Villanova University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 2550 Intro to Electronics & Applications Spring 2016 Dr. Mark A. Jupina 430 Tolentine Hall (610) 519 – 7561 Office Hours: T, Th 9 AM – Noon, or By Appointment ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 ECE 2550 Course Rationale Provide our students with an initial experience in prototyping and troubleshooting analog electronic applications. A pedagogy will be implemented where selfdiscovery by a student will be emphasized before a student engages in a structured, grouprelated lab activity. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Entrepreneurship Exposure One set of exercises this semester will involve developing an entrepreneurial mindset. In this set of exercises, a group of students will identify a business opportunity, investigate the market, and create a preliminary business model for a pressure sensor-based technology. Rationale: Most graduates will become intrapreneurs, creating value through existing organizations. Thereby, the entrepreneurial mindset has value for every engineering grad. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus COURSE WEB SITE COURSE OBJECTIVES To understand the properties of electronic systems. To understand how to use computer aided simulation tools to design and analyze electronic circuits. To understand how to prototype and troubleshoot circuit designs involving operational amplifiers, diodes, and bipolar junction transistors. TEXTBOOK for ECE 2550 and ECE 3550 Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 7th ed., Oxford University Press, 2014. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES 1. Neamen, Microelectronics, Circuit Analysis and Design, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2010. 2. Jaeger and Blalock, Microelectronic Circuit Design, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2008. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus OFFICE HOURS Please do not hesitate to meet with me if you are having difficulty with any of the material in the course. Besides the posted office hours, I am are more than willing to meet with you at another mutually convenient time. GRADING The final grade will be determined as follows. Assignments: Quizzes: Electronic Lab Notebook and Lab Performance: 2 Exams: Comprehensive Final Exam: ECE 2550 15 % 15% 20 % 30 % (15% each) 20 % M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus QUIZZES AND EXAMS Two exams and a comprehensive final exam will be given. The exams will be based on material from the lectures, assignments, textbook, and practicums. Quizzes and exams will be conducted during the class sessions. ATTENDANCE Attendance is required for all classes and will be taken via an attendance sheet. Permission for an excused absence from a session will be granted only for the most serious personal emergency. It is solely your responsibility to schedule with the TA a time to make up work of any excused absence session. Most importantly, you are NOT permitted to use another student's results should you miss a practicum session for any reason. For each unexcused practicum absence, your final grade will be lowered by 5 points. RULES OF CONDUCT Serious violations include late arrival; unsafe practices; eating food, drinking a beverage, or chewing gum in the laboratory; unauthorized or recreational use of computers and cell phones; and misuse or abuse of equipment. A serious violation or repeated minor violations of any rule will result in a deduction of 5 points from the final grade per offense. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus ASSIGNMENT DEADLINES The submission deadlines of the assignments will be announced at the course website. A late submission of an assignment will be assessed a 10% penalty per business day. ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOK You are required to maintain an electronic notebook for lab. All entries into the notebook are to be recorded as the measurements are performed. Various software tools, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Matlab, and Multisim, will be used to create the electronic work (Cntl-Print Screen can be used to capture the work). Each page of the notebook is to be dated and numbered, and an index at the beginning of the notebook should be created. Lab assignments, calculations, simulations, circuit diagrams, data (tables and graphs), observations, and conclusions are to be recorded in this electronic notebook. The final version of the electronic notebook will be an Adobe PDF file (pdf only, no word doc files accepted) submitted via Blackboard to the instructor by the due date given at the end of the semester. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus • Weekly lab work will involve outside-of-class assignments utilizing NI myDAQ and Multisim. • 2 ½ Hour Class Session per Week will include any of the following: – Q&A period to address any questions and concerns – Possible quiz to test you on the basic concepts in the lecture and homework – Lecture on course topic – Problem session – Lab work is performed and/or demonstrated • Weekly HW assignments are used to test one’s understanding of the fundamentals of electronics. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus Date Course Activity Lecture Topics 1/11 Multisim and myDAQ Tuturials Op Amp Circuits Textbook Sections 1.1 – 1.5, 2.1 – 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 1/18 Op Amp Circuit Design I 1/25 Diode Characteristics and Circuits Introduction to Diodes 4.1, 4.2, 4.7 2/1 Op Amp Circuit Design II Diode Circuits 4.3 2/8 Op Amp Circuit Design II Zener Diode Circuits 4.4 2/15 - Diode Rectifier Circuits 4.5 2/22 2/29 Exam I (Diodes and Op Amps) Review and Exam I 3/7 Pressure Sensor Design Introduction to BJTs 6.1, 6.2 3/14 BJT Characteristics BJT DC Circuits 6.3, 7.4 3/21 BJT DC Circuits Amplifier Principles 7.1, 7.2 4/4 - BJT Amplifier Circuits I 7.3 4/11 Exam II (Diode Rectifier and BJT DC Circuits) Review and Exam II 4/18 BJT Common Emitter Amplifier BJT Amplifier Circuits II 4/25 BJT Emitter Follower Amplifier 3/28 4/27 7.5 Final Exam Review HW Assignments will be due on Thursdays by 5:00 pm. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus Electronic Design Projects DC and AC Circuits (Rectifiers, Switches, Amplifiers, etc) Properties of Op Amps, Diodes, and Transistors Circuit Analysis and Simulation Design ECE 2550 Simulation Prototyping Testing M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus ECE PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES IN THIS COURSE FOR ABET a) b) c) e) g) k) ECE 2550 an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. an ability to communicate effectively. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus It is the policy of Villanova to make reasonable academic accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability (non-physical) please register with the Learning Support Office by contacting or 610-519-5176 as soon as possible. Registration is needed in order to receive accommodations. The Office of Disability Services collaborates with students, faculty, staff, and community members to create diverse learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable. The ODS provides Villanova University students with physical disabilities the necessary support to successfully complete their education and participate in activities available to all students. If you have a diagnosed disability and plan to utilize academic accommodations, please contact Gregory Hannah, advisor to students with disabilities @ 610-519-3209 or visit the office on the second floor of the Connelly Center. ECE 3450 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Syllabus As part of this course you are to complete the College of Engineering Professional Development (PD) requirements which are detailed here: ofessionaldevelopment/sophomoreDetails.html ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016 Required Module and Software • The NI myDAQ from National Instruments will be used to conduct lab measurements both outside and inside the classroom. • NI Multisim software will be used to conduct circuit simulations. ECE 2550 M. A. Jupina, VU, 2016