
1. During the age of enlightenment people elevated the teachings of the church as the ultimate
test for truth since they were being enlightened by the word of god- FALSE
2. An example of special revelation is the creation that humans can see around them. FALSE
3. If a secularist rejects the Bible, don’t encourage him/ to read the Bible until you give him a good
apologetic response to their objections FALSE
4. Eastern world religions have a theistic view of God- FALSE
5. Karma is the basic idea that what goes around comes around- TRUE
6. Pantheirsm views god as an infinite, impersonal force. TRUE
7. A persons emotions and feelings are a valid standard for developing ones worldview FALSE
8. Naturalism does not have a basis for answering the questions of meaning or purpose- TRUE
9. Morality in naturalism most often falls into the category of absolutism or the belief in absolute
truth0 FALSE
10. A worldview is the total framework humans bring to decision-making- TRUE
11. Atheism and agnosticism are examples of secular world systems
12. An agnostic is a person who believes that God exists but does not think there is enough
evidence to prove he exists. FALSE
13. The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are naturalism,
pantheisms, and theism. TRUE
14. The beliefs of secularism include: all of the above
15. According to secularism god did not make man is his image; insteadl man made god in his
image. TRUE
16. Salvation is the restoration of the whole gods good creation true
17. According to the science of epistemology truth can be measurable and defenable. True
18. Eastern world religions include a belief that humans can achieve god like status. True
19. Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following: all of the
20. The search for truth is knows as the science of Epistemology