Reproductive System EXAM

Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Period __________
Reproductive System EXAM
1. What is the ultimate goal of the reproductive system? What is the main function of the male reproductive
system? What is the main function of the female reproductive system?
The ultimate goal is formation and union egg and sperm to create a fetus and eventually give birth to an infant. The
main function of the male reproductive system is to produce and deliver sperm. The female’s main function produce
eggs and provide an environment for the fertilized egg to develop.
Briefly describe each of the following terms
2. Gamete: a reproductive cell having the haploid number of chromosomes; examples would be sperm and egg
3. Embryo: product of conception from implantation through the 8th week of development.
4. Fetus: unborn young from the end of the 8th week to the moment of birth
5. Zygote: cell formed from the union of two gametes (fertilized egg)
6. The ovaries and testes are part of another organ system. Name it.
7. What is the purpose of the scrotum? What is the optimal temperature for spermatogenesis?
The scrotum helps regulate the environment of the testes. The optimal temperature is 3 degrees lower than normal
body temperature.
8. What is the pathway of sperm from seminiferous tubules to the outside?
Seminiferous tubules  epididymis  vas deferens  urethra
9. Where does sperm production take place (spermatogenesis)?
Seminiferous tubules
10. Where do sperm mature? What duct transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra?
Epididymus, vas deferens
11. Describe and sketch a sperm. Be sure to label head, mid piece and tail. Where are the mitochondria located?
What is the purpose of the acrosome? Acrosome contains enzymes to penetrate the egg.
What do each of the following structures contribute to the semen?
a. Seminal vesicles: provides energy
b. Prostate gland (Enlargement of the prostate can lead to
_incontinence, impotence__): provides alkaline fluid for movement
and survival
c. Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s gland): provides alkaline fluid that
neutralizes acid levels in man’s urethra so sperm can move freely and
protection against acidic vagina
12. What hormone is responsible for secondary sexual
characteristics in males? What structure secretes it? What are
examples of secondary sexual characteristics? Testosterone is
secreted from the testes. Examples of secondary sex characteristics
are growth of sex organs, production of sperm, increase in body hair,
increase in body mass, increase in growth of long bones, deepening
of voice.
13. What is the pathway of the ovum from the ovary to the
outside of the body? The ovum leaves the ovary and enters the
fallopian tubes and then the uterus past the cervix and into the vagina to the outside of the body.
Name the reproductive structure being described.
14. Tubes that transports eggs
__fallopian tubes_________________________
15. Copulation takes place here
16. Expands to 500 times its normal size ___uterus______________________________________
17. Fertilization takes place here
__fallopian tubes_______________________________
18. Neck of the uterus
19. Connects ovaries to uterus
__fallopian tubes________________________________
20. Passageway from uterus to outside ___vagina______________________________________
21. Finger-like structure around the internal opening of the fallopian tube ___fimbrae______________________
22. Contains environment to allow for development of fertilized egg __uterus____________________________________
23. What hormone is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in females? What structure secretes it? What
are examples of secondary sexual characteristics? Estrogen end secreted from the ovaries. Examples of
secondary sex characteristics are growth of sex organs, increase in body hair, increase in growth of long bones,
broadening of hips, fat deposits and menstrual cycle.
24. The length of a normal menstrual cycle is ___28 days____________.
25. Progesterone causes changes in the lining of the _uterus______________. (endometrium)
26. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus lining (endometrium) is __shed________.
27. What is another name for oviduct? __fallopian tube____________
28. What is ovulation? How often does it happen? _An egg ruptures from the ovary and passes into the fallopian
tube about every 28 days.____________________
29. Another name for the oviduct is ____fallopian tube________.
30. What is fertilization?
Union of egg and sperm
31. Name the 3 bacterial infections. Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea
32. Name 4 viral infections. Hepatitis B, Genital Herpes, Genital warts, HIV (AIDS)
33. Name 5 risk factors for contracting an STD.
Person who has multiple sex partners
Unprotected sex (even once)
History of STD or has a current STD
Drug user
Sex partner of drug user
Person who has sex for drugs/money
Sex partner of person who has sex for drugs/money
Between the ages of 12-26
Sexual practices/ Exposure sites
Briefly describe the major symptoms of the following diseases
34. Gonorrhea: Milky discharge from penis/vagina, rectum; burning/itching on urination
35. Chlamydia: can be asymptomatic; men and women can experience abnormal discharge and burning on
36. Syphilis/ (What major organs are affected by untreated (3rd stage) syphilis? Stage 1: chancre Stage 2: if not
treated, the bacteria enters the bloodstream and causes flu like symptoms and rash. Stage 3: bacteria has
damaged major organs like heart, spinal cord and brain
37. Genital Herpes: itching burning sensation in genital area; blisters or painful open sores
38. Genital Warts: caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus); warts in genital areas
39. HIV/AIDS (What do they stand for) no symptoms initially; HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS
(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome); the virus attacks the immunes system specifically Thelper cells.