
A Virtual Employment Center for
People with Disabilities
Created by the Center on Disability Studies
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Funded by the Kessler Foundation
Project Vision
EmployAble is guided by the belief that a
practical and sustainable employment tool
can be created through a combination of
technological innovation and collaboration
with employers, representatives of the
disability community, and
people with disabilities.
Project Goal
Improve employment knowledge and skills for
people with disabilities through:
Employment skills training
Exposure to multiple technologies
Access to employment resources
Online Strategies and Tools
1. Create an online community using social
networking and communication tools.
2. Nurture mentor relationships using
video chat programs.
3. Develop an Interview Module using
Google content management tools.
4. Enhance practice and real-life scenarios
using Second Life virtual reality platform.
Phases of Pilot Study
1. Self-paced, web-based Interview Module,
2. Video Chat group and individual mentoring
3. EmployAble Second Life Simulation for material
review and recorded practice sessions.
In the summer of 2013, 51 adults with disabilities participated in a 3 month
pilot study. 30% completed the final survey, with 84% indicating that
EmployAble helped prepare them to find or retain a job.
1. Online technology, when used in interactive, accessible
and creative ways, can improve skill development and
preparation for employment for individuals with
2. Mentors are a valuable resource for job seekers with
3. People with with disabilities need access to online
employment resources that are interactive,
comprehensive, and useful.
“I think this is an awesome program, and thank you for having it. The most
frustrating thing I have encountered since becoming disabled is not knowing
where to turn/ask/seek - and this program helped me through that and
pointed me in lots of good directions that I would have never otherwise
considered or thought of. It's so easy to become hopeless and discouraged,
and this program provides hope and encouragement.”
“Much of the information on interviewing...exposed me to a lot of new
information that will help me with future interviews. Reviewing my mock
interview was particularly illuminating...I also found the group mentor very
helpful, particularly on the subject of resume-writing and looking for a
government job. Much of value in this project. I feel fortunate to have
been part of the pilot study.”
Email: employ@hawaii.edu
Website: www.cds.hawaii.edu/employable
Module: http://tinyurl.com/EmployAbleInterviewModule
Twitter: employableVEC
Skype: employableprojectvec