19.5 Diversity of Fungi

19.5 Diversity of Fungi
Flashcard Review – Chapters 19 and 20
- Fungi and Plant Diversity
1. Fungi are _____________
that absorb their food.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
Flashcard Review – Chapters 19 and 20
- Fungi and Plant Diversity
1. Fungi are heterotrophs that
absorb their food.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
2. Fungal cell walls are made
of ______________.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
2. Fungal cell walls are made
of chitin
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
3. Fungi absorb food through
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
3. Fungi absorb food through
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
4. The hyphae of a fungus form
a mass of threads called the
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
4. The hyphae of a fungus form
a mass of threads called the
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
5. Fungi are multicellular
organisms, with the exception
of _______________
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
5. Fungi are multicellular
organisms, with the exception
of yeasts
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
6. Two examples of sac fungi
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
6. Two examples of sac fungi
Morels, yeasts, cup fungi
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
7. Two examples of club fungi
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
7. Two examples of club fungi
- puffballs,
shelf fungi,
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
8. Club Fungi belong to the
Phylum __________
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
8. Club Fungi belong to the
Phylum Basidiomycota
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
9. Bread Molds belong to the
Phylum __________
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
9. Bread Molds belong to the
Phylum Zygomycota
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
10. Sac Fungi belong to the
Phylum __________
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
10. Sac Fungi belong to the
Phylum Ascomycota
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
11. Bacteria and Fungi are the
main ____________ in an
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
11. Bacteria and Fungi are the
main decomposers in an
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
12. Give two examples of
Fungi that are pathogens and
cause disease in humans
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
12. Give two examples of
Fungi that are pathogens and
cause disease in humans
athlete’s foot
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
13. Mutualistic relationship
between Fungi and Algae.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
13. Mutualistic relationship
between Fungi and Algae
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
14. Plant cell walls contain
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
14. Plant cell walls contain
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
15. Waxy waterproof outer
layer that helps plants retain
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
15. Waxy waterproof outer
layer that helps plants retain
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
16. Tiny holes in the outer
layer of plant leaves that allow
gases to move in and out.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
16. Tiny holes in the outer
layer of plant leaves that allow
gases to move in and out.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
17. A ______________ system
allows resources to move
from one part of a plant to
other parts. (like water and
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
17. A vascular system allows
resources to move from one
part of a plant to other parts.
(like water and sugars)
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
18. Phylum Hepatophyta
includes the _____________
- seedless, non-vascular
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
18. Phylum Hepatophyta
includes the liverworts
- seedless, non-vascular
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
19. Phylum Lycophyta
includes the _____________
- seedless, vascular
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
19. Phylum Lycophyta
includes the club moss
- seedless, vascular
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
20. Phylum Pterophyta
includes the _____________
- seedless, vascular
20. A. Phylum Bryophyta _______
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
20. Phylum Pterophyta
includes the ferns
- seedless, vascular
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
20. A Phylum Bryophyta –
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
21. Phylum Coniferophyta
includes the _____________
- unprotected seeds,
vascular, cones
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
21. Phylum Coniferophyta
includes the pines, firs
- unprotected seeds,
vascular, cones
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
22. Phylum Anthophyta
includes the _____________
- protected seeds,
vascular, flowers
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
22. Phylum Anthophyta
includes the flowering plants
- protected seeds,
vascular, flowers
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
23. Flowering plants with
parallel leaf veins and flower
parts in multiples of 3.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
23. Flowering plants with
parallel leaf veins and flower
parts in multiples of 3.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
24. Flowering plants with
branching or net-like leaf
veins and flower parts in
multiples of 4 or 5.
19.5 Diversity of Fungi
24. Flowering plants with
branching or net-like leaf
veins and flower parts in
multiples of 4 or 5.