Study Guide/Notes "Renaisance Music"

Renaissance Music 1450 - 1600
 In keeping with the ideals of the era, _______________________ was expected to be trained in music.
 Women were mostly __________________ singers during this time especially in ________________ in
the late Renaissance
 _________________- performing artist of extraordinary technical mastery
 ____________________ during the Renaissance enjoyed higher pay and status
 ___________________ also wanted to be known and given credit for their work
Leading Countries
 _______________- leading music center in the 16th century
 Others- _______________, ________________, and _________________ .
Words and Music
 Middle Ages- __________ music more important
 Renaissance- _______________ wrote music to enhance the _________________ of the words
 ________________________- musical representation of specific poetic images
 Ex. Descending from heaven (descending melodic line), _______________ (series of rapid notes)
 Mostly ___________________
 Renaissance music sounds ______________ than medieval music (bass register was used for the first
time)= _________________ harmonies
Golden Age
 Unaccompanied choral music- ________________________
Sacred Music in the Renaissance
 2 main forms:
 ______________and _______________
 _________________- polyphonic choral work set to sacred Latin text (not ordinary mass)
 _________________- polyphonic choral composition made up of 5 sections: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo,
Sanctus, and Agnus Dei
Josquin Des Prez
 _____________ of Renaissance music
 Compositions include __________, ____________, and ___________ vocal pieces
 Ex. Ave Maria…Virgo Serena 1475 (Listen) 1,56
Secular Music in the Renaissance
 Became increasingly _______________
 Development of music ______________ helped spread _______________ music and made thousands
of songs available
 ____________ educated person was expected to play an ______________ and _____________ music
 Composers imitated natural _____________ such as _________ calls and ____________ cries
 More rapid shifts of ____________ than sacred music
 A piece for several ___________ voices set to a short __________ poem
 ___________________- among the finest English madrigalists
 Ex. As Vesta Was Descending (1601) written to honor Queen Elizabeth (Listen) 1,59
Instrumental Music
 Popular instruments in the _____________:
 ________________  ________________  ________________- versatile plucked string instrument with the body in the shape of a pear
 1600’s instrumental music was written more for the _________________ themselves and played for
______________ and __________________
 Every educated person was also expected to be skilled in ______________
Important Renaissance Instruments
 Recorders
 ___________
 ___________
 Violas