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0506.2.5 decimals Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and Resources Review for TCAPS Pgs 226-227 Topic 9-3 Pgs 380-381 Topic 15-3 Discovery Education TN 6 TN 14, 15 TN 30 TN 2 TN 6, 7 TN 26 Pgs 34-37 Topic 2-4 Pgs 42-43 Topic 2-6 Pgs 44-45 Topic 2-7 Pgs 46-51 Topic 2-8 Pgs 256-259 Topic 10-1 Ps 262-263 Topic 10-3 Pgs 264-265 Topic 10-4 TN 19 TN 31 Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 32 Continued Fractions Game percentage/fractions/comparingfractions/game.shtml Cyberchase Game Illuminations Illuminations2 Bibliography of Children’s Literature in Math Math Videos Math Mysteries BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Decimals Adding and Subtracting Fractions Comparing Prices Estimating Budgets Mixed Numbers Compound Events Estimation –PowerPoint Fractions and Quotients Quiz help.swf?tm=/kids/mw/swfs/help/tmfg0601eT.swf Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 32 Continued tp:// The Test Plotting Fraction Values on the Number L... The Test BrainPOP Multiplying and Dividing Fractions BrainPOP Division BrainPOP Word Problems BrainPOP Decimals BrainPOP Mixed Numbers BrainPOP Multiplying and Dividing Fractions BrainPOP Rational and Irrational Numbers BrainPOP Adding and Subtracting Fractions BrainPOP Converting Fractions to Decimals Math stories What Are Fractions? Finding Fractions of a Whole Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 33 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.3.1 Understand and use order of operations. SPI 0506.3.1 Evaluate algebraic expressions involving decimals and fractions using order of operations. SPI 0506.3.2 Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions involving fractions using order of operations. GLE 0506.3.2 Develop and apply the concept of variable. 0506.3.2 yet known. Use variables appropriately to represent numbers whose values are not GLE 0506.3.3 Understand and apply the substitution property. Resources TN 7 TN 16, 17 Pgs 158-161 Topic 6-5 Pgs 146-147 Topic 6-1 Pgs 152-155 Topic 6-3 Pgs 380-381 Topic 15-3 BrainPOP Order of Operations Operations Game GLE 0506.3.4 Solve single-step linear equations and inequalities. 0506.3.4 Solve single-step linear inequalities and graph solutions on a number line. GLE 0506.1.3 Develop independent reasoning to communicate mathematical ideas and derive algorithms and/or formulas. bin/alg.cgi?A1=s&A2=3 Order of Operations Practice der.shtml Order of Operations Video GLE 0506.1.5 Use mathematical ideas and processes in different settings to formulate patterns, analyze graphs, set up and solve problems and interpret solutions. Order of Operations Rules ns.html BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Order of Operations Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Rational and Irrational Numbers Decimals Converting Fractions to Decimals Order of Operations Lesson Example 3: Relationships among Variables... Order of Operations Example 2: Variable Quantities--Animal P... BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Equations with Variables Associative Property Graphing and Solving Inequalities Graphing Linear Equations Polynomials Two-Step Equations Word Problems Variables Variable Video ndex.html Variables worksheet, answers df tml#Inequalities Substitution Property Video Substitution Property Video II BrainPOP Inequalities Comparing Graphing on a number line alg/NGraphing.html#Inequalities reasoning Logic BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Word Problems Problem Solving Using Tables Graphs Game Theory Coordinate Plane Glencoe Online Math Quiz Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 34 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators TCAP Testing Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 35 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators GLE 0506.4.1 figures. Use basic formulas and visualization to find the area of geometric 0506.4.1 Develop the formula for the area of a triangle as it relates to the area of a parallelogram/rectangle. SPI 0506.4.1 Solve contextual problems that require calculating the area of triangles and parallelograms. SPI 0506.4.2 Resources TN 11 TN 42, 43 Pgs 306-307 Topic 12-5 Pgs 308-309 Topic 12-6 TN 56 Pgs 336-339 Topic 13-6 TN 59 Decompose irregular shapes to find perimeter and area. BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP BrainPOP Area of Polygons Geometry Circles Pi World of Measurement asurement/ Making 3D shapes PowerPoint Geometric Formulas Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 35 continued Area of a Triangle riangle.htm BrainPOP Types of Triangles BrainPOP Word Problems BrainPOP Polygons Using the Formula for the Area of a Tria... Area and Perimeter ks2/maths/perimeter_and_area/index.html Area, Perimeter, and Volume Math Printables Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Area & Perimeter ks2/maths/perimeter_and_area/index.html More on Area and Perimeter Covering Surfaces Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 36 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Prepare for 6th Grade Resources Grade 5 Mathematics Pacing Guide Instructional Week 37 Academic Vocabulary: Grade Level Expectations/Checks For Understanding/State Performance Indicators Prepare for 6th Grade Resources