Update - Grapevine

PROGRAM REVIEW: Addendum and UPDATE 2011-2012
Discipline/Department: Kinesiology (previously known as Physical Education)
Division: Kinesiology, Health, Nutrition and Athletics
Date: March 12, 2012
Writer(s): Lisa Everett and KIN Faculty
SLO Point-Person: Tony Costello, Jason Craighead, Larry Aguiar
Audience: Deans, PBC, IPRC, Vice Presidents of Student Services and Academic Services,
Group(s) responsible for institutional planning and resource allocation.
Purpose: To capture new information that is not included in the most recent program review but is
relevant to program development and maintenance.
1) Please fill in the following information as completely as possible.
2) If the requested information does not apply to your program, please write “No Changes Since
Last Program Review.”
3) Update your common tools – program development common tool and program maintenance
common tool. Please see instructions on the last two pages of this document.
4) Send an electronic copy of this form along with the updated Common Tool to your Dean by
Friday, April 6, 2012.
Part One: Review of Program Updates
Are there any notable changes to your program, your program’s data and/or your program’s
planning since the last Program Review?
If there are any changes, include the relevant information and describe its significance in
the space below.
These changes might have originated from within the program or because of an external source
(the institution or the state, for example). Possible sources of relevant information might include,
but are not limited to, the following:
Data generated by your program
Data from the Office of Institutional Research
State Mandates
Labor Market Data
Program Change to Kinesiology
- The Department/Discipline name has changed from Physical Education to Kinesiology,
effective Fall 2012.
- Two (2) new Kinesiology degrees have been approved by Curriculum:
1) AS, Kinesiology
2) AS, Kinesiology with emphasis in pre-therapeutic studies
- Over 60 course outlines have been updated for rubric change and content
Data Generated by Kinesiology Program
- The Department administered a Survey to a representative sample of PE Students in
Spring, 2011 (n= 288). Results reveal that 60% of LPC PE Students are full time students
(taking 12 units or more), and that 19% of LPC PE Students are taking between 6 and 12
units. This debunks the myth that people enroll in LPC PE classes are community members
taking only one class per semester. In addition, 82% of our PE activity students indicate that
their educational goal is an Associate degree or transfer. This data supports demonstrates
that the majority of our PE students are full time LPC students. Although the State is
eliminating repeatability of PE courses starting Fall 2012, 87% of our PE students indicated
that they need more than 1 enrollment in any physical education activity class to reach
“proficiency” in that course.
Changes to Enrollments since Program Review
- The PE Quest program, which specifically served older adults, was eliminated in Spring
- In addition to the Quest elimination, PE courses have experienced a 9.8% reduction in the
number sections offered from Spring 2009 to Fall 2011.
- The CCCCO has unofficially removed the “lifelong learning” mission of community colleges.
This change has directed impacted the CCCCO’s view of Physical Education, regardless of
whether students are enrolled in PE for lifelong learning, GE transfer or a Kinesiology
- Starting in Fall 2012, students will be prohibited from repeating any PE course. It is
anticipated this State decision will have a dramatic impact on the Kinesiology program
enrollments, and the student’s ability to achieve proficiency of PE skills.
- According to the LPC PE Spring Survey, 2011, 92% of our PE students reported they would
enroll in a PE course regardless of whether PE was required or not. 63.5% of the students
reported they would take a different PE class at LPC if the State “limited” their ability to
repeat their current PE course.
- With the current state-wide emphasis on completion and transfer, it is possible the local
options may be removed from current Associate degrees. Removing the Wellness and/or
PE requirement from our CLPCCD local options could result in lower enrollments in the
Kinesiology program.
Intercollegiate Athletics Changes
- Swimming and Diving program was added with success Spring, 2011.
- Valley Care terminated its Athletic Training contract with LPC effective the end of the Spring
2012 athletic season. There was no discussion or rationale provided by Valley Care. The
LPC Athletic department is currently seeking another Certified Athletic Trainer option since
CCCAA Constitution and Bylaws requires an ATC onsite.
- A request to fulfill a classified position in athletics, due to impending retirement of personnel,
has been submitted. The position of “Athletic Advisor,” rather than “Staff Assistant” was
requested to more fully capture the expected duties of the retirement replacement position.
The “track” is being currently used by PE and athletic classes. The grass field and grass
areas have not been released for use.
Part Two: Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Student Area Outcomes (SAOs)
Academic Services
Summarize the number of written and assessed SLOs at the course and program levels:
Number of courses offered
Number of courses with SLO’s
Number of degrees or certificates offered
Number of Degree or Certificate Outcomes*
*Programs offering degrees or certificates must have Degree or Certificate Outcomes.
Number of courses with SLO’s
Number of Degree or Certificate Outcomes*
# Written
# Assessed within the last 2 years
NA – New programs
Student Services Program Areas
Summarize the number of written and assessed SAOs/SLO’s per student services’ area:
# Written
Number of SAO’s/SLO’s Written
Number of SAOs/SLO’s per program area
# of SAO’s/SLO’s Assessed within
the last 2 years?
A. Summarize your program’s work on SLO’s / SAO’s completed since the last program
review, including any conclusions, subsequent actions taken, and obstacles encountered in
the past year:
The last year has focused on writing SLOs for the courses being currently offered in the
curriculum. The Department has identified what courses are lacking SLO’s and Assessment
Data entered into eLumen. The Department has held several meetings working on the SLOs
and the template for the Weight Training courses. Rubrics are in the discussion/creation
mode. In addition, some Full time and Adjunct faculty have been updating, writing and
revising the SLO’s for their respective courses. However, some Full time faculty are lacking
in participation necessary to move the Division forward.
There is frustration amongst the staff with eLumen and its difficulty of use. Institutional
decisions are made based upon assessment data collected by course SLOs that are entered
into eLumen. Due to the lack of data collected and entered into eLumen by
Kinesiology/Athletics, many equipment requests for courses/athletics have been denied.
Without this data it is difficult to justify the requests and have the requests fulfilled.
In the Fitness Center & Fitness Development courses discussion has taken place to change
the course from Pass/No Pass to a “Letter” grade. In the Fall, 2012 physical self-fitness
assessments are planning to be implemented and data entered by student in Blackboard. In
addition, other ‘accountablility’ methods for the course are currently in discussion.
B. How did the actions described in box “A” affect how your program serves students?
Part Three: Maintenance, Development and Action Plan Templates
Academic Services
A. Are there any changes to your Program Review Maintenance Form(s) since the last
Program Review? If so, please explain.
Maintenance of the PE Complex and adjoining facilities is an on-going process. It would be helpful
to have a published organized maintenance cycle and funding allocation for the required
maintenance. These facilities are not only used by the PE Dept/Athletics but also by Community
Education and Rentals.
The PE complex gym floor was refinished in Summer 2011. Refinishing should occur every ___
With the opening of the Track and Field facility, discussions will need to take place on how it will be
maintained and source of funding.
B. Are there any changes to your Program Review Development Form(s) since the last
program review? If so, please explain.
- There has been no change in the addition of Full time staff. The need still remains to hire Full
time faculty to meed FTEF and Title IX requirements. The Athletics department has submitted a
request for a Full Time Women’s head coach. This request has been presented to the Dean.
- The rubric to Kinesiology has been changed and completed. Two new Kinesiology degree plans
have been completed to be offered in Fall 2012.
- The curriculum for Lifeguard training has been completed
- Discussion has taken place regarding the combining of Rooms 202 & 203 (Weight Training).
Estimates have been submitted; however, no construction has been
approved. The expansion of the building was limited by the State funding based on
square footage. With additional funding, changes could be made.
- The expansion of Intercollegiate Athletic programs remains unchanged.
- Continuous Funding for instructional equipment and maintenance has not changed
- New Development Forms need to be completed for the Athletic Advisor position and for the
Learning Community Program for LPC athletes to be able to get the required courses.
Student Services
C. Are there any changes to your Action Plan Templates since the last Program Review? If
so, please explain.
Part Four: Summary & Attachments
In summary, what questions or concerns are raised by the changes to your program,
program’s data and planning, or your program’s SLO / SAO work?
- The Division is concerned about the restrictions of “repeatability” on Kinesiology activity courses
This impacts the students’ ability to become proficient at the required skill sets in any particular
course. In the PE Survey conducted in Spring, 2011, the students indicated they would need to
repeat the course 4 times to obtain proficiency of the physical tasks required for proficiency.
Secondly, it is hard to project or even surmise the impact this issue will have on the overall
enrollment in the Kinesiology Department.
- The lack of participation in the SLO project continues to be of concern. This may be the result of
required time and the current demands already placed on the staff.
- The current and projected budget cuts from the State have resulted in Intercollegiate Athletics
becoming more self-sufficient. There is frustration among the Athletics Faculty with the College’s
current inflexibility around Athletics fund-raising. Athletics wants to use the Department’s facilities
to host fund-raising events and generate revenues for LPC’s athletics. There is a need for the
both individual sports and the department to fund-raise to offset costs. Consensus regarding
facility usage between the College and Athletics needs to occur.
- Due to reduction and limited course offerings a concern exists regarding the athletes ability to
meet the requirements of 9 - 12 units. This affects recruiting, cost of education, and student’s
ability to transfer.
Part Five: Program Development Common Tool & Program Maintenance Common Tool Update
Both the program development common tool and the program maintenance common tool
will be available to update on Friday, 2/10/12.
Instructional Program Review Common Tools will be located at the following website
(Please copy and paste the link below to your web browser):
Student Services Program Review Common Tools will be located at the following website:
(Please copy and paste the link below to your web browser):
Program Development Common Tool
- Step 1: Please locate the program development common tool for your area.
- Step 2: Save your program development common tool onto your computer.
- Step 3: In column “BB”, please select the progress made on each project objective for
your program. When you click on a blank cell in column “BB”, a drop-down list will
appear. Please select a response for each project objective.
- Step 4: In column “BC”, please provide comments regarding progress made for each
project objective. If a project objective has become defunct, please state this in the
- Step 5: Please add new project objective(s) if appropriate.
- Step 6: Submit updated Excel program development common tool to your Dean.
Program Maintenance Common Tool
- Step 1: Please locate the program maintenance common tool for your area.
- Step 2: Save the program maintenance common tool onto your computer.
Step 3: Please delete defunct program maintenance items if appropriate.
Step 4: Please add new program maintenance items if appropriate.
Step 5: Submit updated Excel program maintenance common tool to your Dean.
** As needed, please attach any relevant and supporting documentation (i.e.
non-Elumen SLO data, reports of market trends) to your update. **