Date of Revision Date of Previous Revision Programme Specification A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University’s Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual. Programme Title Programme Code Mathematics and Statistics & Operational Research MTH-MSCI, MTH-UM-SOR Criteria for Admissions (Please see General Regulations) UCAS Code MSci Honours (exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes) JACS Code GGC3 Stage 1 Entry: 3 A-levels AAA (or equivalent) grade A Mathematics Mode of Study (Full-time, Part-time, other) Type of Programme Final Award Full-time MSci Honours – Mathematics & Statistics & Operational Research Length of Programme Total Credits for Programme 4 Years Awarding Institution/Body Queen's University Belfast Teaching Institution QUB, School of Mathematics and Physics School/Department School of Mathematics and Physics Framework for Higher Education Qualification Level FHEQ Level 7 guidance QAA Benchmark Group ality/subject-guidance/Pages/Subjectbenchmark-statements.aspx Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Collaborative Organisation and form of Collaboration (if applicable) Accreditations (PSRB) ATAS Clearance Institute of Mathematics Date of next scheduled accreditation visit 2018 480 External Examiner Name: External Examiner Institution/Organisation Professor D A Jordan (Pure Maths) University of Sheffield Professor J Fyodorov (Applied Maths) Queen Mary, University of London Dr G Taylor (Statistics & Operational Research) University of Bath Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations Yes (Please see General Regulations) Programme Specific Regulations □ No X (If yes, please state here any exemptions to regulations which have been approved for this programme) Examinations Candidates who have completed an MSci Pathway to the satisfaction of the examiners shall be placed in one of two honours classes, first and second, the second class being in two divisions. When calculating the honours classification the following module weightings are used Stage Stage Stage Stage 1 2 3 4 5% 15% 30% 5% Students at the end of Stage 4 who do not achieve a 2.2 overall standard may be awarded a BSc degree. The final degree classification is calculated as follows. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 10% 30% 60% Transfer to Other Pathways At any time, normally up to the end of Stage 2, students may transfer to the BSc Pathway in Mathematics and Statistics & Operational Research Students may transfer to other Pathways (BSc, or if they have achieved a weighted average of at least 55%, MSci), provided they have passed all the compulsory modules on the Pathway to which they are transferring up to that time of transfer. Students with protected characteristics Progression Stage 1 Students will normally take six modules (or their equivalent) at Level 1 or above. Students must have passed at least five Stage 1 modules in order to progress to Stage 2. Stage 2 Students will normally take six modules (or their equivalent) at Level 2 or above. In order to progress to Stage 3, students must have passed at least five Stage 2 modules, and all six Stage 1 modules, and have achieved an overall average at Stage 2 of at least 55%. Students with an overall average lower than 55% will be required to transfer to the BSc degree. Stage 3 Students will normally take six modules (or their equivalent) at Level 3 or above. Students whose overall average, based on 25% of Stage 2 and 75% of Stage 3 marks, is less than 55% will be required to transfer to the BSc Honours degree. . Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations (Please see General Regulations) Please indicate Yes/No Length of Programme 4 YEARS Fitness to Practise programmes are those which permit students to enter a profession which is itself subject to Fitness to Practise rules Educational Aims of Programme On completion of the programme the student will be able to: To provide a high quality, research informed, mathematical education for students, which provides opportunities for them to realise their mathematical potential to the highest possible extent within the resources available to them for study. To equip them with the necessary base from which to embark on a research degree in mathematical subjects (including Theoretical and Computational Physics), which provides them with opportunities to test their aptitude for, and interest in, research. To provide opportunities for a balanced and coherent education in Mathematics and Statistics & OR, while retaining students' right to choose their modules flexibly according to their aptitudes and interests. To convey the elegance and usefulness of Mathematics and Statistics & OR. To develop students' knowledge and skills base in ways which, inter alia, will enhance their employment opportunities and enable them to make a valuable contribution to society. To develop students' power of critical analysis. To enhance students' skills in solving problems from a variety of contexts, using both analytic and computational methods. To develop the skill of communicating mathematics and mathematical results to others. To develop students' ability to function professionally as statisticians after graduation. Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills On the completion of this course successful students will have Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment developed their ability to: think logically; By its nature, mathematics has to be presented The assessment of these skills is implicit logically. The lectures provide exemplars of this in all forms of assessment, but is not process, as do the model answers for the explicitly measured. The overall degree analyse problems and situations; assignments. Applications of theory are of success achieved by each student discussed in lectures and in problems classes or reflects the extent to which these skills choose the appropriate mathematics or statistics needed for the tutorials, in a manner, which brings out the need have been acquired. solution of those problems; to call upon a range of mathematical and carry out structured organisation of their work; statistical skills in order to solve a problem. The use of targeted assignments requires students to learn independently, under guidance; organise their work, sometimes collaboratively but mostly independently. work with other students towards a common goal. Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills On the completion of this course successful students will have developed: skills of analytic thinking and critical analysis; organisational skills and time management; presentational skills, in both written and oral form, of mathematical, statistical, graphical and tabular material; the ability to work independently; the ability to meet deadlines. Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment Analytic thinking and critical analysis permeate any study of the mathematical sciences and therefore all forms of assessment. Students will only be successful if they plan their own timetables of work, outside formal classes, to maintain a balance between their different modules and between study and other pursuits. Much of their work is done individually, though in one project-based module, team working is encouraged and assessed. All students make a series of oral presentations of their project work; the final one, lasting for 30 minutes, is assessed and contributes 20% of the total project mark. Individual feedback on the earlier presentations is provided to give guidance on how to make improvements. Most of the assessment, in examinations as in dissertations, is based on students’ written presentation. Feedback on assignment submission is designed partly to enhance the students’ skills in this area. Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding On the completion of this course successful students will have developed knowledge and understanding of: basic methods and techniques of calculus and analysis, algebra, vector methods, numerical methods, basic probability, statistical and operational research methods; the use of these basic techniques in areas of application, such as classical mechanics, fluid mechanics, numerical analysis, statistical inference, operational research; the importance and development of mathematical rigour, in providing secure proofs of mathematical statements; a selection of more specialist optional topics to include areas of statistics and operational research, as well as pure mathematics and applied mathematics particular areas of pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics or operational research which would bring the students to the point from which they can embark on research. Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific Skills On the completion of this course successful students will have developed a broad range of subject-specific skills in statistics and operational research and in at least one of pure mathematics or applied mathematics; a high level of numeracy; their ability to construct rigorous mathematical proofs; an ability to construct computer programs in languages such as MATLAB, MATHEMATICA or FORTRAN to aid the solution of mathematically based problems; an ability to use statistical packages such as SAS; their ability to formulate situations in mathematical or statistical terms, and to express the solutions in mathematical or statistical problems in the context in which problems were originally posed; an awareness of ways in which mathematics, statistics and operational research are of importance in the world of work; their ability to undertake a small research project. Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment Lectures constitute the foundation for the presentation of the knowledge and understanding required of successful students. These are augmented by a range of measures – tutorials, problems classes, practical classes – as appropriate. Assignments, comprising sets of questions relevant to the material recently covered in lectures, and normally set at weekly intervals, form the major vehicle for a student’s learning of the various areas of mathematics. Assignments submitted are marked within one week and returned to the students to provide individual feedback on progress. For the most part, the assignments do not contribute to the assessment: they are part of the learning process rather than the assessment process. Assessment is mainly through formal examinations, either at the end of each module or in class tests held during the module. In some modules, practical work is assessed. In the context of project work, knowledge and understanding are assessed through the write-up or dissertation. Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Methods of Assessment Mathematical skills are acquired through doing and applying mathematics. While lectures provide a basis for this process, it is the undertaking of the weekly assignments, which is the key vehicle for developing a breadth and depth of mathematical ability. Confidence is thereby engendered, and this is enhanced through discussion in tutorials and problems classes. Practical classes develop skills in the use of mathematical and statistical software and the solution of problems for which an analytic approach does not lead to a full solution. One third of the final year’s work comprises a research project in statistics and/or operational research, individually supervised by a researcher from the academic staff. We link closely with the University Careers Service who provide lectures and workshops involving employers of mathematicians and statisticians. Assessment is through formal examinations, practical assignments and project dissertations.. Programme Requirements Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits Availability S1 Duration Pre-requisite S2 Assessment Core Option Coursework % Examination % 10 90 At Stage 1 Students are required to take six compulsory modules. Vector Algebra & Dynamics AMA1001 I 20 12 Weeks A-level Maths B Numbers, Sets and Sequences PMA1012 I 20 12 Weeks A-level Maths B Introduction to Probability and Operational Research SOR1001 I 20 12 Weeks A level Maths B Waves and Vector Fields AMA1002 I 20 12 Weeks AMA1001 (corequisite) Analysis and Linear Algebra PMA1014 I 20 12 Weeks Statistical Methods SOR1002 I 20 12 Weeks A-level Maths B PMA1012 (corequisite) SOR1001 (corequisite) 100 10 90 20 80 100 10 90 Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Availability S1 Duration Pre-requisite S2 Assessment Core Option Coursework % Examination % At Stage 2 Students are required to take an approved combination of six modules from those available in Applied mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Statistics & OR, to include SOR2002 and at least one of SOR2003 and SOR2004. A student intending to take more than one module of Applied Mathematics at Stage 3 must pass the examination in at least two of the AMA modules. A student intending to take more than one module of Pure Mathematics at Stage 3 must pass the examination in at least two of PMA2002, PMA2008, PMA2007. Normally no student shall be permitted to take more than two of AMA2003, PMA2003 and PMA2007 AMA2001 AMA1001 and Classical Mechanics 20 12 Weeks II AMA1002 Methods of Applied Mathematics AMA2003 II 20 12 Weeks None Complex Variables PMA2003 II 20 12 Weeks PMA1014 Linear Algebra PMA2007 II 20 12 Weeks PMA1012 and PMA1014 Elementary Number Theory PMA2010 II 20 12 Weeks None Statistical Inference SOR2002 II 20 12 Weeks SOR1002 Numerical Analysis AMA2004 II 20 12 Weeks None Fluid Mechanics AMA2005 II 20 12 Weeks AMA1002 Analysis PMA2002 II 20 12 Weeks PMA1014 Group Theory PMA2008 II 20 12 Weeks PMA1012 and PMA1014 Geometry PMA2009 II 20 12 Weeks None Methods of Operational Research SOR2003 II 20 12 Weeks SOR1001 Linear Models SOR2004 II 20 12 Weeks SOR2002 (corequisite) 100 100 100 100 100 30 70 40 60 100 100 100 10 90 100 20 80 Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Availability S1 Duration Pre-requisite S2 Assessment Core Option Coursework % Examination % At Stage 3 Students must take an approved combination of six modules from those available at Level 3 in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics & OR, to include EITHER AMA4020 OR PMA4013; at least two modules in Pure Mathematics OR the equivalent of at least two full modules in Applied Mathematics; and the equivalent of at least two full modules from those with SOR codes given in the list below. No Project module may be chosen. AMA3001 None Electromagnetic Theory 20 12 Weeks III 100 Quantum Theory AMA3002 III 20 12 Weeks None Advanced Numerical Analysis Partial Differential Equations AMA3004 III 20 12 Weeks AMA2004 AMA3006 III 20 12 Weeks None Computer Algebra PMA3008 III 20 12 Weeks None Ring Theory PMA3012 III 20 12 Weeks PMA2007 Set Theory PMA3014 III 20 12 Weeks PMA2007 Convergence PMA3016 III 20 12 Weeks PMA2002 (or PMA2003 100 Linear & Dynamic Programming Stochastic Processes SOR3001 III 20 12 Weeks AMA1001 or PMA1012 100 SOR3012 III 20 12 Weeks SOR1001 Statistical Data Mining SOR3008 III 20 12 Weeks SOR2004 Tensor Field Theory AMA3003 III 20 12 Weeks None Financial Mathematics AMA3007 III 20 12 Weeks None Calculus of Variations & Hamiltonian Mechanics Mathematical modelling in biology and medicine Investigations AMA3013 III 20 12 Weeks None AMA3014 III 20 12 Weeks None AMA4020 III 20 12 Weeks None Mathematical Investigations PMA4013 III 20 12 Weeks None Metric and Normed Spaces PMA3017 III 20 12 Weeks PMA2002 Algebraic Equations PMA3018 III 20 12 Weeks PMA2008 & either PMA2007 or AMA2003 100 30 70 100 100 100 100 100 15 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Availability S1 Duration Pre-requisite S2 Assessment Core Option Coursework % Examination % Stage 4 Students must take SOR4001 and four other modules from Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Statistics & OR, comprising EITHER four modules form Level 4 OR three modules from Level 4 plus one not previously taken from Level 3 (other than a Level 3 Project). Advanced Quantum Theory AMA4001 IV 20 12 Weeks AMA3002 or PHY3011 Practical Methods for Partial Differential Equations AMA4006 IV 20 12 Weeks None Functional Analysis PMA4002 IV 20 12 Weeks PMA3017 and PMA3014 Topology PMA4003 IV 20 12 Weeks PMA3017 and PMA3014 Information Theory AMA4009 IV 20 12 Weeks None Mathematical Methods for Quantum Information Processing Integration Theory AMA4021 IV 20 12 Weeks AMA2003 or PMA2007 PMA4004 IV 20 12 Weeks PMA2002 and PMA3014 Statistical Mechanics AMA4004 IV 20 12 Weeks AMA3002 or PHY3011 Advanced Mathematical Methods AMA4003 IV 20 12 Weeks None Rings and Modules PMA4008 IV 20 12 Weeks PMA3012 Algebraic Topology PMA4010 IV 20 12 Weeks PMA4003 (corequisite) Survival Analysis SOR4007 IV 20 12 Weeks SOR2004 Statistics Project SOR4001 IV 40 24 Weeks None 100 25 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 15 85 20 80 Approved by Director of Education: Print Name: …………………………………………………….. Signature: ………………………………………… Date: ……………………………..