For Examiner Only Case Author;Christine Sullivan, MD Reviewer; Jumana Nagarwala, MD Approved; 10/11/05 ORAL CASE SUMMARY CONTENT AREA Uro/Renal SYNOPSIS OF CASE This case involves a 62-year-old man who presents with confusion. Wife states that he seems disoriented at times and has been in bed for 3 days. Patient complains of weakness and nausea. The candidate must identify that the patient has altered level of consiousness, acute renal failure with increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia. The candidate must initiate treatment for hyperkalemia to prevent deterioration of cardiac rhythm, call nephrologist to consider immediate dialysis. SYNOPSIS OF HISTORY The patient developed a gradual onset of weakness, decreased appetite, nausea with occassional vomiting over the past 3 days. He has been lethargic and unable to get out of bed without assistance from wife. Wife states in the last 24 hours he seems confused. SYNOPSIS OF PHYSICAL Exam reveals blood pressure of 110/60, heart rate 80, respiratory rate 20, 98.8 F. Patient has no significant physical findings other than on neurologic examination he is oriented to person only, no focal findings. CRITICAL ACTIONS 1. Obtain history from family member (wife) 2. Perform initial bedside evaluation/treatment including O2 sat, monitor, IV, accucheck 3. Identify acute renal failure as cause of altered mental status 4. Identify hyperkalemia, request ECG, and identify peaked T waves 5. Initiate treatment of hyperkalemia 6. Obtain emergent nephrology consult for possible dialysis 7. SCORING GUIDELINES (Critical Action No.) Score down if candidate delays in obtaining history from wife as patient unable to give clear history (#1) Score down if candidate fails to perform bedside evaluation/treatment of altered mental status including O2 sat, oxygen, monitor, IV, accucheck (#2) Score down if candidates fails to recognize acute renal failure as etiology of altered mental status (#3) Score down if candidate fails to recognize hyperkalemia as emergent issue, does not order ECG in timely fashion, and fails to recognize ECG changes (#4) Score down if candidate fails to initiate treatment for hyperkalemia: calcium, sodium bicarbonate, D50W, possible kayexalate, lasix, albuterol nebulized treatment (#5) Score down if candidate fails to request emergent nephrology consult (#6) FOR EXAMINER ONLY For Examiner Only PLAY OF CASE GUIDELINES (Critical Action No.) 1. Candidate must realize that the patient cannot provide an accurate history and seek out family member (wife) for more information. If this is not done, the full history should not be offered and delay in diagnosis may occur. 2. Bedside evaluation/treatment for altered mental status should occur including O2 sat, oxygen, cardiac monitor, IV, accucheck. If these are not done in a timely manner, the patient should become more confused, the heart rate should slow, and the patient will have development of shock related to deterioration in heart rhythm secondary to hyperkalemia. 3. Upon review of laboratory data, acute renal failure should be identified as the cause of altered mental status. If not discussed as etiology by candidate, a further delay in diagnosis by additional testing may occur. The patient's condition should worsen with decreased level of consciousness, development of hemodynamic compromise. 4. Failure to react to hyperkalemia and order ECG in timely fashion will result in worsening of heart rhythm and deterioration of vital signs, ultimately resulting in cardiac arrest. 5. Failure to initiate treatment of hyperkalemia to insure cardiac stability will result in worsening of heart rhythm and deterioration of vital signs, ultimately resulting in cardiac arrest. 6. Failure to request emergent consultation with nephrology for possible dialysis will result in worsening of heart rhythm and deterioration of vital signs, ultimately resulting in cardiac arrest. FOR EXAMINER ONLY For Examiner Only Critical Actions 1. Obtain history from family member (wife) This critical action is met by candidate asking if family present to provide further information. Cueing Guideline: Nurse can ask, "Would it be alright if the wife came back, she is concerned her husband doesn't know what is going on." 2. Perform initial bedside evaluation/treatment including O2 sat, monitor, IV, accucheck This critical action is met by requesting O2 sat, ordering oxygen, ordering monitor and IV, requesting accucheck be performed. Cueing Guideline: Nurse can state, "Is the patient diabetic? His pulse seems a bit weak." 3. Identify acute renal failure as cause of altered mental status This critical action is met by identifying acute renal failure as cause of altered mental status. Cueing Guideline: Wife can ask, "Doctor, what do you think is wrong with my husband?" 4. Identify hyperkalemia, request ECG, and identify peaked T waves This critical action is met by candidate commenting on hyperkalemia and requesting ECG Cueing Guideline: Nurse can state, "His pulse seems to not be as strong." 5. Initiate treatment of hyperkalemia This critical action is met by candidate ordering medications including: calcium, sodium bicarbonate, D50W, possible kayexalate, lasix, albuterol. Cueing Guideline: Nurse can state, "What's going on with his monitor?" Examiner can ask, "Why are you giving those medications, what is the mechanism?" 6. Obtain emergent nephrology consult for possible dialysis This critical action is met by candidate requesting nephrology consult Cueing Guideline: Wife can ask, "Does he need a specialist?" 7. This critical action is met by Cueing Guideline: For Examiner Only History Data Panel Age: 62 Sex: male Name: John Smith Method of Transportation: ambulance Person giving information: patient Presenting complaint: weakness Onset and Description of Complaint: Patient states his wife insisted on calling ambulance because he complained of being tired with nausea and some vomiting. He states, "I'm not really sure why I'm here." Past Medical History Allergies: none Medical: HTN Surgical: remote left knee surgery Last Meal: "a couple of days ago" Habits Smoking: no Drugs: no Alcohol: no Family Medical History Father: HTN Mother: breast cancer Siblings: HTN Social History Married: yes Children: 2 grown, live out of state Employed: businessman Education: college degree PMD: For Examiner Only Physical Data Panel General Appearance: well-developed, well-nourished man, somewhat lethargic Vital Signs: BP : P : R : T : O2Sat : Glucose : 110/60 80 20 98.8 F not initially reported not initially reported Neurological: no focal findings Mental Status: slightly lethargic, oriented to person only, when told where he is asks, "Why am I at the hospital?" Head: atraumatic Eyes: PERRLA, discs sharp, EOMI Ears: clear Mouth: slightly dry mucous membranes Neck: supple, no JVD, no bruit Skin: dry, warm, no rash Chest: CTA Heart: normal Abdomen: normal Extremities: normal Rectal: good tone, stool negative for occult blood Pelvic: N/A Back: normal Other exam findings: none For Examiner Only Lab Data Panel Stimulus #2 – CBC WBC 8,500 /mm3 Hgb 10.3 g/dl Hct 30.9 g/dl Platelets 240,000/mm3 Differential Segs 60% Lymphs 28% Mono 10% Eos 2% Stimulus #5 – ABG pO2 82, pH 7.23, pCO2 33 Stimulus #6 – Powerpoint attachment slide 2 Stimulus #7 – Powerpoint attachment slide 3 Stimulus #8 – Powerpoint attachment slide 4 Stimulus #9 – Stimulus #10 – Stimulus #3 – Chemistry Na+ 130 mEq/L K+ 7.4 mEq/L HCO312 mEq/L Cl98 mEq/L Glucose 160 mg/dL BUN 41 mg/dL Creatinine 7.2 mg/dL Stimulus #4 – Urinalysis Color Yellow Sp Gravity 1. 018 Glucose Negative Protein 1 plus Ketone Negative Leuk. Est. Negative Nitrite Negative WBC 0-2 /HPF RBC 3-5 /HPF Stimulus #11 – VERBAL REPORTS CT head negative Cardiac enzymes negative For Examiner Only Stimulus Inventory Stimulus #1 – Emergency Admitting Form Stimulus #2 – CBC Stimulus #3 – Chemistry Stimulus #4 – Urinalysis Stimulus #5 – ABG Stimulus #6 – ECG Stimulus #7 – Rhythm strip 1 Stimulus #8 – Rhythm strip 2 Stimulus #9 – Stimulus #10 – Stimulus #11 – FOR EXAMINER ONLY Mock Oral Feedback Form Date: Examiner: Examinee: Data acquisition Worst 1 NOTES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Problem solving Worst 1 NOTES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Patient management Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Resource utilization Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Health care provided Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best 4 5 6 7 8 Best Comprehension of path physiology Worst 1 2 3 4 NOTES 5 6 7 8 Best Clinical competence (overall) Worst 1 2 3 NOTES 5 6 7 8 Best Patient Interpersonal relations Worst 1 2 3 NOTES 4 Critical Actions Dangerous actions 1. Obtain history from family member (wife) and omissions 2. Perform initial bedside evaluation/treatment including O2 sat, monitor, IV, accucheck 3. Identify acute renal failure as cause of altered mental status 4. Identify hyperkalemia, request ECG, and identify peaked T waves 5. Initiate treatment of hyperkalemia 6. Obtain emergent nephrology consult for possible dialysis 7. Stimulus #1 ABEM General Hospital Emergency Admitting Form Name : John Smith Age : 62 Sex : male Method of Transportation : ambulance Person giving information : patient Presenting complaint : weakness Background: Patient developed a gradual onset of weakness, decreased appetite, nausea with occassional vomiting over the past 3 days. Wife called paramedics this morning to transport patient for evaluation. Vital Signs BP 110/60 P 80 R 20 98.8 F Stimulus #2 – CBC WBC Hgb Hct Platelets Differential Segs Lymphs Mono Eos 8,500 /mm3 10.3 g/dl 30.9 g/dl 240,000/mm3 60% 28% 10% 2% Stimulus #3 – Chemistry Na+ K+ HCO3ClGlucose BUN Creatinine 130 7.4 12 98 160 41 7.2 mEq/L mEq/L mEq/L mEq/L mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL Stimulus #4 – Urinalysis Color Sp Gravity Glucose Protein Ketone Leuk. Est. Nitrite WBC RBC Yellow 1. 018 Negative 1 plus Negative Negative Negative 0-2 /HPF 3-5 /HPF Stimulus #5 – ABG pO2 82, pH 7.23, pCO2 33 Stimulus #6 ECG Stimulus #7 – Rhythm strip 1 Stimulus #8 – Rhythm strip 2