Revolution & Independence

Revolution & Independence
1776 to 1782
Olive Branch Petition Questions
• From first section
– In May of 1775, the MAJORITY of colonists wanted...
• Second Section
– Thomas Jefferson only wrote the 1st draft because…
– The OLIVE BRANCH is meant to symbolize…
• Third Section
– The King’s response to the document was…
• Last section
– Explain the EFFECT of the Olive Branch Petition
– Based on the passage, what would you INFER would
have happened if King George III would have read
the Olive Branch Petition?
Review of Footsteps
I. Footsteps to War & Independence
No settling
A. French & Indian War
west of
1. Colonist Help British
a. Want land won in war
2. British want help paying for war
a. Proclamation of 1763 keeps colonist from new land
b. British Raise TAXES on Colonist without Approval
-Stamp Act (Biggest Trouble!!)
-Sugar Act / Tea Act
B. Colonist React to British Taxes
1. Protest & Attacks on Tax collectors
-Some turn ugly . . Boston Massacre / Boston Tea Party
2. Colonist Organize
-Committee of Correspondence
-1st Continental Congress
3. British Punish Boston & Colonist React
-Intolerable Acts take away / Troops sent Boston
-”Shot Heard ‘Round the World”
**Lexington & Concord
OBJ #1. Name and describe the group of colonist who declared independence.
What city and year did this group meet? How did the Enlightenment affect their actions?
What was the Olive Branch Petition? Why was a Declaration really needed (see preamble)?
I. Objective #1
A. 2nd Continental Congress
1. Meets in Philadelphia in 1775-1776
2. ALL COLONIES there to decide what to do???
a. Declare Independence??? . . War
b. Talk to Britain and Make-up?? . .Stay Friends
Is the sun ‘Rising’
Or ‘Setting’??
OBJ #1 – Second Continental Congress
B. Actions before TREASON (a.k.a. Independence)
1. Create Army to defend Colonies from British (War?)
a. George Washington Chosen as GENERAL
b. Send him to Boston to help city
2. Olive Branch Petition sent to King George III
a. Hopes to save peace & keep colonies British
b. King refuses to read it
Prepare for war
Ask for Peace
1. Cease Fire in Boston
2. End of Intolerable Acts
3. Negotiate for
Rights of Colonist
OBJ #1 – Second Continental Congress
C. Declaration of Independence
1. Britain refuses to talk to Colonist
a. Even Ben Franklin is blasted by British and he did not
want independence
-Franklin comes home and supports independence
b. Sends more troops
“We must conquer them or leave them to themselves”
-King George III
2. Congress votes for Independence
a. Congress are men of the Enlightenment
*Educated men use Reason (Scientific Method)
b. Needs to explain to world (educated) that they had
REASONS for overthrowing a Government
*Might get help from other countries
OBJ #2. Explain the content of the Declaration of Independence*.
Who wrote
the Declaration? List the four (4) parts of the Declaration of Independence. What rights
does the Declaration of Independence say are “Natural Rights” guaranteed to all men
(people)? What does the Declaration of Independence say should happen to a
government that does not allow these rights?
A. Written by Thomas Jefferson
Of Rights
1. Committee with Ben Franklin /John Adams (+2others)
By George
a. Still did not have total support
2. From Virginia- will help get southern colonies to support independence
3. Respected writer and thinker
a. Used other documents from colonies and world to put
together ideas
OBJ #2 – Declaration of Independence
B. Announces the beliefs, goals & rights in 4 sections
1. Preamble (Introduction)
a. Just like introductory paragraph in essay
2. List of Natural Rights
a. All Men Created Equal
b. Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness
3. List of Complaints
-Unfair Taxes -No Representation
4. Claim of Independence
a. Announcing the NEW United States
C. Explains reason for overthrowing GOVERNMENT
1. Gov’t must protect Natural Rights from God
a. Natural Rights: 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. Pursuit of Happiness
-Are these easy to define??????
b. If rights aren’t protected then Government should be taken
down by THE PEOPLE
Preamble to the Declaration
When in the Course of human events it
becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have
connected them with another and to
assume among the powers of the earth,
the separate and equal station to which
the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God
entitle them, a decent respect to the
opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation.
List of Rights (2nd Paragraph)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably
the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is
their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards
for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies;
and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of
Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated
injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute
Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
How Governments Explained
Their POWER!!!!
NEW (Jefferson)
God gives a
king power to
rule . . . And
they claim they
act for god
KINGS (Government)
With God’s
support, kings
rule their
people without
PEOPLE (NO Power!)
People are
given “Natural
Rights” that
man (gov’t)
can not take
People create
to protect
their natural
People have power
to make new Gov.
If N.R. are not
OBJ #2 – Declaration of Independence
D. Big Disagreements!!
1. People are not happy with Declaration
a. Wrong wording & Want more Issues Added
b. Slavery- South almost ends the Congress
(Slavery taken out of Declaration)
E. July 4, 1776
**All 13 Colonies vote for signing Declaration
(had to be unanimous- everyone!!)
On July 4, 1776, Congress completed its editing of the document that reduced
the text by 25 percent ("mutilations" is what Jefferson called it) and formally
adopted the Declaration; on July 19, Congress ordered that a formal copy of the
Declaration be prepared for members to sign; and on August 2, the final
parchment–was presented to Congress and the signing began.
“So fat George can see
it without his glasses”
-John Hancock
*President of the
*Wealthy Boston
Business Man
OBJ #3
Describe the differences between the British and American armies.
Who was chosen to lead the American army? Describe how the Americans decided to
fight (survive). What group of soldiers were paid to fight for the British? What branch of
military did the British have and the Americans did not .. . how did that help the British?
III. Objective #3
A. United Colonies/States Choose to Fight
1. Before 1775
a. Militias- Citizen Soldiers from each colony
b. Example Lexington & Concord
2. 1775 2nd Continental Congress creates Army
a. George Washington chosen as General
b. Still very poor . . mostly farmers
OBJ #3 – Fighting the War
B. Advantage / Disadvantage
1. United States (Colonies)
a. Small, unorganized, poorly trained
b. NO NAVY (must march to move)
2. Great Britain
a. Best Army –Professional Soldiers (It’s their JOB)
*Use Mercenaries- King George III hires German
Hessians to help fight colonist
b. Best Navy- Blockades colonies from help
*Helps move troops fast up and down colonies
C. HOW U.S. & Washington Survive
1. Never get cornered
a. Washington constantly moves (even after win)
2. Use Guerilla Tactics- Secret attacks and hit & run
OBJ. #4
Outline major reasons for the American defeat of the British?
What European country decided to help the Americans? What did this country provide
that helped the most? How did the land help the colonist the most? What battle
symbolized the British defeat and name the British and U.S. generals.
A. Getting Help
1. U.S. Needed help from Europe
a. Battle of Saratoga Convinced France to help
2. France Helps- Sends troops, and NAVY
a. Navy keeps British from running or fast attack
B. U.S. has some advantages
1. Colonist know the land and climate
a. Can hide better and get help from people
2. England is far away for supplies
Brought Troops, $$ &
C. Early Battles
1. Ticonderoga (U.S. Wins at Fort)
a. Greene Mnt. Boys capture fort and drag
cannons through snow to Washington in Boston
2. Bunker Hill (British kick butt outside Boston)
a. Washington runs to save army
b. 1st ‘Real’ Battle between armies
D. Starting to WIN
1. Battle of Trenton (First big U.S. WIN)
a. Secret attack on Christmas Night
b. Defeat Hessians and gives morale boost
2. Battle of Saratoga (U.S. Win)
a. Large part of British army captured
FRENCH NAVY trapped the British at Yorktown Cornwallis had to surrender.
OBJ #4 – Winning Independence
E. Victory!!!!!!
1. Battle of Yorktown (1781)
a. British (led by Cornwallis) set-up in Virginia
b. French & U.S troops march to Virginia
**KEY: French navy had beat British navy
and trapped the British
c. Cornwallis surrenders to Washington
2. Treaty of Paris (1783)
a. British recognize U.S. as INDEPENDENT!!!
War- 1774 to 1783 = NINE YEARS OF FIGHTING!!!
*Many who signed Declaration of Independence lost
*What type of country will be created???
*Will there be more revolutions since one
started this country???