By: Mrs. Chalk Act I; Scene I 3 witches “Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.” Appearances can be deceiving They realize everyone has a flaw and they want to find out what Macbeth’s is. Act I; Scene II Scotland and Norway are at war King Duncan and Malcolm are waiting for a war update Captain comes and says Macdonwald is a traitor Act I; Scene II Pg 303, line 21-23 (Said by the Captain) “Which nev’r shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon battlements. This quote shows that Macbeth is loyal, courageous, and overcomes great odds in battle. Macbeth stabbed him in the navel and cut him in half Put his head on a stake on the battlefield Act I; Scene II Ross and Lennox come in and say Norway has surrendered and the Thane of Cawdor was a traitor King of Norway pays reparations (debt) Thane of Cawdor is executed Macbeth receives his title Act I; Scene III Know the quotes about the witches cursing the sailor The first witch asks a woman for chestnuts The woman says no, so the witch puts a spell on her husband He will be lost at sea He will have no water He will never sleep again Act I; Scene III Pg 306, (Said by Macbeth) “So foul and fair a day I have not seen The day is both bad and good. Good: He (Macbeth) had to kill another to save his king and his country Bad: He does not like the fact that he had to kill another human being Act I; Scene III Macbeth and Banquo walk past the witches. To Macbeth: You are the Thane of Cawdor You will be king To Banquo: Lesser than Macbeth and greater Not so happy, but much happier He will be the father of kings Act I; Scene III Ross and Angus come and tell Macbeth the outcome of the war (that he is now the Thane of Cawdor) Macbeth is confused about what has happened He is shocked that the witches were correct Banquo is very cautious He knows something would have to happen to the king and both sons Macbeth says he will not do anything to help himself to be king; if it happens, it happens Act I; Scene IV Pg 310, line 12-14 (Said by King Duncan) “There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face: He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust.” This is said after Duncan finds out the old Thane of Cawdor has been executed He regrets his decision to have him killed; finds it a misjudgment on his part This will later be shown to begin the path to Duncan’s undoing Act I; Scene V Begins with Lady Macbeth reading a letter sent by her husband Pg 312, line 15-16 (Said by Lady Macbeth) “It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness to catch the nearst way.” She believes he has the ambition to be a great king. However, she believes that her husband is far too kind to carry out the duties of a king. Act I; Scene V Lady Macbeth thinks she can talk Macbeth into doing something (like commit murder) to make him king and her queen She tells Macbeth that the murder of King Duncan should happen at night so that no one will know She is pushing the idea of murdering King Duncan onto Macbeth Act I; Scene VI The king likes Macbeth’s castle (home) and loves Macbeth Banquo notices the bird’s nest in a dangerous spot outside Macbeths home This gives us the foreshadowing that something terrible/dangerous is going to take place inside of Macbeth’s home Act I; Scene VII Macbeth is alone and is thinking about King Duncan. Pg 317, line 79-82 (said by Macbeth) “I am settled, and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat. Away, and mock the time with the fairest show; False face must hide what the false heart doth know.” Macbeth has decided to go through with killing Duncan Tells his wife to act like they love the king very much Act II; Scene I It is extra dark outside, the moon and stars are not shining Banquo is exhausted, but does not sleep because of an uneasy feeling he has about something Banquo is having dreams about the three witches Macbeth says that he doesn’t think about what the witches told him (LIE!!!!) Act II; Scene I Pg 319, line 27-30 (said by Banquo) “So I lose none in seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear I shall be counseled.” Macbeth has basically asked Banquo if he will always have Macbeth’s back. Banquo answers that he can as long as the situation is good. He can possibly have his back with something bad, but he is not making Macbeth any promises Act II; Scene I Lady Macbeth has run the bell, symbolizing and foreshadowing the oncoming death of King Duncan Pg 320, line 33-34 (said by Macbeth) “Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.” This is part of a hallucination that Macbeth is having. He sees a floating dagger (handle toward him)with the blade pointing towards Duncan’s room Act II; Scene II Lady Macbeth, who had decided she was going to kill Duncan, does not go through with the murder She does not go through with the murder because Duncan reminds her of her father Macbeth kills Duncan He believed he heard the others talking (attendants who he kills) He immediately regrets what he has done Feels like he is far away from God because of what he has done Act II; Scene II Pg 323, line 34-35 (said by Macbeth) “Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep” He thinks he will never sleep again Sleep can heal you, but he has committed a crime so awful that he will never rest again. He gave Duncan no choice and killed him in his sleep He knows that people could come after him. Act II; Scene II Macbeth comes to the room where Lady Macbeth is. He still has the dagger with him His hands are bloody Lady Macbeth tells him they will wash their hands of this murder Scene ends with knocking on their door. Its early in the morning Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have not slept at all that night Act II; Scene III Macduff and Lennox have come to wake up the king and get him ready for his day It has been very stormy during the night and the morning The storm came out of nowhere There were animal cries The owl cried (symbol for entering hell) Macbeth takes them to the king’s room Macduff goes in and finds that the king is dead Act II; Scene II Banquo steps up and calls everyone into action The sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, do not know who they can trust Malcolm goes to England Donalbain goes to Ireland This was a poor decision on their part This make them look suspicious to outsiders Act II; Scene IV The storm is not normal It is dark during the day The falcon was attacked and killed by an owl Duncan’s horses were attacking the people and other horses Duncan’s horses were eating the people and horses they were attacking Everything is unnatural Act III; Scene I Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are now king and queen Macbeth meets with two murderers that Banquo has put away Going to release the murders so that they can kill (seek revenge for themselves) Banquo Macbeth lets them know the when and where to murder Banquo and Fleance Macbeth and his wife had invited Banquo and his son to a feast in his honor Act III; Scene II Lady Macbeth believes that “what’s done is done” She tells Macbeth that he should not think about Duncan anymore Macbeth is planning on getting rid of (killing) Banquo and his son, Fleance, but is not going to tell his wife He wants to keep her innocent of this terrible deed Act III; Scene III The murder A third murderer shows up It is night Banquo and Fleance walked their horses to the castle instead of riding them The torch goes out and they cannot see The murderers attack Banquo is killed Fleance escapes Act III; Scene IV Murder comes and tells Macbeth that Banquo is dead (with 20 stab wounds in the head) but Fleance got away Compares Fleance to a worm He is harmless now Eventually he will become a snake with venom (revenge seeking for his father’s death) Act III; Scene IV Macbeth does not sit at the head of the table He is trying to seem humble Banquo’s ghost is sitting in Macbeth’s chair Seeing Banquo the way he got left in the ditch Lady Macbeth says it is something that he has done as a child (talking to ghosts no one else can see) Macbeth says the way the ghost looks and the way he is looking at him is like he is accusing Macbeth of the murder Act III; Scene IV Ross questions what Macbeth is looking at Lady Macbeth screams for everyone to leave Macbeth realizes that he will get what he deserves in the end Side note: Macbeth sees that Macduff did not attend the feast Act III; Scene IV Macbeth is not enjoying being king He is paying his servants to spy on everyone He is worried there are people conspiring against him Macbeth is making a plan to go and see the three witches again Act III; Scene V This scene is thought to be written by someone else Someone other than William Shakespeare Hecate says Macbeth is being evil for himself Macbeth’s over confidence will be his ultimate downfall Act III; Scene VI Macbeth wants everyone to think that the sons have killed their fathers Malcolm/Donalbain: Duncan- Fleance: Banquo Lennox does not believe that Lennox said that Macbeth is the murderer and if the sons were there, Macbeth would kill them too Macduff goes to Malcolm and Edward the Confessor to try to overthrow Macbeth Macbeth sends for Macduff with no response Act IV; Scene I The witches are literally stirring up evil “Double, double, toil and trouble; fire burn and caldron bubble” Macbeth goes to the witches and asks what is going to happen They come and decide to call on spirits Add blood from a pig that has killed her own piglets Act IV; Scene I 1st apparition A floating head with armor “Beware Macduff” 2nd apparition A bloody child No man born of woman can harm him 3rd apparition A child crowned hold a tree You will be king until the forest attacks the castle Act IV; Scene I 4th apparition A line of eight kings and Banquo with the last king holding a mirror Banquo is bloody In the mirror there is only Banquo’s reflection “He will be the father of kings” Act IV; Scene I Lennox comes in and clarifies that Macduff is England with Malcolm Macbeth is mad He is going to go to Macduff’s castle and kill his wife, children, and everyone else in the house This is showing us how evil Macbeth has really become Act IV; Scene II Lady Macduff is upset with her husband for leaving the family unprotected Ross tries to explain that he has left so that he can better the whole country and make it safe for everyone Lady Macduff and her son are talking about Macduff Calling him a traitor for leaving his family Act IV; Scene II A messenger goes to Macduff’s house to warn the Lady about danger Pg 359 (said by Lady Macduff) “Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable, to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly.” There is no escape in a world where evil acts are rewarded and good acts are looked over. Act IV; Scene III Macduff and Malcolm are talking Malcolm doesn’t really trust Macduff because he used to be with Macbeth and Macduff left his family under Macbeth’s rule Malcolm say not only is he suspicious of Macduff, but he also has sins of his own and that MacBeth might be better as king instead of him Act IV; Scene III Malcolm’s sins: Lust- he says he would sleep with every woman in the kingdom Macduff says he has a good heart and they could get him any girl he wants Greed-there is not enough stuff to fill him up Macduff thinks he would be satisfied with all that being king gives No morals- he doesn’t care and would cause trouble Macduff says Macbeth does not deserve to be king Act IV; Scene III This whole argument was a test Malcolm was giving Macduff to figure out if Macduff was in alliance with Macbeth Macbeth has sent many people to Malcolm to get him to come back to Scotland so that Macbeth can kill him Macduff is speechless. It was a lot to take in It was a surprise to switch gears so quickly Act IV; Scene III Ross comes to give them his report Macduff asks how his wife and kids are Ross says well and at peace when he left them Meaning: they were better off than others because they were dead Macduff tells him to stop being short and tell him the truth Macduff cannot wrap his head around Macbeth being that evil Act IV; Scene III Malcolm keeps telling Macduff to get mad, angry, and vengeful Malcolm cannot kill Macbeth because you have to be pure to be king Malcolm needs someone else to kill Macbeth Macduff is that person Macduff tells him to let him be sad for his family Act V; Scene I The doctor comes to watch what the gentlewoman has seen She gets up, writes, and talks in her sleep The gentlewoman will not say what Lady Macbeth is saying in her sleep for fear of being killed The doctor is there to witness what Lady Macbeth is doing/saying She talks about all of the murders She doesn’t directly confess, but it in implied Act V; Scene I Lady Macbeth seems to be trying to wash a spot off of her hands There is not a spot It is a symbol of the guilt she feels for Duncan’s murder Lady Macbeth keeps a light with her at all times The doctor says she needs a priest, not a physician The doctor promises he will never say what he has seen or heard Act V; Scene II In the country near Dunsinane, people are getting ready to attack the castle This is where the predictions from the apparitions (spirits) start to come into effect Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness are all talking about how they will attack Macbeth The people working for Macbeth are not really loyal to him; they fear him Act V; Scene III The servant is afraid because he sees 10,000 men coming towards the castle Macbeth is being over confident Seyton (Satan) is Macbeth’s right hand man Macbeth tells the doctor to take care of his wife and get rid of whatever it is she has He is anxious about what is happening with the soilders Act V; Scene IV The soldiers are going to are gong to grab branches to cover themselves With 10,000 men carrying branches, it will look like the forest is moving towards the castle Act V; Scene V As Macbeth is preparing for war, he finds out that his wife has killed herself He is deeply saddened and realizes that nothing has turned out the way he wanted The servant comes in and says “I swear it looks like the forest is moving towards us” Macbeth freaks out but does not give up Act V; Scene VI and VII Macbeth is trying to get out of the castle but is trapped Young Siward sees him and they fight Macbeth kills him Macbeth could have let the boy go. Most of the young boys who have come to fight are very young and untrained. They have easily taken the castle because the people outside of the castle aren’t trying to protect it Act V; Scene VIII Macduff was born from a C-section, so technically he was not born of woman (loop hole) Macduff and Macbeth start fighting Macbeth says he will not surrender He will fight to the death (it was his floating head) Macduff kills Macbeth Act V; Scene VIII Ross tells Malcolm and Siward that Young Siward is dead Siward asks how the wounds were If he was hurt from the front then he was not running away Macduff comes in holding Macbeth’s head Malcolm is king His brother and Fleance come back The Thanes become Earls