
Layers of the
Photosynthesis Interconnections
D vs. C
Final Jeopardy
1 - $100
This layer is the tallest layer of the forest. There
is a lot of sun in this layer as it is at the top.
Emergent layer
1 - $200
This layers is where you would find the
Forest Floor
1 - $300
This layer has minimal sun because the taller
trees in the forest are blocking it and keep the
lower levels shady.
 You will find saplings and shrubs in this later
1 - $400
This is the second layer of the forest, it has trees
and tall shrubs, but not as much sun gets to this
level because the taller trees are shading these.
 You would find many critters that like to climb
trees in this layer
1 - $500
What are the 4 layers of the forest and give one
biotic and abiotic factor in each level
Emergent- ex. Rain, Birds
 Canopy- ex. Sun, Squirrels
 Understory- ex. Air, Deer
 Forest Floor- ex. Dirt, Worms
2 - $100
What is photosynthesis?
It is the process plants use to make food and
2 - $200
What are the TWO things plants produce from
Glucose (sugar… food)
 Oxygen ( O2)
2 - $300
Where does photosynthesis occur in the plants?
Chloroplasts… Chlorophyll… Leaves
2 - $400
Draw a leaf and what goes in and out of it
during photosynthesis
IN: CO2, H2O, Sunlight
Out: C6H12O6, O2
2 - $500
What is the photosynthetic equation?
– Write it in words and chemical formulas
Water + Carbon dioxide + Sunlight  glucose + Oxygen
+ sunlight  C6H12O6 + O2
3 - $100
What are the three main team players in a
 Consumers
 Decomposers
3 - $200
What are the three types of consumers?
 Give and example of each
Primary Consumer: ex. ladybug
 Secondary Consumer: ex- Blue jay
 Tertiary Consumer: ex- Hawk
3 - $300
Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here
3 - $400
What is the difference between a food chain and
a food web?
Food Chain: A food chain shows the flow of
energy through a series of organisms. Each
organism is food for the next higher organism.
Food Web: A more complex food chain… main
food chains together
3 - $500
Label the nutrient cycle
Producers: Get nutrients from the soil
Consumers: Get nutrients from other plants and
Decomposers: Get nutrients from dead plants and
animals… they also return the
nutrients to the soil
4 - $100
What type of tree has needles?
– One of the two we talked about!
4 - $200
 What do deciduous trees do in cold climates
during the winter
- List two things
Loose leaves
 Leaves Change Colors
 Go into hibernation
4 - $300
Where are the seeds found in a coniferous tree?
4 - $400
This type of tree prefers warmer climates and
keeps its seeds in the fruits and nuts it produces
4 - $500
What is Alberta’s provincial tree? And is
Coniferous or Deciduous?
Lodge Pole Pine
 Coniferous
5 - $100
• What is a forest?
A forest is a community of living and non-living
things where the predominant (main) species is
 Everything in a forest is connected.
 Everything affects everything else.
 DOES NOT grow old together (lots of changes)
5 - $200
What is a decomposer and give and example
Organism who eats dead plants and animals,
they also return the nutrients to the soil.
5 - $300
What is glucose?
Glucose is a sugar that the plants make during
photosynthesis (its their food)
5 - $400
What is the difference/similarities between
coniferous and deciduous trees.
– Two difference for each one
– One thing they have in common
D: Leaves, shed in fall, warmer climates,
 C: Cone bearers, needles, colder climates
 SAME: Trees, trunks etc.
5 - $500
What is a tree?
– List three things that must be present for it to be a
Self supporting trunk
 Woody Material
 Perennial
 Higher than 3 m (usually 5-7)
Final Jeopardy
What is chlorophyll and where is it found in
It is a pigment that turns the leaves green. It
captures the sunlight and carbon dioxide and
converts it into sugar and oxygen.