Name World History Date Parks/Sexton World History Final Exam

World History Final Exam Study Guide
World History
Chapter 21- Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution
1. Who developed the Scientific Method?
2. How did the scientific revolution lead to society challenging the church’s authority?
3. How did the Declaration of Independence embody Enlightenment ideals?
4. Which Enlightenment thinker influenced the American Bill of Rights?
5. Which gothic novel was written by Mary Shelley?
Chapter 23- American and French Revolution
1. The population of France is said to be divided into three ___________________.
2. What percentage of France’s population made up the third estate?
3. Bastille Day
4. National Assembly created this governmental branch.
5. Who was responsible for the Reign of Terror?
6. Guillotine
7. What were some things Napoleon was able to accomplish during peacetime? (Name 3)
8. What famous battle did Napoleon lose?
9. What influenced the French Revolution?
10. Which king was ordered to be beheaded by Robespierre?
11. Main goal of the Congress of Vienna
12. How was the tax system divided in France in the years before the French Revolution?
13. How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power in France? Give 3 examples.
14. Coup d’etat
15. Napoleon’s Hundred Days
16. Elba
17. First, second and third estate- who made each up, what their jobs/duties were, what percentage
of taxes did they pay?
18. Holy Alliance
19. Marie Antoinette
20. National Assembly
21. Lycees
22. Stamp Act
Chapter 25- Industrial Revolution
1. Definition of industrial revolution
2. How did the Industrial Revolution affect cities?
3. What were the three factors of industrialization?
4. What did Johan Gutenberg invent?
5. What was one of the first industries to industrialize?
6. Definition of Union
7. What were three types of reform movements that took place after the Industrial Revolution? How
did they impact society?
8. Definition of Urbanization
9. The expansion of ___________________________ played a major role in the industrialization
of the United States.
10. Positive and negative aspects of industrialization
11. Laissez-Faire
12. In the 1700s, where the best place for one to find a spinning mule and water frame?
13. What is capitalism?
Chapter 24- Nationalism
1. Define nationalism
Chapter 26, Section 3: Testing Democracy (Civil War)
1. Americans used “manifest destiny” to justify the treatment of _________________.
2. Definition of manifest destiny
Chapter 27- Imperialism
1. Colonization of Africa became a race to develop ________________________.
2. Ethiopian King who was able to hold off European invaders
3. Dutch farmers who settled in Africa
4. What is common between the colonization of Africa and North America?
5. Positive and negative effects of African imperialism
6. Definition of Imperialism
7. Sepoys
8. Why was India called the “jewel in the crown?”
9. Raj
10. Two factors that influenced imperialism: _____________________ and
11. Two things European countries hoped to gain from Africa were _____________________ and
12. Why did European colonization not extend past the coastlines of Africa for over 300 years?
13. Causes of the Sepoy Mutiny?
14. What African tribe stood up to the British for 8 years?
15. Name resources discovered in Africa?
16. What meeting decided how Africa would be divided?
17. Which country remained free from European control?
18. Social Darwinism
19. Direct control
20. What was a result of the Berlin Conference?
21. Crimean War
Chapter 29- World War I
1. What were the causes of WWI?
Essay ( 20 points )
Five Paragraphs
Lined Paper will be provided
The Industrial Revolution diminished the life of the average European citizen. Argue for or against
the statement.
Think about: Working conditions, working hours, labor, living conditions, sanitation, women and
children labor, unions, production, and anything else that will support your position.
How to organize essay:
First paragraph describe Industrial Revolution and choose a position to defend
Second, third, and fourth paragraph each will be an example to defend whether you are for or
against that statement
Fifth paragraph closing- restate the main points and your position
Use information from notes, reading, video, and discussion. Please be detailed. Good Luck.