Anatomy and Physiology Science at Hoquiam High School Mr. Allan

Anatomy and Physiology Science at Hoquiam High School
Mr. Allan
Welcome to an Anatomy and Physiology
adventure with Mr. Allan at Hoquiam High
School. This course is for those interested in
science-related fields. Anatomy and physiology
is a discussion and laboratory based study of
the human body. The study will range from
molecules, cells, body systems, and processes.
Dissection of a cat and other appropriate
organs will compliment course work. This
course is designed for college preparation,
especially for biology and health career majors.
Texts: The Essentials of Human Anatomy and
Physiology 10th ed., Marieb
What will we learn about?
Upon the successful completion of this course,
students will be able to:
 Explain how anatomy and physiology
are related.
 Name the levels of structural
organization that make up the human
body and explain how they are related.
 Name the organ systems of the body and
briefly state the major functions of each
 Classify by organ system all organs
 Explain the anatomical structure and
location of all organs in each system.
 Define homeostasis and explain its
 Use proper anatomical terminology to
describe body direction, surfaces and
body planes.
 Name the four major tissue types and
explain how they differ structurally and
 List the general functions and structure
of each membrane type cutaneous,
mucous, serous, and synovial- and give
its location in the body.
 Identify the subdivisions of the skeleton
Phone: (360) 538- 8369
as axial or appendicular.
 Name the four main kinds of bones.
 Compare and contrast the structure and
function of the three types of muscle
tissue and where they are located in the
 Describe how an action potential is
initiated in a muscle cell.
 Identify and indicate the functions of the
major regions of the cerebral
hemispheres, diencephalon, brain stem,
and cerebellum on a human brain model
or diagram.
 Trace the pathway of a stimulus of each
sense from start to the brain.
 Describe the blood-clotting process.
What do I need for this class?
 1 Composition Books (100 pages/Ea)
 Pencils
 Glue Sticks/Tape
 Set of Colored Pencils
 1 box gloves for dissection
Classroom Expectations:
Respect for Learning
1. Be Prepared- Bring Textbook, Interactive
Science Notebook, and a Pencil to class
2. Be Prompt- You should be seated, quiet,
and ready to learn when the bell rings.
Tardy policy will be enforced.
3. Be Polite- Respect yourself and others
through your words and actions.
4. Be Positive- Attitude is a little thing that
makes a big difference. You are in control
of your actions!
5. Be Productive- Participate actively and
safely the entire class period. Your
participation points depend on it.
Wish List: Science class needs the following donations if you have them:
Glue Sticks white glue pencils Clorox wipes Scotch Tape Hand Sanitizer Kleenex
Anatomy and Physiology Science at Hoquiam High School
Mr. Allan
How will I be graded?
and Projects
Quizzes &
Grading Scale
92.5-100 %
89.5-92.49 %
86.55-89.49 %
82.5-86.54 %
79.5-82.49 %
76.5-79.49 %
Students will be given numerous
opportunities to learn scientific
objectives through multiple
formats. These practice
opportunities are meant to
enhance each students
understanding of the material
they are working with and will
be assessed on.
There will be a quiz at the end of
each lesson to reflect on each
students understanding of
Science Learning Standards. Quiz
can be retaken once after
completing auxiliary work.
Formal Assessments will be
focused on students
understanding of the standards
and materials presented
through the unit. These cover
the big concepts. You are
allowed to retake each test up
to two times after completing
supplementary material.
72.5-76.49 %
69.5-72.49 %
66.5-69.49 %
0-59.49 %
How do I get help?
I believe in the three-legged stool philosophy of
student learning. It takes students, parents, and
teachers working together equally to establish a
strong supportive educational foundation. If one
or more of those pieces are lacking the education
becomes unstable and unpredictable outcomes
result. Together we can achieve!
Phone: (360) 538- 8369
I am always happy to talk with you about your
education and concerns. If you have questions
please call (360-538-8369) or email
( me and I will get back to
you as soon as I can. I do prefer Email and the
answers to your concerns can get to you quicker
if used.
My Staff Website is also a great resource for you
if you are absent or misplace something. You can
access my website from the Hoquiam Middle
School Website (Look for the Staff Home Pages
tab at the top).
I am here to help:
 Before School 7:00-8:00am
 After School 2:35- 3:30pm
Classroom Behavior
My Classroom Behavior Management System
revolves around preventing disruptions to the
teaching and learning environment. The three
strikes philosophy simplifies my classroom
protocol to any issues interfering with the
learning environment relating to primary and
secondary classroom expectations listed earlier.
The first warning is assumed in that all
expectations have been explained after day one.
The second warning will be a verbal “That’s your
warning”. The next warning that period will
result in a student-teacher conversation in the
hallway, or lab, and a phone call home. Student
will be sent to the office if continues disruption
to learning environment is witnessed. Every
effort will be made by me to work with you, as
we all have bad days.
All student handbook policies will be followed
pertaining to discipline referral system.
Wish List: Science class needs the following donations if you have them:
Glue Sticks white glue pencils Clorox wipes Scotch Tape Hand Sanitizer Kleenex
Anatomy and Physiology Science at Hoquiam High School
Mr. Allan
HHS Science general guidelines for success:
To be successful in this class, in virtually any
occupation or other class, there are certain
expectations that students should be aware
of. Meeting these simple expectations will, in
most cases, guarantee success.
1. Treat each other, your teachers, and all
others with dignity and respect, and demand
the same in return.
2. Come to class on time, prepared and
motivated to work, with all the materials
required to do the job.
3. Safety first, safety last, safety always.
Specific class rules:
1. Class begins as soon as you enter the
classroom; you must be IN your seat and not
talking when the tardy bell rings. If you are not
seated and quiet when it rings you are tardy.
2. You are expected to arrive to class with
the proper tools, Pen, Pencil, Paper, and be
mentally prepared to work.
3. Everyone is expected to be attentive and
participate fully in the activity during the class
4. NO food, drink, cell phones or other
electronic devices in class. (Bottled Water OK)
5. Hoods on sweatshirts are not worn up over
6. Raise your hand if you need to get out of
your seat for any reason. You are expected to
have a working pen or pencil when you arrive
to class. As young adults you are also
expected to be in control of your bodily
functions so that trips to the bathroom during
class are unnecessary.
7. Always be respectful of your peers and the
teacher, only one person talks at a time.
8. You are expected to subscribe to Hoquiam
High School Policies as stated in the Student
Phone: (360) 538- 8369
9. When class ends you are expected to be in
your seat and the room cleaned up—pick up all
trash around you desk. You will leave the
classroom as clean, or cleaner, than you found
it. It is Your Room! Respect it!
We have read, we understand, and
we agree to follow, the above
guidelines and instructions.
Student’s signature:
Parent’s signature:
Daytime Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
· (Have this signed and in your portfolio by
September 5, 2014.)
Please write any questions or concerns here:
Wish List: Science class needs the following donations if you have them:
Glue Sticks white glue pencils Clorox wipes Scotch Tape Hand Sanitizer Kleenex