• What do you know about Islam?
– If you are a Muslim, instead answer: What do you think your classmates know?
1. Islam GRAPES
Students will be able to…
54. Identify the holy cities of Islam and the places where Islam spread.
55. Summarize the core beliefs of Islam, including the prophet Muhammad and the Five Pillars.
56. Describe the achievements and contributions of Islamic civilization.
Objective #54
• This lesson will follow the broad outline
(the textbook definition) of Islam. We all have different beliefs, even those who share the same religion name.
• You are not asked to believe or agree with all that is taught today, and we will
not have a religious debate.
• Think today about the historical, not religious connections.
• The religion is Islam (noun)
• Believers are Muslims (noun)
• Elements of the culture can be
Muslim or Islamic (adjectives )
Arabian Peninsula
• Founded in the city of Mecca, located on the Arabian Peninsula
• Located at the crossroads of three continents
• What spread along trade routes besides goods?
• Mecca was an important trade hub
– Located in Southern Arabia
– At an oasis
• Yearly trade caravans
• Religious pilgrims worshipping at the
Ka’bah, an ancient shrine (from
Cultural Diffusion!
• Because of trade routes and religious importance of the Ka’bah, cultural diffusion was able to overcome long distances and difficult boundaries!
Objective #55
• Monotheistic with the belief in Allah
• Followed the revelations from Allah to
Muhammad as written in their holy book, the Qur’an
• Believed in the Judeo-Christian prophets , like Moses and Abraham
Muhammad the Prophet
• Muhammad is the final prophet
– Prophets are human
• Given the word of
Allah through the angel Gabriel
• Disrespectful to show his face
Five Pillars
• Today, we list. Next week, we explore
– Astronomy
– Mathematics
– Medicine
– Baghdad (the House of Wisdom)
– Geographic knowledge
– Universities
– Mosques and Architecture
– Calligraphy
Masjid al-Haram
Found in Mecca, it is the world’s biggest Mosque
World’s Largest Mosque
Dijenné, Mali
Damascus, Syria
Córdoba, Spain
Courtyard at Córdoba
Hagia Sophia
Blue Mosque, Istanbul
Oh yeah? Mine has 9!
Ancient Islamic university where the term 'algebra' was coined
Dome of the Rock
Islamic Art: Calligraphy
Islamic Art: Mosaics
Calligraphy and Mosaics
• Islam was led by the Prophet
Muhammad until his death in 632
• The first four successors, or caliphs , were related to Muhammad
– Known as the Rightly Guided
Spread of Islam
Sunni/Shi’a Split
• Disagreements over succession to
• Islamic unity ends with assassination of his son-in-law, Ali
– Partisans of Ali = Shi’a sect
Sunni/Shi’a Split
Sunni Muslims Shi’a Muslims
Believed that ruler could be any that followed
Muhammad’s example
Believed that ruler should be a RELATIVE of
Follow elected leaders
Biggest population of
Muslims (about 90%)
Follow leaders that have been chosen by
Muhammad or Allah
Smaller population of
Muslims (about 10%)
Umayyad Dynasty
• First Muslim dynasty
• They set up a hereditary system of getting new leaders
• They moved the
Muslim capital to
Umayyad Expansion
• Islamic empire spreads across northern Africa and to Spain
• The spread into Europe was halted at the Battle of Tours in 732 C.E.
– Charles the Hammer
• This prevents the spread of Islam across
Umayyad Expansion
Abbasid Dynasty
• Umayyad Dynasty is stopped at Tours, and then overthrown by the Abbasids
• Abbasids move the Muslim capital to
• Eventually Baghdad is destroyed by the
• Islamic economy was focused on trade
• Trade routes went
– East to the Silk Road
– West across Northern Africa and the Mediterranean
– South to Red Sea and Indian Ocean
• All Muslims are seen as a religious community called an umma
• The umma come together to pray
• Muslims live their daily lives in accordance with the law seen in the
Qu’ran and the teachings of
Muhammad. This is known as Shari’a