Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources


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Securities Markets:

Trading Financial Resources

• What are the different types of securities issued by a corporation?

• How are securities issued in the primary market and traded in the secondary market?

• How do the government and private organizations regulate securities markets?

• What are the different types of investment strategies that investors follow?

• What are the appeals of mutual funds and exchange traded funds?

• How can investors track the performance of their investments?


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Basic Types of Financial Securities

Three major types of securities that are traded in markets:

 Common Stock

 Preferred Stock

 Bonds


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Common Stock: Basic Ownership

The basic form of ownership in a corporation

• Voting Rights

• Right to Dividends

• Capital Gains

• Preemptive Rights

• Right to Residual

Claim on Assets


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Preferred Stock: Getting Preferential Treatment

Stock that gives its holder preference over common stockholders

No Voting Rights

Claim on Assets

Payment of Dividends

Cumulative Feature


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Bonds: Earning Your Interest

Long-term debt issued by a corporation or government

Maturity Date

Par Value



Coupon Rate

Current Yield

Bonds are a legal obligation


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Could Your Best Investment Be a Piece of Junk?

• Junk bonds are bonds issued by companies with poor credit ratings.

• Junk bonds offer a higher rate of interest (and risk).

• In 2007, only 22 companies in the world defaulted in their bonds.

During the recession in 2008, the number soared to 126.

• In late 2008, investing in junk bonds became a hot strategy.


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Methods of Retiring Bonds

Most bonds are secured with a pledge of specific assets.

Methods of retiring bonds:

Serial bonds have unique maturity dates and help spread out repayments.

Companies may establish a sinking fund to assist in repayment. Sinking funds allows the issuer to buy back bonds each year.

Callable bonds have provisions for early redemption.

Convertible bonds allow bonds to be transferred into shares of common stock.


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Trading Securities: The Primary Market

Public Offering:

Initial Public Offering


Select an Investment bank (underwriter)

Prepare paperwork

Arrange for financing

Carry out the offer

Private Placement:

Quicker, simpler, less expensive

Investment bank assistance

No SEC registration

Only available to accredited investors


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Trading Securities: The Secondary Market

Security Exchanges

New York Stock Exchange

Traditionally an “auction market”


Electronic exchange

Over the Counter Market

Electronic Communication Networks

Two largest exchanges in the United



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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Major Global Stock Exchanges


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Big Changes at the NYSE

NYSE Hybrid Market - a new trading system to allow investors to execute trading through an automated trading system called NYSE Direct+

• The Hybrid Market changed more in 2008

• NYSE replaced its specialists with designated market makers (DMMs) who have more freedom to participate in the market for specific stocks.


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

The Over-the-Counter Market (OTC)

• Small corporations or those without satisfactory business performance are listed on the OTC.

• Some corporations choose OTC to avoid listing fees and charges.

• The market for most OTC is much less active than stocks listed on the major exchanges.


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Penny Stocks:

Finding Something Pretty in the Pinks?

1,000 shares of stock for under a hundred bucks!

• Penny stocks are low-priced speculative stocks issued by small corporations.

• They are not traded on major exchanges

• Listed on online services called

Pink Sheets

• Investing in penny stocks is risky

• The companies lack the resources to survive setbacks

• Limited reliable information

• Little SEC oversight

The market is not active – it make be hard to find buyers if you want out


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Electronic Communications Networks

A new completely computer-based securities market

ECNs automatically match buyers and sellers

 Investors can trade “after hours”

Both NYSE and NASDAQ have bought into ECNs


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Regulation of Securities Markets:

Establishing Confidence in the Market

• State Regulations

• Federal Legislation

• Securities Act 1933

Require firms to file registration when issuing stock

• Securities Exchange Act of 1934

• Securities and Exchange Commission

• Established report filing

• Registration of brokers and dealers

Prosecution power

• Individual and Company Fraudulent Activity

(i.e. insider trading)


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Symbolic Logic: Do You LUV this HOG’s DNA?

Every publicly traded corporation is identified by a unique combination of letters known as stock symbols.

Can you Guess These?











Sun Microsystems Southwest Airlines


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Personal Investing

 What are your short-term and long-term goals?

 Given your budget, how much are you able to invest?

 How long can you leave your money invested?

 How concerned are you about the tax implications of your investments?

 How much tolerance do you have for risk?



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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Choosing a Broker: Access to the Markets

• Individuals must use a broker to trade stocks on the organized exchanges and OTC market.

Full Service Brokers

Provide a range of services

Discount Brokers

Basic buy/sell capabilities

• The competition between brokers is intense and both attempt to offer more services.


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Buying Securities: Let’s Make a Deal

Market Orders – buy or sell a security at the current market price

Limit Orders – place limits on the price at which orders are executed


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Strategies for Investing in Securities

• Investing for Income

• Market Timing

• Value Investing

• Investing for Growth

• Buying and Holding


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

How Do You like Them Apples?

• In the first years of the iPod, Apple’s stock went to the moon

• Shares rose 1600% between 2003 and 2007

• Many investors missed out—they had bailed on

Apple at the turn of the century

• The fast rise of the stock even shocked Apple insiders

Steve Jobs, the company CEO, had renegotiated his stock options

Although his stock was worth over a billion dollars in mid-2007, they would have been worth over $5 billion


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Other Investment Options:

Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds

Mutual Funds


Professional Management

• Variety

• Liquidity

Exchange Traded Funds

Features of stocks and a mutual fund

Purchasing ownership in a

“market basket” of stocks

You can buy and sell ETFs any time of the day, unlike

Mutual Funds


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Does Green Investing Earn Green Returns?

• The New Alternatives Fund which was established in

1982 selected stocks based on environmental considerations.

• The number of green funds has grown

• Over the long haul, these funds are making money

• The

Winslow Green Growth Fund has an annual return of 8.45%


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Stock Indices: Tracking the Trends

Stock Index :

Tracks how the prices of a specific set of stocks have changed

Standard and Poor’s 500:

Tracks 500 stocks and weighs the total market value of each stock

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) – most widely followed index. Tracks 30 stocks picked by the Wall

Street Journal editors.


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Major Stock Price Indices


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Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources

Tracking the Performance of Specific Securities

Source: Yahoo! Finance stock quote accessed April 2, 2009. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! and the YAHOO! logo are registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.

Source: Yahoo! Finance stock quote accessed April 2, 2009. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo!

Inc. YAHOO! and the YAHOO! logo are registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.


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Looking Back

• What are the different types of securities issued by a corporation?

• How are securities issued in the primary market and traded in the secondary market?

• How do the government and private organizations regulate securities markets?

• What are the different types of investment strategies that investors follow?

• What are the appeals of mutual funds and exchange traded funds?

• How can investors track the performance of their investments?


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