Brave New World Test Study Sheet

Brave New World Test
A) Multiple choice (K/U)
____/ 25
B) Quotation Analysis & Short Answer(T/I) ____/ 48
C) Theme Analysis (APP)
____/ 20
Section A: Multiple Choice (25 points)
 Study: read book
Section B – Quotation Analysis & Short Answer (48 points)
Quotation Analysis: For six of the following quotations, identify the speaker (1 point), the
immediate context (what is happening / where/ when is it happening – 1 point), and explain the
significance of the quotation by explaining how it develops a topic explored by the novel (3
points). ***Make sure to identify which quotation you are responding to.
 Study: Read book, review important passages, connect important passages to topics,
and be ready to explain how a quotation helps develop a topic (helps us create a theme
statement out of a topic)
 Study: homework questions, list of topics – try to think of which passages in the novel
develop each topic
Short Answer:
-Various questions
 Study: Read book, homework questions
Section C: Theme Analysis (20 points)
What do you think is the main theme in Brave New World (or what is 1 of the dominant themes)? In the
space provided below, compose a coherent theme statement. Then, select three quotations from the
book that help develop your theme. Write them down, including proper page citation, and explain fully
how they help to develop the theme you’ve identified. Do not pick quotations that are very similar or
that develop the theme in exactly the same way. This will limit your ability to effectively prove the
existence of your theme within the novel. (pick three different quotations!)
Brave New World Theme Topics
Authentic versus fraudulent
The concept of happiness and how it
is achieved
Conditioning and free will
The meaning and definition of
The purpose or meaning of human
Individuality and identity
Individual versus collective rights
The role of technology and scientific
progress in society
The purpose and importance of
Social class and hierarchy
The system of education
The importance of history, and the
role of history in society
Isolation, social acceptance, social
conformity and inclusion
Satire / defamiliarization as a means
of looking critically and (re?)evaluating social conventions
Family life
Romantic love
Physical conditioning: plastic surgery,
fitness, ideals/standards of physical
Drugs: drug addiction, responsible
drug use, the role of drugs in society
Death and mortality
Age, ageing, and the fear of old age
Labour: the process and organization
of labour, specialization of labour, the
factory model of assembly and labour
The role of government in society
Social engineering for example
cloning and genetic engineering
The structure and political ideology
of government
Desire and the gratification of desire