Money Definition - any substance that serves as a medium of exchange, measure of value, store of value Money Medium of Exchange Accepted by all parties as payment for goods and services Examples: Gold Silver Salt (salarium = salary) Money Measure of Value Common denominator that can express worth in terms everyone understands Money Store of Value Purchasing power can be saved until needed History of Money Early Societies Variety of forms: Tea bricks in China Compressed cheese in Russia Spear necklaces in East Africa Commodity money – has an alternative use Fiat money – by government decree History of Money Examples in Colonial America Commodity Money Gunpowder Musket balls Corn Hemp Tobacco Fiat Money Wampum – one English penny = 6 white or 3 black shells History of Money Colonial America Paper Currency Printed money usually backed by gold or silver Specie Coins made of gold or silver History of Money Origins of the Dollar Spanish Peso - most common currency in America in 1789 Known as “pieces of eight” - it had eight subparts or “bits” “dollar” (from Austrian “taler”) became our monetary unit with 10 subparts instead of 8 “Two bits” = .25¢ History of Money Characteristics of Money Portability Durability Divisibility Limited availability History of Money Does our money today meet these characteristics? Portability Durability Divisibility Limited availability History of Money Groups Assignment In groups of 3-5, read the text book (pages 292-298) to determine the following information on the history of money in the U.S.: Dates Backing (gold, silver, etc.) Problems or issues with it Report findings to the class and complete the chart on the following slide for a grade Early Banking in U.S. Era Years Privately Issued Bank Notes Greenbacks National Currency Gold/Silver/ Treasury Notes Gold Standard Managed Money Supply Backing Problems/Issues Early Banking in U.S. Era Years Backing Problems/Issues Privately Issued 1776-1850 Gold? silver? No control None? Bank Notes No backing, lost faith in 1850-1862 None Greenbacks them, 10,000 diff. kinds Shifted from private to public control National 1863-1882 U.S. gov’t bonds Currency Gold/Silver/ 1882-1900 Gold or silver No single standard Treasury Notes limited supply of 1900-1934 Gold Gold Standard gold, price changes Managed 1934-today Money Supply None Money supply can change; affects economy Modern Banking Federal Reserve System 1913 – central bank created Private corporation – shares owned by private banks Publicly controlled – chairman appointed by President (approved by Congress) Prints Federal Reserve Notes – inconvertible fiat money since 1934 Modern Banking Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 1933 – Act of Congress during the Depression At first insured $2,500 on all accounts Now insures $250,000 $250,000 Modern Banking Other Depository Institutions Savings Banks – owned by stockholders Began offering NOW accounts in 1970s – pay interest on balance in the checking account Modern Banking Other Depository Institutions Credit Unions Owned by and operated for its members Non-profit Offer NOW accounts too Modern Banking Other Depository Institutions Savings & Loan Associations Most money used for home mortgages Insured by Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. (FSLIC) since the 1930s Modern Banking Problems with Savings & Loans Deregulated during Pres. Reagan’s term of office (1970s) High interest rates for loans caused many to close Fraud, corruption, scandals Government stepped-in and paid $300 billion to “bail out” the savings banks Modern Banking Problems with Banks Failures caused because of: Poor management Make loans without adequate collateral (people borrow money without anything to sell to pay it back) Economy is weak (businesses not growing) Measuring the Nation’s Output GDP – Gross Domestic Product Dollar amount of all goods, services, and structures produced in a country in a year Single most important measure of a country’s overall economic performance Honda plant – Greenburg, Indiana Is this included in GDP? How is the dollar amount of each of the products on the table calculated? Measuring the Nation’s Output Consumer Price Index Price ranges for about 90,000 items in 364 categories from 85 areas of the country Compared with 1982-84 prices Measuring the Nation’s Output Current GDP GDP that is not adjusted to remove the effects of inflation Real GDP GDP in constant dollars – adjusted for inflation since 1996 inflation – rise in the general level of prices GDP and Population Census Official count of all people every ten years Demographers People who study growth, density, and other characteristics of the population to include: Fertility rate – number of births that 1,000 women will undergo in a lifetime Life expectancy – average life span Net immigration – change in population from people leaving and entering country GDP and Population GDP and Economic Growth Short Term Growth Measured by real GDP over the last 1-5 years (GDP adjusted for inflation) Long Term Growth Measured by real GDP per capita – dollar amount of real GDP produced on a per person basis adjusts for both inflation and population Business Cycles and Fluctuations ► Business Cycles Regular ups and downs of real GDP ► Business Fluctuations Irregular rise and fall of real GDP over time Business Cycles and Fluctuations ► Recession Real GDP decline for 2 quarters in a row (averages 11 months) ► Trough Turn-around point where real GDP stops going down ► Expansion Period of recovery from a recession (averages 43 months) Possible Causes of Business Cycle 1. Capital Expenditures ► Build too many new plants in expansion years ► Pull back/layoff employees causing recession Starbucks plans to close 600 stores across U.S. 12,000 employees affected, but company hopes to absorb some Possible Causes of Business Cycle 2. Inventory Adjustments ► Businesses increase inventories in expansion period ► Reduce inventories at first sign of slowdown ► Causes a fluctuation in real GDP/recession Possible Causes of Business Cycle 3. Innovation and Imitation ► New product or technology results in business growth and imitators compete for a share of the market (dot com bubble) ► When they have caught up, investments slow down again Possible Causes of Business Cycle 4. Monetary Factors ► Credit and loan policies of the Federal Reserve System ► Low interest rates, loans easy to get – stimulates investment ► As demand for loans increases (shortage), interest rates rise, and borrowing slows down Possible Causes of Business Cycle 5. External Shocks ► Increases in oil prices in 2001, 2008 ► International conflict/wars ► Can be positive – discovery of a new energy source (North Sea oil, gas in Gulf of Mexico) DOHA, Qatar, Oct. 19 — OPEC producers sought to reassert their grip on falling oil markets on Thursday by backing a production cut of 1.2 million barrels a day, and suggested more reductions could follow this year to prop up sagging prices. Index of Leading Economic Indicators Clinton elected Index of Leading Economic Indicators – monthly statistics that can predict recessions Unemployment ► Unemployment Rate – number of unemployed individuals divided by the total number of persons in the civilian labor force Rises during a recession Unemployment ► Unemployment Rate – does not include: People not trying to get a job People working part-time Kinds of Unemployment 1. 2. Frictional Unemployment – workers who are between jobs for some reason or another Structural Unemployment – caused by fundamental change in technology or consumer tastes Kinds of Unemployment 3. Cyclical Unemployment – directly related to swings in the business cycle (recession) 4. Seasonal Unemployment – caused by changes on the weather or changes in demand (takes place every year) Kinds of Unemployment 5. Technological Unemployment – less skilled workers are replaced by machines, robots, and other equipment Where are all the workers?? ► Measuring Inflation inflation: the relative price level for products at some point in time ► Inflation is reported in terms of annual rates of change of the price level What usually happens to inflation during a recession? Causes of Inflation 1. Demand-pull: demand for goods exceeds supply (shortage) and prices are pulled up Causes of Inflation 2. Government deficit spending: demand increases due to government spending, causes a shortage and prices rise Deficit Spending: Government spending money it does not have Causes of Inflation 3. Rising labor costs: as laborers demand higher wages, businesses increase prices to offset costs Causes of Inflation 4. Too much money in circulation: Federal Reserve increases money supply The Fisher Equation MV=PQ M = Amount of Money in Circulation V = Velocity of money (times each monetary unit is spent in a year) P = Price Level (average of all goods/services) Q = Physical Quantity of all goods/services in a year PQ = Total amount spent in an economy in a year How the Fisher Equation Works MV=PQ Year One: M=100 V=4 P=10 Q=40 (100)(4)=(10)(40) Year Two: M=200 V=4 (stays constant) P= ? Q=40 (does not change in short run) What happens to the price with an increase in the money supply? (200)(4)=(?)(40) P=20 Effects of Inflation 1. Dollar buys less Effects of Inflation 2. People change spending habits Put off buying big ticket items Effects of Inflation 3. Some people invest in luxury items hoping the price will rise Effects of Inflation 4. Borrowers pay back loans with devalued dollars and lenders lose out On a clean sheet of paper, complete this graphic organizer: Causes of Inflation 1. 2. 3. 4. Economic Instability Kinds of Unemployment Causes of Business Cycle 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. Group Activity (p. 394-400) Distribution of Income: ► What is the Lorenz Curve? ► What is a quintile? ► Which quintile earned the most income in 2000? ► What percentage of the total income was earned by the lowest quintile? Group Activity (p. 394-400) Reasons for Income Inequality : Group Activity (p. 394-400) Poverty, reasons for a growing income gap : Group Activity Anti-poverty Programs : Income Assistance – Example General Assistance – Example Social Service Programs – Example (p. 394-400) Group Activity Anti-poverty Programs : Tax Credits – Example Enterprise Zones – Example Workfare Programs – Example Negative Income Tax – Example (p. 394-400) Group Activity (p. 394-400) Personal Income by State : Which state has the highest income? Which state has the lowest income? Where is Texas on the scale? Which states have the highest and lowest percentage of growth? Stock Market ► Stocks – ownership certificates in a corporation When someone purchases a share of stock, he/she becomes an owner of a corporation Can then vote for a board of directors to set the company’s policies and goals Stock Market ► Stock Exchanges – places where buyers and sellers meet to trade securities (for example: shares of stock) Stock Market ► The New York Stock Exchange – located on Wall Street Has 1,440 seats, or memberships Members pay several million dollars for each seat Lists stocks from over 3,000 companies Stock Market Dow Jones Industrial Average ► Most popular measure of stock market performance ► Includes stock prices of 30 companies 3M Co. Alcoa Inc. American Express Co. AT&T Inc. Bank of America Corp. Boeing Co. Caterpillar Inc. Chevron Corp. Dow Citigroup Inc. Coca-Cola Co. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Exxon Mobil Corp. General Electric Co. General Motors Corp. Bull vs. Bear Markets ► Bear Market – “mean” market Prices of stocks going down for several months or years ► Bull Market – “Strong” market Prices going up for several months or years