Success Built to Last

Success Built to Last: Creating a Life that Matters
By Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery, Mark Thompson
Published Sep 12, 2006 by Wharton School
– Copyright 2007
– Dimensions: 5-3/8x8
– Pages: 304
– Edition: 1st
– Book :
ISBN-10: 0-13-228751-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-13 228751-7
Prepared by:
1. Co-author of Success Built to Last
1. In 2004, Forbes
Magazine included
Thompson on its list of
America’s leading venture
investors with the “Midas”
touch for his work with
many technology and
media start-ups.
Venture investor & producer of the
executive leadership program,
Leader Power tools.
His Work
1. Audio and video programs:
-Charles Schwab CEO Series
-Women on Leadership
-Seven Sacred Promises with
Maya Angelou
2. DVD program:
-Creating a Life that Matters
3. Audio book:
-Hidden Kitchens
-Series on National Public
This is
2. Thompson’s audiobook
series, Hidden Kitchens,
for which he served as
executive producer, won
Audie and Columbia/
DuPont awards
3. His Lost & Found Sound
series, for which he also
executive produced on
National Public Radio,
won a coveted Peabody
Jerry is Stanford Graduate School of Business Lane Professor of
Organizational Behavior and Change, Emeritus.
Porras has taught courses in leadership, interpersonal dynamics, and
organizational development and change in the MBA and executive
He directed the School's Executive Program on Leading and
Managing Change for 16 years. During the period 1988 to 2001 he
served as the University's Faculty Athletic Representative to the
Pacific-10 Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic
Association and on two occasions was President of the Pacific-10
Conference Council.
Winner of numerous awards:
Brillante Award presented by the National Society of Hispanic
Silver Apple Award presented by the Stanford Business
School Alumni Association
Kantor Medal awarded by the Pacific Graduate School of
2002 Community Educator of the Year from the Hispanic Net,
and the Robert T. Davis Award from the Stanford Business
Porras has served on the editorial boards of many academic
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
Business Review
Journal of Organizational Change Management
This is
Best Seller / New Updates about the author
Jerry Porras co-authored international business bestseller
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies,
with Jim Collins.
The book is based on the results of an exhaustive six-year
research project aimed at discovering the approaches and
behaviors of the most visionary companies of the past two
Translated into 25 languages, it has sold more than one
million copies worldwide.
Porras currently serves on the board of directors of the
State Farm Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm
Life Insurance Company, State Farm General Insurance
Company, Quaker Fabrics and ReloAction.
This is
Fathers of Human Potential Movement
First CEO of est, cofounded Actualizations, led seminars in dozens of countries, coached over 12,000 people
Studied economics, philosophy and psychology at the University of Sydney
Moved to the United States in 1971
Late 70’s was selected by the national media as one of the ten most influential people in the Human Potential Movement
Appeared as a featured guest on television and radio talk shows (including the BBC and co–hosting TV talk show about human
sexuality in Los Angeles in the mid–70s)
In the late 70’s he was selected by the national media as one of the ten most influential people in the Human Potential Movement.
He served as a creative director for J. Walter Thompson’s Sydney office and taught design at the University of New South Wales.
•Actualizations: You Don’t Have to Rehearse to be Yourself
•The Owner’s Manual For Your Life
New Updates:
•Owner Belvedere Consultants
•Work Industry – Professional Training and Coaching
•Led workshops, seminars, and delivered keynotes all over the world
• Chapter 1 – From great to lasting – redefining success
Part 1
• Chapter 2 – Love it or lose it – Passions and the quest for meaning
• Chapter 3 – Portfolio of passions – it’s not about balance
• Chapter 4 -Why successful people stay successful – integrity to meaning
• Chapter 9 – Earning your luck – preparing for serendipity by using big hairy audacious
• Chapter 10 – Naked conversations – harvesting contention
• Chapter 11 – Creating alignment – the environment always wins
Chapter 5 – The silent scream – why it’s so damn hard to do what matters
Chapter 6 – the cause has charisma – you don’t have to be charismatic to be successful
Chapter 7 – The tripping point – always make new mistakes
Chapter 8 – Wounds to wisdom – trusting your weaknesses and using your core
Leadership is a pointless conversation without an understanding of what success means
From Built to Last to Success Built to Last
– Who am I ? What do I stand for? What is my purpose? How do I maintain my sense of self in this
chaotic unpredictable world? How do I infuse meaning into my life and work? How do I remain
renewed, engaged, and stimulated?
Conversation with Enduringly Successful People
– Interviews with 200 people
– Rediscovered a principle that is starting to emerge about organizational performance
How We Found the People
– Overlaid an unusual time limitation – eliminating those had significant success in career
Avoiding the Apprentice Trap
– People with a long tenure of performance
Successful People Have a History of Mistakes and They Harvest Their Failures
– Harvest useful lessons and knowledge from what doesn’t work, display remarkable resiliency, ability
to bounce back from adversity
– Don’t just think positively, practice the ability to respond to move ahead
Our Approach to the Interviews
– Open-ended inquiry asking about the definition of success and lasting leadership
Why Take This Journey?
– Deeper dialog about success and what matters in lives
Success Built
to Last
Meaning – How Successful People Stay
Love It or Lose –
Passions & the Quest for Meaning
The only place where you find success before work is in the dictionary
Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away
All You Have Is Your Personal Capital
It’s dangerous not to do what you love
Personal capital – talents, skills, relationship, enthusiasm
It’s Like Saving Up Sex for Old Age
Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get
The Secret of Life
Good chance if can feel something missing or are on incessant search for meaning until make one
simple choice
Being in the Zone – The Flow Experience
When you are deeply immersed in the process of doing whatever you are doing, and completely lose
track of time and place, you are in a flow experience
Love It or Lose –
Passions & the Quest for Meaning
The only place where you find success before work is in the dictionary
Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away
Builders Are More Like Nerds Than Supermodels
 You are on the right track when you naturally obsess over what you like a geek
Death by PowerPoint
 When you skip the step of realizing what makes you tick, then you’re taking the big risk
that you’re not landed on something upon which you can build success that will last
Rational Optimism or Irrational Exuberance?
 Celebrating what’s right with the world is an excruciating unhip and uncool thing to do.
We are carefully trained by safety-conscious parents, in-laws, institutions of higher
learning, and the evening news to ignore or ridicule optimistic people
 No one can tell you what risks you should take. We are insisting that you must choose a
path that you love, for better or for worse
Portfolio of Passions –
It’s Not About Balance
It’s exciting to see how fast your kicks learn and grow. I’m not too worried about them, particularly the ones who like to break
the rules and don’t follow instructions; those are the ones that will do just fine because they know what’s important to them
To find your mission in life is to discover the intersection between your heart’s deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger
The Reward for the Doing Must Be the Doing
Success can be the worst thing that happens to you if you think it makes you right
Success as traditionally defined doesn’t mean we’re right; it just means that whatever happened turned out
to be popular.
The Answer Is Very Rarely Just One Thing
Balance Is Bullshit
Your Passions Provide Peripheral Vision
Ironically, at the same time society insists that you do one thing with your life, those same cultural norms pressure you to
have a “balanced” life split into neat little slices.
Successful people find they get many great insights when they’re playing at something else or somehow not
wrestling with problem directly
Stealth Passions and the Power of Peripheral Thinking
Focus to achieve specific objective – exclude all other things except a single focus for your life
Carve out a little time each week, on the job or after work, to experiment in some way with one of your
other passions
Portfolio of Passions –
It’s Not About Balance
It’s exciting to see how fast your kicks learn and grow. I’m not too worried about them, particularly the ones who like to break
the rules and don’t follow instructions; those are the ones that will do just fine because they know what’s important to them
To find your mission in life is to discover the intersection between your heart’s deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger
Where You Can Be Paid For Passionate Distractions
– Most people create new working identities on the side first, by getting involved in
extracurricular ventures and weekend projects – the only way we figure out what we really
want to do is by giving it a try
For Builders, Every Passion Counts
– Wealthy people have been giving piles of money away to good causes for generations
Leaders Give What Is Needed, Not What Is Expected
– Leaders do not recognized their potential for leadership, especially when they are young
– Passion is what enables leaders to hold to their integrity despite social pressures – real leaders
were born to do what they are doing
Why Successful People Stay Successful –
Integrity to Meaning
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some
difference you have lived and lived well.
• Don’t Treat Passion Like a Trivial Pursuit
– To ask them why they’re still “working” is to dismiss their
passions as trivial pursuits.
– We made mistake more than once in our interviews.
– It seemed an innocent question, but only served to demonstrate
that we didn’t get it
• One Value That Builders Have in Common
– If there was one thing they all do consistently – one value that
they all share in common – it is integrity to what matters to them.
– Each of us has to struggle in our own individual way to achieve a
measurement of success.
Success Built
to Last
Thought Styles – Extreme Makeovers
Start in your head
why it’s so damn hard to do what
•Listen to your inner voices
Happy endings come from listening to
that little voice inside your head –
about what matters to you
“Your time is limited, So don’t waste
it living someone else’s life. Don’t let
the noise of others opinions drown
out your own inner voice- and most
important –have the courage to
follow your heart and intuition. They
somehow already know what you
truly want to become. Everything
else is secondary” - Steve Jobs,
Apple cofounder and CEO
•Watch out for these Traps!
1. It’s not considered a worthy career
2. Bright Shiny Objects(BSO)for our Drive
3. Seduction of Competence
4. Tyranny of the “OR”
you don’t have to be charismatic to be successful
•Your personality is NOT what
determines enduring success.
It’s what you do with your personality that
When talk about favorite topic/subject
intensely matters to you, charisma happens.
•Trust your Passion & Work for it
“Life takes passion,
determination & skill. You
can’t skip any of these and
expect to enjoy success built
to last.” - Condoleezza Rice,
the current U.S. Secretary of
You can’t claim the buried treasure if you
aren’t willing to dig for it.
Always makes new mistakes
•Find a way to manage facing lifelong
adversity, phobias or flaws
Don’t let goals and dreams be held
ransom by feelings in that awful moment
when everything has gone wrong.
•Focus! - When Positive Thinking
Doesn’t Work
Instead of struggling to choose attitude,
focus on what works, what to
achieve/committed to
building. Once its done, attitude
Trusting your weaknesses & using your
core competencies
•Don’t deny flaws
Disadvantage may hold the seeds of
your genius. By embracing the pain,
you gain something more powerful than
just the ability to learn from mistakes
or harness the value of persistence.
•Letting Go of What Doesn’t Work
When it comes to flaws, nothing goes
to waste
Discard blame,look at what can be
changed & deal with that directly
without prolonged whining.
Success Built
to Last
Action Styles – Turning Passion into
What enables passion to turn into action
Setting big goals—small goals lead to small thoughts and actions while big goals involve risk
taking and persistence.
Ambiguity needs to be accepted—rarely will proposals fully define every action that must be
taken to achieve the objectives. Successful people recognize that they can’t incorporate
everything that will be needed to be successful.
Successful people cannot control what happens to them, but they can take positive and direct
steps to address the road blocks that occur in fulfilling a passion.
Feedback systems are needed to determine if you are going in the right direction. Measurement
systems need to be established so that you know where you have come from, where you are,
and where you are going.
Struggle with the issue and not each other—successful people want frank, open conversations
but those conversations are focused on facts and issues, not people’s attitudes and emotions.
Build lifelong relationships—you need to develop a network of colleagues that you can work with
even though they change jobs or roles in organizations.
Action Styles – Turning Passion into Action
•Basic model:
Knowing what behaviors you
want from yourself, team, and in
Aligning all the signals and
incentives you’re sending
throughout the system, including
to yourself.
“Your goals should give you some satisfaction from
the moment that you set them in motion-that’s one
of the tests that let you know they are meaningful to
• Alignment – it’s a process,
tough & it can take a while.
Requires that you get out of
your life all the stuff that is
inconsistent with your passions
and goals – includes people.
Don’t be right, be EFFECTIVE
How the obsession to reach the goal –
judgments based on experiences.
The only thing that provides lasting success (and happiness) is the day-by-day
practice and struggle to move the three circles – Meaning, Thought, and Action.
Lasting success requires lasting engagement, and there is so much yet to learn.
You may or may not be to blame for what happens to you, but either way you are
responsible for doing something about it.
The thing that matters is meaning. It drives everything; align the intention to the
things that matter to us, and we know a lot about the stuff.