2015 Words of the Day 11-20

English 2 2015 Words of the Day 11-20
o Mr. Simmons has a prejudice against all Duke basketball players, thinking
they are all evil.
o Prej-uh-dis
o Noun
o a preconceived opinion or feeling formed without knowledge, thought or
o Identify a prejudice that you see from a person or a group of people and
provide why you think that happens and how it can potentially be fixed.
#12 9/8/15
o “To pass away” is a euphemism for “to die.”
o You-fuh-mis-um
o Noun
o An expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when
referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
o Provide an example
#13 9/9/15
o Because Dillon was apathetic about politics, he didn’t vote in the election.
o Ap-uh-the
o Noun
o Lack of interest; state of not caring
o Using the word apathetic correctly within a sentence, describe something
about which you are apathetic.
#14 9/9/15
 edict
o e-dikt
o noun
o In the town of Simmonsville, the mayor made an edict that no one could wear
Tar Heel apparel.
o an official statement or law
o Provide 2 Synonyms
#15 9/10/15
o Mosche the Beadle was adamant that the Jews listen to his warning.
o Ad-uh-ment
o Adjective
o Unyielding; firm in opinion
o Provide 1 Synonym –
o Provide 1 Antonym –
#16 9/10/15
 Bigot
o A bigot is the worst enemy of democracy and free speech.
o Big-ut
o Noun
o One who is intolerant of another’s beliefs, opinions, or values
o Provide 1 Antonym
#17 9/11/15
 Bias
o Mr. Simmons showed bias towards his daughter when he gave her more
playing time than anyone else although everyone was just as talented.
o Bi-us
o noun
o prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared
with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
o Provide 2 synonyms
#18 9/11/15
 Propaganda
o One example of Nazi propaganda is the picture of the “Eternal Jew.”
o Prop-uh-gan-da
o Noun
o information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote
or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
o the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of
helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
#19 9/14/15
 Incite
o The fan crossing the floor to fight an opposing fan incited violence
among the other fans as well.
o In-site
o Verb
o stir up (violent or unlawful behavior)
o Provide 2 Antonyms
#20 9/14/15
o Although Elie is tired and weak, he is able to transcend what he thinks
is capable of and keeps going.
o Verb
o Tran-send
o To go beyond what is thought to be normal
o Write one sentence in which you write an example of transcendence.