Topic 2 Latitude & Longitude

Aim: What is the earth’s coordinate
Do Now:
Someone tells you to meet them on Montauk
Highway for lunch at 12:30 p.m.. What is the
problem with this meeting and how would you
fix it?
HW: R&H pp.22-24, A&E #18-30
Latitude- angular measurement north
or south of the equator
• Starts at the equator (0) Measured in degrees with a
maximum measure of 90 at the north or south pole.
• The measurement comes from an angle drawn from
the surface to the center of earth and then back out to
the equator.
• Latitude lines are also called parallels because the
distance between them never changes.
• The equator divides the earth into a northern and
southern hemisphere.
• In the northern hemisphere if you measure the altitude
to Polaris then that will equal your latitude.
Longitude is the angular measurement
east or west of the Prime Meridian.
• Longitude lines connect north pole to south pole and
are called meridians.
• The first line of longitude is the Prime Meridian which
runs through Greenwhich, England and is 0 deg.
• The measurement comes from an angle drawn from
the Prime meridian to the center of the earth and back
out to that location.
• The prime merdian and the international date line at
180 deg divide the earth into an eastern and western
• Longitude lines help to tell time. Because the earth
spins west to east at 15 deg/hour (360/24) Each 15 deg
in longitude = 1 hour on the clock. As you travel west it
gets earlier(wearlier) and as you travel east it gets later.
Earth’s Coordinate System
Latitude and
longitude are based
on angular
measurements from
the equator and the
prime meridian.
*In the northern
hemisphere the
altitude of Polaris =
your latitude.
Aim: How do we solve time problems?
• Do Now• 1. If I am at maximum latitude, what is my number and
where am I?
• 2. What two things divide the earth into a eastern and
western hemisphere?
• 3. What is a meridian?
• 4. If I am at maximum longitude, what is my number and
where am I?
• 5. In what direction and at what speed does the earth
HW – Track storms
Aim: How do we solve time problems?
• Do Now:
• If it is Tuesday, 11:00 am at 45west, what time and day is at
• Hint: Draw the diagram from yesterday and label these 2 locations.
Determine how many degrees of longitude separate the 2 locations
and divide that by 15 to see how many hours separate them. Then
just add or subtract the hours from the time of the first depending
on whether you went west(wearlier) or east. The day changes
when you cross midnight or the date line.
• HW- Finish lab, track storms, study for latitute and longitude
quiz tomorrow.