Growing Forward Powerpoint Presentation

Growing Forward
2014 Catholic Education
Catholic Worldview
What is “a Catholic worldview?”
 A worldview is “the gaze upon the totality of existence in its
concrete particularity. This existence, however, is not seen
indifferently, but as a task, as a demand to work and imitate.” (R.
 There are two essential components to this definition: the gaze
and the task. A worldview “gazes” upon the concrete things of
existence from the perspective of totality, or the whole. In other
words we cannot understand an object until we see it in a context.
 For example, we can make no sense of a hand until we
understand it as part of a body. If we continue in this direction,
we reach that ultimate context or whole—the worldview. This
worldview is not a consciously articulated theory; rather it is an
intuitive grasp of the whole—a network of basic assumptions that
we make about the world. It allows us to place the concrete
objects of experience in context so that we can begin to
understand them in their particularity.
 Guardini writes, “To believe means to go to Christ from that
place where one stands. It means to see with his eyes; to
measure by his norm. The believer stands beyond the world
through him, simply by believing.” This view comes from the
heart of the Church. “She is the historical bearer of the full
vision of Christ over the world. The Catholic attitude of the
individual rests herein, that he lives from the Church.”
 To Pope John Paul II, the Catholic worldview is a way of
understanding reality in light of “the total truth about God,
humanity and the world.” (cited in E. Echevarria, The
Apostolate of College Campus Ministry—John Paul II’s
contribution )
 A worldview influences how we look at everything in life,
and how we think and act in all circumstances, though we
may not even be aware of having a “worldview.”
 A Catholic worldview often starts with a Christian
Other worldviews
 Most of us have a worldview that is informed by many
things other than our Catholic faith. For example, by
secularism, by a culture that is profoundly un-Christian
and even anti-Christian.
 Pope Benedict and St. John Paul used terms such as
“reductive secularism” and “relativism” to describe the
secular humanist worldviews prevalent in western
 Other terms include “scientism”, “rationalism”,
“naturalism”, “modernism”, postmodernism”, etc to
describe alternative worldviews
 Insert a music video that demonstrates a world view in
opporsition to Catholicism e.g. Anaconda by Nicki Minaj
Catholic Worldview at School
 Every school culture conveys to its community a
particular ethos or view of the world
 An authentic Catholic school will live and breathe a vison
that is shaped by reflection, action, official teaching and
prayer that is grounded in the teachings of Jesus and His
 Physical space, allocation of time and resources,
relationships and quality of teaching and learning can all
express a worldview.
“When Catholic worldview permeates a
school’s life, then it is the
driving force behind every activity,
so that the Church’s mission may
be served effectively.”
Archbishop Michael Miller
Growing Forward,
February 21, 2014
 Challenge #1: Creating and sharing a Catholic worldview
with staff and students
Do you have staff in place that can articulate a Catholic
What would it take to form staff to clearly disseminate a
Catholic worldview? What resources would the division
need? Are they available?
How can you ensure that your teachers are presenting the
Catholic worldview daily to your students? Is there
evidence that can be found in the planning and outcomes of
lessons and subjects?
 Challenge #2: Polarization of Secular and Church culture
Is a Catholic worldview overtly available on your website
and in newsletters? On your stationary, school signs and in
your messaging to the community? How might this
The Catholic worldview is one of full inclusivity, a spirit of
hospitality and invitation – would your LGBTQ youth
encounter this in your schools?
 Challenge #3: The need for a strong leadership in
creating Catholic environments in schools
Describe concretely how your school is physically different
than the public school across the street.
Articulate how the ethos of your school is different. Can you
see it in your policies, daily school routines, fundraising,
extracurricular, etc.?
Without looking it up, recite to your group your school’s
(division) mission statement.
Proposed Standards for Catholic
Worldview (selected)
 The school’s Catholic worldview is evident in the art and
architecture of the school’s exterior and signage as well
as in hallways, classrooms, offices, library, cafeteria,
gymnasium and auditorium.
 The school/board office has a chapel or specific space for
community prayer that is used solely for the purpose of
prayer and worship.
 Students have opportunities to pray numerous times
every day
 Eucharist (source and summit) is celebrated either in the
school or local parish on a “regular” basis.
 Service projects reflect and articulate Catholic teachings
on social justice and charity.