
Dean Vivian Fueyo
Dean Darrell Garber
Dean Brad Balch
Leadership is not mobilizing others to solve
problems we already know how to solve,
but helping them to confront problems that
have not yet been addressed successfully.
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
A Framework for Leadership
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
Building a leadership team
What do you want to
Who will help you?
How do you build the
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
Strategic vision
Budget analysis
Search process
Making an offer
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
Resources for Hiring
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
Tenure and Promotion
 Begins as soon as the contract is signed
 Mentoring
 Feedback
 Determining success and failure
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
 Bensimon, E. M. & Neumann, A. (1993). Redesigning collegiate leadership:
Teams and teamwork in higher education. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Bright, D. & Richards, M. (2001). The academic deanship. San Francisco:
John Wiley and Sons.
Dickeson, R. (1999). Prioritizing academic programs and services:
Reallocating resources to achieve strategic balance. San Francisco: JosseyBass.
Fullan, M. (2008). The six secrets of change: What the best leaders do to
help their organizations survive and thrive. San Francisco: John Wiley
Wergin, J. (2003). Departments that work. San Francisco: John Wiley
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
Delegating Duties
 Delegating is much easier if people volunteer and take
 Without ownership, delegating can look like
 Purkey uses the definition inviting from the Latin
invitare meaning “to summon cordially”.
 lines up with the progression of leadership. Where you
begin depends on where you are sitting.
Simple exercise of
power to get work
The leader and
followers “bargain”
with one another to
get the work done.
The leader and
followers engage in a
common cause.
Moral Leadership
A shared mission, a
shared purpose and
shared values.
Leadership Style
 A leader has to match the leadership style with the
needs of the followers.
Authoritative Style
• Use if a group member lacks knowledge about a certain
Participative Style
• Use with group members who understand the objectives and
their role in the task.
Delegative Style
• Use if the group members know more than you do about the
Working with the Media
 Essentially there are four “triggering events” that
would cause the Dean to interact with the media.
Publicizing an event
Capitalizing on accomplishments from:
Sharing an unusual or unique story
Serving as an expert to the media
Rules of Engagement
 Work through your University Public Relations Office.
Be respectful of media deadlines.
Identify “experts” in the College
Be well prepared
Be available
Utilizing Advisory Groups
 Generally, advisory groups serve two purposes:
1. NCATE compliance and best practices
Alumni and donor outreach
The unit and other faculty collaborate with P-12
practitioners in program design, delivery and evaluation
of the unit and its programs.
Colleges have alumni groups in cooperation with their
University Foundation. (That relationship is important
Shared Leadership and Building
Capacity – The Essentials!
 Vision – Mission - Core Values
 Conceptual Framework
 Diversity Plan
 Academic Plan
 Strategic Plan
Vision – Mission - Core Values
 Vision - It’s about creating a movie of the mind that carries
us from our present “what is” into a future of the best we can
imagine…“what ought be.” It’s our dream!
 Mission - A straightforward, clear, and concise statement
that defines who we are, who we serve, what we do, and why
we do it. Global enough to capture the larger purpose and
specific enough to provide direction.
 Core Values –
Describe Relationships Underscore the Whole Unit
Clarify Who We Are
Articulate What We Stand For
Requires No External Justification
Conceptual Framework
 The conceptual framework includes aligned educator
preparation elements, describing the overall
philosophy and purpose of the unit.
 The Framework should also include the knowledge
base, theories, research, and wisdom of practice.
Diversity Plan
The Plan is underscored by a Cultural Audit
The Plan has three primary goals:
 To build and maintain an inclusive campus environment.
 To recruit, support, retain, and graduate a diverse student
 To maintain and enhance diversity in employment of staff,
faculty, and administrators.
An Implementation Team is essential. As the saying goes,
“What gets measured gets done!” Therefore, a committee
reviews the Measures of Progress each year, identify persons
responsible for goal accomplishment, and makes
recommendations. The committee updates the diversity web
page and posts relevant data.
Academic Plan
It is a purposeful effort to enable the following:
 reflect on existing programs, opportunities, or efforts in
terms of additional support, revision, or elimination;
 identify new programs, opportunities or efforts;
 reflect on the current department model for the college as it
regards existing and new programs;
 consider appropriate staffing and supports;
 respond with creative and innovative solutions to three
change forces – declining funding, rising expectations, and
rapidly developing technology; and,
 reflect on the success/failure of our external partners in
relationship to our own programs, opportunities, and
Academic Plan Continued
Academic planning yields many desirable outcomes. The
exercise should favorably address the following:
 increased enrollment, retention and graduation rates;
 strengthen collaboration across programs, personnel, and
academic units;
 enhance the professoriate (discovery, integration,
application, teaching, learning, service);
 optimize our human resource commitment (existing and
future personnel);
 reduce costs;
 increase revenue opportunities;
 eliminate course duplication; and,
 seek new alignments for enhanced academic opportunities.
Academic Plan Continued
The 10-year academic plan should respond to the following grand-tour
 What will education professions look like in the next 10 years relative to our
college programs/services?
 What are the challenges facing education professions and how can the
college best position itself for these challenges through 2020?
 How will programs/services respond to three change forces through 2020–
declining funding, rising expectations, and rapidly developing technology?
 If the college were to become the leading education provider, what
programmatic/service opportunities should the college pursue?
 This might include, (1) eliminating programs/services, (2) collaboration,
partnerships, and new program/service alignments, (3) consolidation of
programs/services, and (4) identifying resources for these opportunities.
Strategic Plan
 A strategic plan will enable a unit’s mission and assist
in achieving the vision.
 The strategic plan also allows a unit to take a bigpicture view of itself over the next several years (e.g., 5)
and be well positioned for distinctiveness in a changeoriented environment.
 In part, it should include planning goals, timelines, a
process, and overall desired outcomes.
 Vision – Mission – Values: http://coe.indstate.edu/dean/docs/fastfacts.pdf
 Conceptual Framework:
 Diversity Plan:
 Academic Plan:
 Strategic Plan: