Reconstruction -

Reconstruction Quizdom
Scalawags and Carpetbaggers were…
a. Welcomed as saviors in the
South during Reconstruction
b. Advisors to President Johnson
c. Hated amongst Southerners
because they took advantage of
Freedmen’s newly gained political
d. Were instrumental in fighting
for black rights such as
citizenship and the right to vote
Reconstruction Quizdom
 The Freedmen’s Bureau…
Offered healthcare, food, and
housing to whites who
suffered loss as a result of
the Civil War
b. Was instrumental in taking
care of Confederate veterans
disabled by the war
Established successful public
education systems throughout
the South
d. Failed to make any real gains
for anyone
Reconstruction Quizdom
• The 13th amendment is
passed eliminating the use
of Freedmen as slave
Which of the following best completes the cause and effect relationship
a. The Radical Republicans impeach President Johnson
b. Southern States pass black codes forcing blacks to remain under the
power of whites
c. President Lincoln vetoes the 13th Amendment
d. President Lincoln is assasinated
Reconstruction Quizdom
Which of the
Amendments to the
right do NOT match
a. A
b. B
c. C
A.) 13th Amendment Outlawed slavery and
involuntary servitude
B.) 14th Amendment
Congress had to
approve the removal of
any presidential cabinet
C.) 15th Amendment
Made it illegal to deny
any male the right to
vote based on race
Reconstruction Quizdom
Political Effects
of Reconstruction
The 15th
Amendment was
Act of 1867
Black codes
Which of the following would be the best heading for the
right portion of the Venn Diagram?
a. Challenges for Reconstruction
b. Gains by the Freedmen
c. Racial Effects of Reconstruction
d. Failed Reconstruction Policies
Reconstruction Quizdom
• The Compromise of 1877
led to the removal of all
federal troops from
Southern states ending
military enforcement of
Which of the following best completes the cause and effect relationship
a. The Radical Republicans impeach President Johnson
b. President Lincoln vetoes the 13th Amendment
c. President Lincoln is assassinated
d. There is little to no protection for Freedmen’s civil liberties
Reconstruction Quizdom
Financial Crises of
Era of “Good Stealing”
Credit Moblier Scandal
Indian Ring Scandal
Which of the following would most accurately occupy the
center of the “main idea” web above?
a. Distractions from continuing Reconstruction
b. Acts by the Radical Republicans
c. Black Codes
d. Civil War Amendments
Reconstruction Quizdom
 Which of the following best describes these guys below?
They were leaders of the redeemed Democrats reentering Congress from the South
b. The were leaders of a group who wanted to punish
the South
They were the leaders of the political party known as
the Scalawags
d. These guys founded the “anti-cane in congress
Thaddeus Stevens
in the House Charles Sumner in
the Senate
Reconstruction Quizdom
 President Johnson was
Impeached in 1868,
a. He was kicked out of
b. Charges were brought
against him by Congress
c. He switched sides and
joined the Confederacy
(Rebel Yell!!)
d. He inherited the
Presidency due to the
untimely death of his
Reconstruction Quizdom
 Which of the following
would have been most
likely the reason
historians have
characterized Grant’s
Presidency the “Era of
Good Stealing”?
a. The Credit Moblier,
Indian Ring, and
Whiskey Ring affairs
b. Race riots in Colfax LA
c. The Panic of 1873
d. The Election of 1868
Reconstruction Quizdom
The Cartoon to the right was
likely criticizing…
Military Reconstruction in the
The Freedmen’s Bureau
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
Reconstruction Quizdom
Since their creation, the Civil War Amendments have…
a. Shrunk in their application and effect
b. Be repealed
c. Been mostly ignored
d. Have expanded in their application and effect
Reconstruction Quizdom
 Some are born great
 Who ran for the Republicans in
the election of 1876 leading to
 Some have greatness of thrust
the Compromise of 1877?
upon them
a. Schuler Colfax
 Some are from Ohio…
b. Samuel Tilden
Ulysses S. Grant
d. Rutherford B. Hayes
Reconstruction Quizdom
 The original intent of the KKK was
likely in response to…
The 13th amendment
b. The 14th amendment
The 15th amendment
d. The black codes
Reconstruction Quizdom
 The Efforts of the KKK
greatly reduced…
a. African American jobs in
the South
b. Fears of Radical
Republican influences in
the South
c. African American
participation in politics
d. African American’s right
to marry
Reconstruction Quizdom
 Jim Crow Laws were allowed in
Southern states because…
The Compromise of 1877 pulled
federal troops out of Southern
b. Hayes lost the election of 1876
Andrew Johnson was successful in
blocking amendments meant to
protect black rights
d. Because the 15th amendment did
specified race as a reason to
restrict voting rights
Reconstruction Quizdom
No negro shall be
permitted to rent
or keep a house
within said parish
in Louisiana
Intended to limit
the ability of
Freedmen to live
in Southern
Created a state of
“virtual slavery”
No negro shall be permitted to
preach, exhort, or otherwise
declaim to congregations of
colored people, without a
special permission in writing
from the police or jury
Which of the following would most accurately occupy the
center of the “main idea” web above?
a. Presidential Attempts at Reconstruction
b. How the Redeemers returned to Congress
c. Black Codes
d. Civil War Amendments