Lecture slides - College of Computer Science


COM1721: Freshman Honors Seminar

A Random Walk Through Computing

Rajmohan Rajaraman

Tuesdays, 5:20 PM, 149 CN


Explore a potpourri of concepts in computing

 is usually kept in a jar and used for scent

Readings: Handouts and WWW

Grading: Quizzes, homework, and class participation pot pourri , literally rotten pot

Sample Concepts







Sample Topics

Dictionary search

Structure of the Web

Self-reproducing programs


Private communication

Relational databases

Quantum computing, bioinformatics,…


A view of a problem that extracts the essential information relevant to a particular purpose and ignores inessential details

Driving a car:

We are provided a particular abstraction of the car in which we only need to know certain controls

Building a house:

Different levels of abstraction for house owner, architect, construction manager, real estate agent

Related concepts: information hiding, encapsulation, representation


Decomposition of a system into components, each of which can be implemented independent of the others

Foundation for good software engineering

Design of a basic processor from scratch


To portray things or relationship between things

Knowledge representation: model relationship among objects as an edgelabeled graph

Data representation: bar graphs, histograms for statistics

Querying a dictionary; Web as a graph


An algorithmic technique that uses probabilistic (rather than deterministic) selection

A simple and powerful tool to provide efficient solutions for many complex problems

Has a number of applications in security

Cryptography and private communication


A way of specifying a process by means of itself

Complicated instances are defined in terms of simpler instances, which are given explicitly

Closely tied to mathematical induction

Fibonacci numbers


A statement/program that refers to itself


“This statement contains five words”

“This statement contains six words”

“This statement is not self-referential”

“This statement is false”

Important concept in computing theory

Undecidability of the halting problem, selfreproducing programs

Gödel Escher Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid ,

Douglas Hofstader

Illustration: Representation

Problem: Derive an expression for the sum of the first n natural numbers

1 + 2 + 3 + … + n-2 + n-1 + n = ?

Sum of First n Natural Numbers

1 + 2 + 3 + … + 98 + 99 + 100 = S

100 + 99 + 98 + … + 3 + 2 + 1 = S

101 + 101 + 101 + … + 101 + 101 = 2S

S = 100*101/2

S = n(n+1)/2

A Different Representation




A “Geometric Derivation”



2 S

 n(n


Other Equalities

Sum of first n odd numbers

1 + 3 + 5 + … + 2n-1 = ?

Sum of first n cubes

1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + … + n^3 = ?

Representation and Programming

Representation is the essence of programming

Brooks , “The Mythical Man-Month”

Data structures


A collection of words with a specified ordering

Dictionary of English words

Dictionary of IP addresses

Dictionary of NU student names

Searching a Dictionary

Suppose we have a dictionary of

100,000 words

Consider different operations

Search for a word

List all anagrams of a word

Find the word matching the largest prefix

What representation (data structure) should we choose?

Search for a Word

Store the words in sorted order in a linear array

Unsuccessful search:

 compare with 100,000 words

Successful search:

 on average, compare with 50,000 words

Twenty Questions

Compare with 50,000 th word

If match, then done

If further in dictionary order, search right half

If earlier in dictionary order, search left half

Until word found, or search space empty


Binary search

How Many Questions?

ajuma alderaan alpheratz amber dali escher picasso reliable renoir yukon vangogh

How Many Questions?

Question #









Search space










An anagram of a word is another word with the same distribution of letters, placed in a different order

Input: deposit

Output: posited , topside , dopiest

Anagrams: subessential suitableness

Detecting Anagrams

How do you determine whether two words X and Y are anagrams?

Compare the letter distributions

Time proportional to number of letters in each word

Suppose this subroutine anagram(X,Y) is fast

Listing Anagrams of a Word

Dictionary of 100,000 English words

List all anagrams of least

How should we represent the dictionary?

Linear array

Loop through dictionary: if anagram(X,least), include X in list

Running time = 100,000 calls to anagram()

A Different Data Structure

If X and Y are anagrams of each other, they are equivalent; the list of anagrams of X is same as the list for Y

This indicates an equivalence class of anagrams!

deposit posited topside dopiest race care acre adroitly dilatory idolatry

Anagram Signatures

Would like to store anagrams in the same class together

How do we identify a class?

Assign a signature!

Sort all the letters in the anagram word(s)

Same for each word in a class!

acre race care: acer deposit posited topside dopiest: deiopst subessential suitableness: abeeilnssstu

Anagram Program acre pots stop care post snap sign acer : acre opst : pots opst : stop acer : care opst : post anps :snap sort acer : acre acer : care anps :snap opst : pots opst : stop opst : post

Anagram Program acer : acre acer : care anps :snap opst : pots opst : stop opst : post merge acer : acre care anps : snap opst : pots stop post

Listing Anagrams for Given Word X

Compute sign(X) and lookup sign(X) in dictionary using binary search

List all words in list adjacent to sign(X) post sign opst lookup acer : acre care anps : snap opst : pots stop post

Efficiency of Anagram Program

Once dictionary has been stored in new representation:

Lookup takes at most 17 queries

Listing time is proportional to number of anagrams in the class

What about the cost of new representation?

Sign each word, sort, and merge

Expensive, but need to do it only once!



Programming Pearls , by Jon Bentley,


Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer

Science , Steven Rudich

A course at CMU
