Chapter 6 Study Guide

AP Psychology
Topics to Know—Chapter 6
-Be able to compare and contrast the behavioral approach to learning and the cognitive approach.
-How has learning evolved?
-What is habituation? Examples? How does this occur?
-Mere Exposure Effect—why is it effective with advertisements?
-Be able to describe/define “classical conditioning” and apply it to multiple scenarios. All the terms:
Acquisition, Neutral Stimulus, UCS, UCR, CS, CR, Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, Discrimination,
Generalization, Experimental Neurosis. IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
-Know Pavlov’s Experiment.
-“Little Albert” Experiment: What psychologist? What was the format of the experiment, findings,
-What is operant learning? How/ Why are rewards and punishments used?
-What psychologists are significant in Operant conditioning?
-Law of Effect/ Trial and Error Learning
-Positive v. Negative Reinforcement: Definitions, examples, be able to apply. IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
-Types of Reinforcement: Continuous v. Intermittent: describe, examples, apply.
-Reinforcement schedules: Ratio v. Interval (and all subdivisions). Define / examples. IN YOUR OWN
-Primary Reinforcements v. Secondary Reinforcements
-What is the Premack Principle? Who created it? Is it effective? Why or Why not.
-What are the two forms of punishment?
-Define “Positive Punishment “, be able to give an example. IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
-Define “Omission Training” give an example. IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
-Punishment v. Negative Reinforcement. How are the similar/different?
-When is negative reinforcement work best?
-What are the conditions that should be applied to make punishment effective?
-Who created the idea of cognitive maps? What are they—when are they used?
-Who is Albert Bandura? What was his experiment? What was the significance/ findings of his
-Define Observational Learning—in your own words!(Shaping, modeling)
- Who is Robert Rescorla? What was his suggestion to classical conditioning?
-What brain mechanisms are used in learning? Which neurotransmitters are released? What system?