Mechanical Hound

Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
Mechanical Hound
1. “…and let loose rats in the fire house
areaway, and sometimes chickens, and
sometimes cats that would have to be
drowned anyway, and there would be
betting to see which of the cats or
chickens or rats the Hound would seize
first.” Pg. 28
• Action
Mechanical Hound (cont.)
2. “The Mechanical Hound slept but did
not sleep, lived but did not live in the
gently humming, gently vibrating
soft illuminated kennel back in a
dark corner of the fire house.” Pg. 28
• Not Human
Mechanical Hounds (cont.)
3. “—Mechanical hound never fails. Never
since its first use in tracking quarry has
this incredible invention made a mistake.
Tonight this network is proud to have the
opportunity to follow the hound by camera
helicopter as it starts on its way to the
target—” Pg. 135
• Reaction of others
Old Woman
1. “Play the man, Master Ridley; we
shall this day light such a candle, by
God’s grace, in England, as I trust
shall never be put out.” Pg. 39
• Educated woman who retains the
information she reads
Old Woman (cont.)
2. “You can’t ever have my books.” Pg
• Cares passionately about her books
3. “You know where they are or you wouldn’t
be here.”
• Seems to be in shock but still calm
and still defies authority
Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowels
1. “They were like a monstrous crystal
chandelier tinkling in a thousand
chimes, he saw their Cheshire cat
smiles burning through the walls of
the house, and now they were
screaming at each other above the
din. Pg. 95
• Appearance and Action
Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles
2. “… the Army called Pete yesterday.
He’ll be back next week. The army
said so. Quick war. Forty-eight hours,
they said, and everyone home. That’s
what the army said. Quick war. Pete
was called yesterday and they said
he’d be back next week. Quick….” Pg.
•Revealing characters thoughts about the war.
Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles
3. “You know I haven’t any! No one in
his right mind, the good Lord knows,
would have children!” said Mrs.
Phelps.” Pg. 98
• Revealing characters thoughts about children
1. “He stood looking up at the ventilator grille
in the hall and suddenly remembered that
something lay hidden behind the grille,
something that seemed to peer back down
at him now. He moved his eyes quickly
away.” Pg. 14
2. “It would be easy for someone to set up a
partial combination on the Hounds ‘memory’
a touch of amino acids perhaps. That would
account for what the animal did just now.
Reacted toward me.” Pg. 30
 “One time, as a child, in a power
failure, his mother had found and lit a
last candle and there had been a brief
hour of rediscovery, ….” Pg. 11
Elements of Science Fiction
1. “… toward the subway where the
silent air-propelled train slid silently
...” Pg. 8
Elements of Science Fiction
2. “The hound half rose in his kennel and
looked at him with green-blue neon
lights flickering in its suddenly activated
eye-bulbs. ...” Pg 29
Elements of Science Fiction
3. “And in her ears the little Seashells, the
thimble radios tamped tight ...”
4. “… How long you figure before we save
up and get the fourth wall torn out and
a fourth wall TV put in? Its only two
thousand dollars.” Pg. 24