File - Dylan Mickelson

Name: Dylan Mickelson
Title: Checks and Balances in American Government
Summary: We will be learning about the structure of the government, and how it is set up so
that one branch of the government does not have more power than the rest. There is a set of
checks and balances.
Learners: The class will be a 12th grade government course
Standards: 9-12.C.3.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the separation of powers and the role of
checks and balances.
Online Learning Resources:
Checks and Balances Video:
Checks and Balances Review Game:
Materials/Technology Used by the Teacher:
 Computer
 Projector/Smartboard
 Internet
Materials/Technology Used by the Students:
 Computer
 Internet
 Worksheet
 Writing Utensil
Timeline of Activities:
I Do:
Introduce the lesson by first reviewing the different branches of the government, from there I
will introduce the concept of checks and balances and play the provided “Checks and Balances”
video to explain the concept.
We Do:
After the introduction as a class we will watch the video and then do a small discussion
evaluating the different branches and how they are able to check each other and balance the
power throughout the government.
You Do:
After the discussion I will assign the worksheet which will direct the students to the website
where they will play through two games to review their knowledge of the different branches and
the checks and balances that exist to keep the government just and fair. The students will also fill
out a worksheet while playing the games to ensure they take in the material, there will also be
questions on the worksheet from the movie.
Each student after watching the movie and completing the games from the website will complete
a worksheet with questions from both sources. This will assess the knowledge and
comprehension of both and will ensure their attention. This will be worth 35 pts.
Checks and Balances Worksheet
After the video and during the website activities you will fill in the answers from the knowledge
gained from both resources. The worksheet will be worth 35 pts. and can be used as a study
guide for the test at the end of the unit.
Each worth 1 pt.
From Video
1. Which branch holds the most power?
2. Who is the CEO or head of the executive branch?
3. Which branch has the power to create courts?
4. Who has the power to break ties in the Senate?
5. Who nominates Supreme Court justices?
6. Why were checks and balances implemented in the first place?
7. Where did the idea for checks and balances come from?
Online Activity
Checks and Balances Game
Executive Branch
8. Makes ____________________ with other countries.
9. Carries out ______________________.
10. ________________________ bills he does not like.
11. ______________________ the budget.
Legislative Branch
12. ________________________ on treaties and budget.
13. Makes ___________________________.
14. Overrides President’s _______________________ with _____________________ vote.
15. Can ________________________ President for misconduct.
Branches of Government Game
Directions: Lists the powers that each branch holds has sorted on the online game found at the
link above. Worth 15 pts.
Critical Thinking: Why are checks and balances necessary in government? Answer in your own
words. Worth 5 pts.