Real Leadership Influence and Ethics

Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership, Influence and Ethics
1st Joint meeting between NCMA and PMI Hampton Road Chapters
D.C. New Port News – Point Plaza Suites @ City Center
Tuesday, November 6th, 2007
Michael J. Gauthier, President – Professional PM Services and Consulting
• Director of the Board, National Contract Management Association
• Past President – Maple Leaf Chapter – NCMA
• Past President – Southern Ontario Chapter - PMI
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Reminds me of a story…
 Mary Kay Cosmetics…
 Corporate philosophy…
– When meeting customers, pretend they have sign
around their neck that says
“Make me feel special”
“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can
become great”
- Mark Twain
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Influence…
 1926, Dr. J. C. Patrick discovered a process to produce 1st synthetic rubber, and
names the polysulfied polymer “Thiokol”, from the Greek words “sulfur”
(Theion) and “glue” (Kolla)… company and products become very successful
 Jan. 27, 1986 – Morton Thiokol Mgmt. Team calls Nasa “Cancel Launch”,
current temp. was –10c,
– Roger Biosjoly in charge of o-rings “we cannot guarantee o-ring performance”…
 Nasa said “do you know what you are asking us to do?
– ” Nasa suggests they think it over and call us back…
 By The Way…
– “A New Contract Was On The Table” additional business now at risk…
 Both parties, after further discussion…decide to “Launch”…
 Jan. 28, 1986, Challenger Blows Up, 7 People Died because the o-rings failed…
“When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses”
- Shirley Chisholm
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Influence…
 The Abilene Paradox…
– Jerry Harvey, Ph.D – G.W. University
– Team members fail to voice their opinion, take a stand,
or just follow reluctantly…
 All leaders should be familiar with this paradox…
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary
depends upon his not understanding it”
- Upton Sinclair
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 “Where Have All The Leaders Gone?”
Book by: Lee Iacocca - his 9 C’s
A leader has to show “Curiosity”…
A leader has to be “Creative”…
A leader has to “Communicate”…
A leader has to be a person of “Character”…
A leader must have “Courage”…
A leader should have “Charisma”…
To be a leader you’ve got to have “Conviction”…
A leader has to be “Competent”…
You can’t be a leader if you don’t have “Common Sense”…
“Leaders are made, not born” - Lee Iacocca
If I did not know better…→ ???
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 “The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader”
“Becoming the person others will want to follow”
- Book by John C. Maxwell
“Character” be a piece of the rock…
“Charisma” the first impression can seal the deal…
“Commitment” it separated doers from dreamers…
“Communication” without it you travel alone…
“Competence” if you build it they will come…
“Courage” one person with courage is a majority…
“Discernment” put an end to unsolved mysteries…
* notice, John C. Maxwell lists his “Qualities” alphabetically…
Many leadership “lists” are very “similar”, and at the same time,
“very different”.
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 “The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader”
“Becoming the person others will want to follow”
- Book by John C. Maxwell
“Focus” the sharper it is, the sharper you are…
“Generosity” your candle loses nothing when it lights another…
“Initiative” you won’t leave home without it…
“Listening” to connect with their hearts, use your ears…
“Passion” take this life and love it…
“Positive Attitude” if you believe you can, you can…
“Problem Solving” you can’t let your problems be a problem…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 “The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader”
“Becoming the person others will want to follow”
- Book by John C. Maxwell
“Relationships” if you get along, they’ll go along…
“Responsibility” if you won’t carry the ball, you can’t lead the team…
“Security” competence never compensates for insecurity…
“Self-Discipline” the first person you lead is you…
“Servanthood” to get ahead, put others first…
“Teach ability” to keep leading, keep learning…
“Vision” you can seize only what you can see…
“ Leadership is Influence” - John C. Maxwell
“A plethora of books exist on leadership, most of them anecdotal, very few, if an
are scientific” - Michael J. Gauthier
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Executive Leadership…?
 Professional Leadership…?
 Personal Leadership…?
 Family Leadership…?
 Community, Volunteer, Leadership…?
“Leadership Is A Journey, Not A Destination”
– Michael J. Gauthier
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 1
Many companies “schooled” their managers well…
 There are always 2 Leaders in every room
• 1 - The Person with the Title…(business card)
– Mgr. / Supervisor / Director / Group Leader / etc.
• 2 - The Natural Leader…(the person others lookup to)
– The person with experience / knowledge / SME / etc.
– The person others trust / respect / admire / etc.
This is a fact of life that you need to be aware of, anticipate and
be able to affectively deal with.
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 2
 Expand your personal knowledge, skills, network
– At work…do what leaders do
– At leisure…do what leaders do
– Professionally…do what leaders do
* Learn to do what other leaders do, and/or, become
familiar with their business, interests, hobbies, etc.
…join “the club” (profession)
…play golf
…ride motorcycle
…learn the ropes
…dress like the pope
…lead by example
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 3
 Mentorship was provided in many
companies…very tightly knit group
– Today, get your own mentor…
– Be a mentor to someone else…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 4
 Taught etiquette, ethics, dining, manners, etc.
Heads of companies
Heads of State
International protocols
Laws and Ethics
Today, companies don’t have the time, resources or the
desire to invest and help create these types of Leaders
from within. In stead, they prefer to hire and expect
these people to hit the ground running.
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 5
 Video feedback, and “practice”
Lose the bad habits
Change the right habits
Learn new and effective habits
Get on committees, teams or other situations
Today, very few people “practice leadership”.
Become more involved in social and professional
associations and organizations. Leadership is a full
time activity. Good leaders always strive to get better.
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 6
 Taught Robert’s Rules of Order
Running and Participating in meetings
This does not come easy for many people and takes
constant practice. Learn to run a variety of meetings,
with different people, in different situations in your
personal and professional life.
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 7
 Personal Grooming
– Taught “colours”
– Taught “wardrobe”
– Taught “hair styles”
“Look, act and dress like a Leader”…
- the Pope, looks like the Pope…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Old School – lesson 8
 Taught to create new Leaders
– Look for possible candidates from within
– Help and encourage them
– “New Blood” is needed to keep the organization going
“Company Men, looking for good company Men, to
keep the Company Strong…”
- taught to me at the NCR Corporation… Michael J. Gauthier
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…more Lessons
 1
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
Get a mentor
Be a mentor
Expand your general and professional knowledge
Join a board, gain new experience
Know Robert’s rules, corp. rules, laws, etc
Master patience and be an effective listener
Learn to debate well
Be aware of unethical behavior…
* Most world leaders have their own “List and Values”
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…more Lessons
 10 Learn to communicate more effectively
 11
 12
 13
 14
 15
 16
Learn the art of influence
Learn eloquence
Never stop learning
Know the trends and anticipate change
Never lose your cool
Get to know people
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…more Lessons
 17 Always act professionally
 18 Always behave ethically
 19 Be honest and trustworthy
 20 Be sincere
 21 Be courteous
 22 Help others
 23 Support others
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…more Lessons
 24 Encourage others
 25 Never miss an opportunity to say thank you
 26 Look like a leader
 27 Dress like a leader
 28 Act like a leader
 29 Speak like a leader
 30 Respect others, and on, and on, and on...
 31 Real Leadership requires simply the desire and the
effort to become a true Leader…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Bicycle story…
 “Leader Life Cycle”
– identify talent in others…
– work, groom, prepare…
– support, encourage, reward…
– provide the opportunities…
– repeat the process…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership… source: Vijay K. Verma - Power, Influence and Politics
 The eight Forms / Sources of Power
- Legitimate
- Expert
- Reward
- Information
- Coercive
- Contacts
- Referent
- Persuasion
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…source: Vijay K. Verma - Power, Influence and Politics
 The eight Forms / Sources of Power
- Legitimate
- Expert
- Reward
- Information
- Coercive
- Contacts
- Referent
- Persuasion
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Question….when do you have the greatest influence or
amount of power?
 Answer…when others are in need !
– 1 recognize timing is everything
– 2 create the need for others
– 3 power perceived, is power achieved
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Is the ability to bring order out of chaos
complexity x complexity = chaos
complexity + simplicity = order
US DoD, Harvard University
MBO = Management By Objectives
S. M. A. R. T.
+ R. Kipling = w w w w w h
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…source: Vijay k. Verma – Power, Influence and Politics
 Three Truths of Life…
– People make or break things…
– People do mostly what is in their best interest…
– People support what they create…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Survey Question…To be an effective leader :
Is ethical behavior an important
characteristic for executives ?
• Answer, Yes
Is sound judgment an important
characteristic for executives ?
• Answer, Yes
Is adaptability / flexibility an important
characteristic for executives ?
• Answer, Yes
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 Of 462 executives who were asked, “What
characteristics are needed to be an effective leader
today?” 56 percent ranked ethical behavior as an
important characteristic, followed by sound judgment
(51%) and being adaptable / flexible (47%).
Source: American Management Association, New York, NY
Source: – Nov. 04, 2007
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt”
- Mark Twain
The 3D Ethical Model - KEY ©
©Copy right - Michael J. Gauthier, 2006
Our Ethical behavior changes over time…
*E- vent
*Y -ou
To increase our knowledge :
What we decide ?
- Of right from wrong
- Given the EVENTS
- Your actions taken
- Of laws & regulations enforced
- Of laws & regulations un enforced
- In certain situations
- Would court of public opinion agree
- The things YOU do
- The consequences
- Of philosophy & KNOWLEDGE
- Of professional codes of conduct
- Of aught and aught not
- Desire to learn and do better
- To learn from experience
- To be aware of past precedence
- Understand societal norms
- Understanding the beliefs of others
- Of new ethical standards
- Courage to stand for change
- Investigate and research
* Consult with other professionals
- Given the opportunity
- When faced with a dilemma
- Under stress or duress
- When driven by temptation
- When greed overcomes
- During a craving
- Experiencing overwhelming desires
- Your plan of action
- When persuaded by others
- When it’s wrong, but not illegal
- When challenged or being pushed
* Consult with other professionals
Our actions define us :
- The results of your work
- Your conduct
- Your honorable intentions
- Your dishonorable intent.’s
- Your behavior
- Execution implementation
- Not admitting your mistake
- Not learning from mistakes
- When pushed by others
- Got away with it before
- Not thinking before acting
* Consult with other professionals
The KEYS to the Ethics Life Cycle ©
”Peoples Ethical Behavior Changes Over Time”
©Copy right - Michael J. Gauthier, 2006
Key #1
Subscribe to good, effective, and
current ethics guide-lines.
Key #2
Adhere to good
governance rules.
Key #3
Continue lifelong
learning and sharing.
Key #4
Seek a trusted professional
ethics advisor or mentor.
Key #5
Do what is right, not what
you have the right to do.
K nowledge
Changes over
time. Lessons
learned or
forgotten etc..
Your actions and
behaviors, the
results and
E vents
dilemmas etc…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Manager vs. Leader ?
Manager ?
Leader ?
Oxford dictionary:
1a, a person or thing that leads.
b, a person followed by others.
Manager 1a, a person controlling or administering a business or part of a
2a, a person controlling the affairs, training, etc. of a person or team
in sports, entertainment, etc.
Managers and Leaders have been incorrectly compared to one another for
far too long. I have met some incredible people in my lifetime, who have
been real role models of “Leadership”. They include Managers, Bosses,
Parents, Friends, Co-workers, Students, Volunteers, Team Members, and,
even some wonderful 13 and 14 year old children I had the pleasure to
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…Manager vs. Leader ?
Manager ?
tell…ideas / plans / etc.
rely on formal authority
like to lead / take charge
autocratic style
tell others what to do
threaten / intimidate…
make the decisions
Leader ?
- sell
- informal authority
- teach others to lead
- democratic style
- help others to do
- inspire / motivate...
- empower others to decide
• Rather than argue or debate the differences , it has long been my
observation that many managers are without a doubt, excellent leaders.
Many authors have described managers as inferior to, or less than leaders.
• Virtually ANYONE can, if they wish, possess the qualities and
characteristics of leadership. It requires only desire and effort.
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
 “Leadership”…is not a title
- Comparing Managers to Leaders …?
- Comparing Doctors to Nurses …?
- Comparing Engineers to Architects …?
 “Real Leadership”
is traits, characteristics, behavior, skill…
 “Real Leadership” is a verb “doing”
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
 Group exercise… 5 min.s
 Build a WBS with your input…
 Output = “real example”
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Imp. A
Go live
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Imp. A
Go live
“Guided Discovery”
“ Teacher utilizes a series of predetermined questions and / or tasks to
‘Guide’ student toward a pre-determined solution / answer.”
“Sequential converging process towards a single solution.”
 Professor Tim Hooper, dept. of Phys. Ed.
 “ Production Teaching Styles” 23 slides…
Additional ethics websites…
researched for this presentation Centre for Applied Ethics Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Centre for the Advancement of Applied Ethics Center for Ethics & Public Service Dartmouth Ethics Institute Stanford Center on Ethics Ethics Resource Centre Harvard University Center for Ethics and Professions The International Business Ethics Institute Institute for Global ethics Practical Ethics Center Wisdom Quotes The Ethics Web Bookstore Amazon Ethics Books for audio visual on ethics scandals American Institute Of Aeronautics & Astronautics Academy Of Achievement
“google” the following …
Josephson Institute of Ethics
Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Enron Scandal
Bre-X Scandal
HP Scandal
Worldcom Scandal
US senator scandal
Additional leadership books…researched for this presentation
Influencer – The Power To Change Anything. Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan, Switzler. ISBN
The Leadership Challenge 4th ed. Kouzes and Posner, ISBN # 978-0-7879-8491-5
Power and Influence – The rules have changed, Robert L. Dilenschneider, ISBN # 978-0-07-148976-8
The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team – A leadership fable, Patrick Lencioni, ISBN # 0-7879-6075-6
The Heart Of A Leader – Insights on the art of influence, Ken Blanchard, ISBN # 978-0-7814-4593-6
Quiet Leadership – Six steps to transforming performance at work, David Rock, ISBN 3 978-0-06083591-0
A Leaders Legacy, Kouzes and Posner, ISBN # 0-7879-8296-2
Encouraging The Heart – A leader’s guide to rewarding and recognizing others, Kouzes and Posner,
ISBN # 0-7879-6463-8
On Leadership – Practical wisdom from people who know, Allan Leighton, ISBN # 978-1-905-21126-5
Made In Canada Leadership – wisdom from the nation’s best and brightest on leadership practice and
development, Amal Henein and Francoise Morissette, ISBN # 978-0-470-83943-0
The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader, Becoming the person others will want to follow, John C.
Maxwell, ISBN # 978-0-7852-6796-6
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Workbook, John C. Maxwell, ISBN # 978-1-4185-2615-3
Developing The Leaders Around You – How to help others reach their full potential, John C. Maxwell.
ISBN # 0-7852-6150-8
The 8th Habit – From effectiveness to greatness, Stephen R. Covey, ISBN # 978-0-7432-8793-7
Additional ethics books…researched for this presentation
The Nicomachean Ethics – Aristotle, ISBN # 0-140-44849-3
Aristotles Ethical Theory – Aristotle, ISBN #
/ oxford 1968
Teach Yourself Ethics – Mel Thompson, ISBN # 0-07-147799-3
Plato’s Republic – Simon Blackburn, ISBN # 978-1-55365-265-6
Plato And A Platypus Walk Into A Bar, Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes - Thomas Cathcart
& Daniel Klein, ISBN # 13:978-0-8109-1493-3
Integrity, Doing The Right Thing For The Right Reason – Barbara Killinger, Ph.D, ISBN # 978-0-77353287-8
The Story Of Philosophy – Bryan Magee, ISBN # 0-7894-7994-X
Ethics And The Professions – David Applebaum & Sarah Verone Lawton / Prentice Hall 1990
What More Philosophers Think – Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom, ISBN # 978-0-8264-9300-2
The Pocket Aristotle – Aristotle & editors Justin D. Kaplan & W.D. Ross, ISBN # 13:978-0-671-46377-9
The Philosophy Of Aristotle – Renford Bambrough & J.L. Creed & A.E. Wardman, ISBN # 0-45152887-5
Business Ethics : Successful Business Practices – Ken Blanchard, ISBN #
Business Ethics : Leadership By Example – Ken Blanchard, ISBN #
The Concise Oxford Dictionary Of current English – New edition for the 1990’s
The Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Ethics – Immanuel Kant
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…
Hampton Roads Chapter
National Contract Management Association
Real Leadership…