



Anorexia or extreme cleanliness is an example of:

-positive deviance

Define Anomie:

Strain people feel when blocked in attempts to achieve goals

Once you label a person as deviant, then they will more likely become deviant. Which theory? labeling

What types of crimes are “white collar”?

-tax evasion


-insider trading-stocks

& bonds

What is “Shaming”?

According to a conflict theorist, who defines deviance?

-those who hold power or wealth in a society

In Hirschi’s theory, some people aren’t deviant because they have:

-many social bonds with family, school & society

Key ideas of “Saints &


-the label determines the behavior of the boys

-police & community determine deviance

-label “encourages” more deviance as that is how people see them anyway

Different groups have different

“opportunities” to commit crimes & be deviant.

Illegal opportunity theory

-social class you are in gives you different opportunities to be deviant

Possible punishments for a criminal:

Give 2 examples of external social control.

(one positive/one negative)

-pos-awards & promotions

-neg-ticket, fine, jail

What are the 4 possible routes to deviance according to Merton?





Difference between primary & secondary deviance.

-primary-infrequent deviance before age 21

-secondary-deviance is your master status; life long criminal

What are “hustles”?

-poor urban crimes like gambling, drug dealing, prostitution & robbery

-“opportunities” for urban poor to get $

What groups are disproportionately

What are the 3 benefits of deviant behavior?

-create unity (in group vs. out group)

-redefines/clarifies norms

-push for social change

“If you hang out with a smokers, you will be more likely to smoke”

What theory?

Differential Association

What is a stigma?


Trying to discredit someone’s normal identity

Ex: scarlet letter “A”

-family is criminal b/c parent is in jail

According to Merton, what is one way not to be deviant?

-conform accept the goals and means to achieve the goals of society

True/False: Deviant behavior has been the

Type of sanction

Public display

Whole town sees you as




-community service

What is recidivism?

-criminals return to a life of crime after getting out of jail

What is


-medical reasons for deviance represented in the prison population?

-poor –male 18-24


-lower education

Describe Szasz’s theory on deviance.

-social experiences not mental illness leads to crimes same throughout history.

False-society determines deviance

-what is defined as deviance changes over time

Give an argument for and against the death penalty.

For-worst criminals deserve it; eye for an eye

Take worst off the streets

Against-unfair, biased

Cruel, too many erros
