Edinburgh Napier Opportunities Fund Template with Guidance NAME OF OPPORTUNITY Proposer: Role of proposer: Date: Version: Version: (insert version number) Author: (insert author details) Page: 1 of 5 1. PURPOSE State simply and clearly what the opportunity is in support of: typically – ‘this is to seek approval to start /stop/expand/reduce …. for £…. on …. in support of …’ 2. STRATEGIC CONTEXT Please provide an overview of the context within which the investment will be made. In other words, the strategy, work programme, service, project or operation, which the investment supports. If it is a change to our academic provision or envisages commercial income, provide an overview of the market demand, context and competition. Provide an overview on how it will contribute to Strategy 2020 aims: Grow our academic reputation Deliver an excellent personalised student experience Build innovation, enterprise and citizenship Internationalise our work Provide an overview as to how it will contribute to our Academic Themes where relevant 3. Innovative Sustainable Communities Wellbeing Information Society FUNDING AND AFFORDABILITY Please summarise the content of the financial template, including: The capital and revenue costs of the proposed investment How the investment will be funded Any affordability gap (if appropriate) Rating 1 Template Financials Please note that Day 0 is the up-front cost, not a whole year. And all amounts are in £’000. A five-year horizon has been chosen on the basis that it should be long enough for opportunities to show a very healthy return, particularly given the requirement for a high degree of certainty that it will add to University income no later than September 2015 (or January 2016 where appropriate). 4. BENEFITS Please provide a summary of the main benefits associated with the investment, distinguishing between: Quantifiable Version: (insert version number) Author: (insert author details) Non-quantifiable Page: 2 of 5 Financial Benefits which will generate income and/or save money Nonfinancial 5. Benefits which we can measure but which will not save money (e.g. time saving but we retain the staff, fewer errors, fewer complaints, shorter delays…) Benefits which should save us money but the amount is very hard to predict now - e.g. future cost avoidance Traditional ‘softer’ benefits around culture, compliance RISKS Please provide a summary of the main risks associated with the opportunity and their severity. Risk categories include staff, student, reputational and commercial (legal and financial) risks. Version: (insert version number) Author: (insert author details) Page: 3 of 5 6. TIMESCALES Completion Date: Milestone: Opportunity approved Procurement completed (if applicable) Project / Change scoped Project / Change implemented Project / Change completed 7. HEAD OF SCHOOL SUPPORTING STATEMENT Why supportive. Comment why not included in school business plan and level of prioritisation is has / should be given 8. APPROVALS Approval requirements are set out in the University’s Financial Regulations, the relevant section of which is attached at Appendix A Bid submitted by: Date: Bid approved by: Faculty Business Manager: Date: Head of School: Date: IT (for IT bids only): Date: HR (for staffing impact only): Date: ULT Member(s) Date: Chief Executive: Date: Version: (insert version number) Author: (insert author details) Page: 4 of 5 APPENDIX A Version: (insert version number) Author: (insert author details) Page: 5 of 5