Using the knowledge framework to explore the arts

Using the knowledge framework to explore the arts
An effective way to explore the different areas of knowledge is to use what the IB is
referring to as a ‘knowledge framework’. This gives you five different consideration points,
so you can think further about each AOK, understand the way they all link together, and
reflect on your own relationship with knowledge.
Each consideration point can be broken down into sub-questions, which are suggested
below. We have also included ways in which you can go about approaching to each subquestion
1. Scope and applications
What is the social function of
the arts?
Think about whether the arts provide us with knowledge of
society (and how), whether it aids social cohesion, and
whether there is any therapeutic value within the arts.
How many different forms
does it encompass (eg
literature, visual arts, music,
dance, etc.)?
Think of all the different forms of the arts. Think also of
artistic forms that some may claim are ‘art’, and some may
claim are ‘not art’ (eg video games, conceptual art, etc.)
What are their separate aims?
Think about what each type of art form seeks to do, in
terms of provide us with knowledge. Think about the way in
which different art forms differ in this sense.
To what extent are the arts
influenced by the society and
culture in which it is pursued?
Think about the way in which art is different throughout the
world, and aspects of it that remain consistent. Think about
what causes those differences and similarities.
How important are the arts?
Think about a world without the arts, and how bereft (or
not) this would leave society.
2. Concepts and language
How do we use language to
express the knowledge found
within the arts?
Think about the extent to which we need a specific
vocabulary to gain knowledge of the arts, and whether we
can develop a meaningful understanding without such
To what extent does this
differ according to different
forms of the arts?
Apply this idea to different forms of the arts, and think
about whether it is truer in some types of the arts than
Are there any central
concepts for which we need
specific language before
approaching the arts?
Think about whether there are any key overriding concepts
that you need to understand before trying to gain
knowledge from the arts.
3. Methodology
Which ways of knowing do we
use in order to connect with,
and understand, the arts?
Think about the key ways of knowing that we use in order
to gain knowledge about the arts. Think about the
traditional picture of the arts being primarily ‘emotional’,
and whether this is actually the case.
Which ways of knowing do
artists themselves use in
order to create their works?
Think about things from the point of view of the artists
themselves as they create art. Think about the reason for
possible differences in terms of the WOKs they use, and the
WOKs we (as viewers) use.
4. Historical development
How has our understanding
and perception of the arts
changed over time?
Think about how we view art, and whether we still follow
the same ‘rules’ in order to gain knowledge from the arts.
How has the role of the arts
within society developed?
Think about the way in which the extent of art has changed,
whether it features in more people’s lives, and the way
individuals and public institutions interact with it,
particularly as society and populations are growing larger
and more diverse.
To what extent has the nature
of the arts (for example, the
different forms of the arts)
Think about the evolution of new forms of art, and whether
certain forms have died out. Think also about the reason for
this, and what drives such changes.
What relationship does
today’s artistic world have
with that of the past? (to
paraphrase Newton, does it
‘stand on the shoulders of
Think about the extent to which the arts of today is built on
principles established by the arts from the past. Think about
whether a true understanding of the arts can be achieved
only by putting modern art in the context of its historical
5. Links to personal knowledge
To what extent are you
involved with the arts?
Think about the extent to which you create, use, and
interact with the arts, and the role it plays in your life.
How is your perception of the
world, and your position it in,
affected by the arts?
Think about how artistic works - such as books, films, and
music - have influenced your perception and whether you
view the world using an artistic paradigm.