1. TCO 3. Angelica and Michael are chatting about how things are

1. TCO 3. Angelica and Michael are chatting about how things are going in their business
statistics class. Angelica remarks that she got 68 percent on the Midterm. Michael says his mark
was 92 percent. Angelica feels discouraged when she hears Michael's score. This is an example
of which one of the following concepts? (Points : 5)
low esteem
2. TCO 10. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are a Hollywood couple who seem to have been brought
together by proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarity. There mutual attraction could be
described as a good outcome of meeting each other. Good outcomes are associated with which
one of the following theories of interpersonal attraction? (Points : 5)
reward theory of attraction
3. TCO 13. The polygamist splinter groups of the Mormon Church are socially deviant groups by
definition. They keep to themselves in isolated communities, with protected boundaries and
hostility toward outsiders. Law enforcement agencies are reluctant to intervene, fearing Wacolike self-destruction might erupt. Thus, being aggressive gets them something that they want,
freedom to continue their anti-normative practices. This reflects an imitation of observed
behaviors of other people, who seem to have had success with this strategy.
What theory of aggression in the textbook is associated with the argument that these groups
continue their anti-social ways, because they get something out of it that they want and value?
(Points : 5)
social learning theory
4. TCO 1. Imagine you are walking along and a large dog approaches you. You assume the dog
is unfriendly, so you start yelling at it to go away. In your mind, you are convinced the dog is
going to harm you. The dog is alarmed and defends itself by biting you on the ankle. This is an
example of which one of the following? (Points : 5)
self-fulfilling belief
self-handicapping behavior
self-defeating behavior
perceived lack of control of your outcome
5. TCO 8. According to social psychologists, a group exists when two or more people interact
with and influence each other AND _________ . (Points : 5)
also perceives themselves as “us”
6. TCO 4. Being a musician in a band, you find yourself paying attention when other people are
discussing music and easily remember their musical preferences. This tendency is referred to as
which one of the following? (Points : 5)
attention phenomenon
personal noteworthiness phenomenon
self-reference effect
self-consistent effect
7. TCO 2. Which one of the following research methods would work best if you wanted to study
the routes people take when shopping in a grocery superstore while allowing them to maintain
the effects of their natural environment? (Points : 5)
follow people around the store unobtrusively, noting their routes (field study)
8. TCO 11. Before agreeing to volunteer at the local homeless shelter, Sharon weighs the costs
(getting up at 6 AM) and the benefits (feeling good about herself) of helping out. She is trying to
determine if the cost outweighs the benefits. This strategy is which one of the following? (Points
: 5)
social exchange theory
9. TCO 7. Some individuals have many children so that they can ensure someone will take care
of them when they grow old. However, this contributes to the collective devastation of
overpopulation. This is an example of which one of the following? (Points : 5)
a social dilemma
10. TCO 3. After losing the third hand of poker in a row, and running out of chips, Georgio
walks over to the wall and hits it so hard with his fist that he makes a big hole in the drywall,
releasing his anger on something other than himself. This is an example of which one of the
following? (Points : 5)
11. TCO 9. Maureen and Elaine are both older students who are new to Crossroad University,
and do not know each other. However, they are in several classes together and soon develop a
friendship. Which one of the following explains this? (Points : 5)
cultural similarity
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