Review for Exam 2 Ch. 5 Evolution-definition, who came up with this

Review for Exam 2
Ch. 5
Evolution-definition, who came up with this scientific theory? How?
Natural Selection- definition. What are the four things required in order for natural selection to
What is the modern synthesis?
Succession-definition. What is the difference between primary succession and secondary
What is a keystone species? What happens if keystone species are removed from a community?
Ecological NicheSymbiotic Relationships- what are the three we focused on and what are examples of each?
What shaped these relationships (in other words how did they come about?)
What is competition? What are some possible outcomes of competition?
Logistic growth vs. exponential growth
Carrying capacity
Limiting factors- density dependent vs. density independent
Ch. 7
Toxicity- what is the difference between chronic toxicity and acute toxicity
o LD50 vs. ED50 what is the definition and the difference between these?
Additivity vs. synergistic vs. antagonistic chemical effect
Emerging vs. reemerging diseases- definitions, examples, and why do we see the increase in the
spread of these types of diseases
Bioaccumulation vs. biomagnification
What are the main human health indicators that are used? What are the differences when you
compare these indicators in developing vs. developed countries?
Ch. 8 – see ppt online
Ch. 23
What does it mean to recycle something? What types of things are recycled?
What are the three Rs?
Be able to compare different countries in regards to the amount of waste they produceespecially the U.S.
What kind of waste does the U.S. produce (what part of society does it come from)?
What can you do with organic material things like plants, food, paper, etc. instead of throwing
them away?
What are the three ways that the US deals with our trash? What are the pros and cons of each
What is hazardous waste? What are some examples of hazardous waste? How does the US deal
with hazardous waste? What are some environmental issues associated with hazardous waste?
What is Superfund? Why is Love Canal so famous?
Ch. 9
What is urbanization? What is the trend that has begun since 2008? What is different about the
jobs that people in urban areas vs. rural areas have? Compare urbanization in developing vs.
developed countries
What are environmental issues associated with urban areas? Wildlife fragmentation/loss,
brownfields, noise pollution, urban heat island, etc.
What would a sustainable city look like- what features would it have?