WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS OF A CCTE COURSE A secondary course which has approved educational frameworks meeting content standards as well as leadership and employability standards A course taught by a certified CCTE instructor A course affiliated with a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Identified Program of Work for students outside the academic day The current need for the course as identified by the Washington State “Skills Gap” as defined in RCW 28C.04.100 STEPS TO CCTE COURSE APPROVAL 1. Identify need for course (skills gap, advisory committee) 2. Complete OSPI application for course approval Course Information (Cluster, Pathway, CIP Code) Leadership (activities outside the academic day) Sequence of courses Frameworks (curriculum map including common core and leadership standards) Skills Gap 3. Receive approval from program supervisor of the course pathway 4. Advisory approval CAREER CLUSTERS Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Manufacturing Marketing STEM Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics AGRICULTURE, FOOD & NATURAL RESOURCES Natural Resources Horticulture Floriculture Floriculture Management Mechanics I & II Metallurgy I & II Animal Science Future Trades MS Mechanics ARTS, A/V TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATIONS Publishing BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Office Skills and Communications Entrepreneurship INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Web Design I & II Computer Applications Office User Specialist MARKETING Marketing I and II Retail Operations FINANCE Personal Finance SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATH LEGO Robotics Advanced LEGO Robotics LEGO Robotics Team E D U C AT I O N AND TRAINING Careers in Education HUMAN SERVICES Early Childhood I & II HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM Creative Chef I & II Life Skills Skills USA (CTSO) HEALTH SCIENCE Anatomy and Physiology I & II Advanced Placement Biology Health Occupations Students of America (CTSO) CURRENT ARTICULATED COURSES WHS CTE COURSE Computer Applications Computer Applications Web Design Entrepreneurship Beginning Metallurgy Advanced Metallurgy Beginning Mechanics Advanced Mechanics Anatomy and Physiology COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE Intro. to Business Tech. Web Design Entrepreneurship Intro. to Oxy-acetylene Intro. To Arc Welding Intro. to small engines Essentials of Mechanics Basic Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology CURRENT TECH PREP COURSES CONT. WHS CTE COURSE Early Childhood I Early Childhood I Early Childhood I CAD CAD CAD COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE Introduction to Early Childhood Child Development Practicum I Technical Drawing Introduction to Drafting Drafting CURRENT INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Bronze Certified Technician (STIHL) Food Handler’s Card CPR First Aid CURRENT CROSS-CREDITED COURSES WHS CCTE CLASS CROSS-CREDITED CLASS WHS Publications Art Web Design II Art Early Childhood I Health