Logical Fallacy Matching Activity

Logical Fallacy matching activity
questionable use 2 out of 3 doctors polled recommend liposuction for
of statistics
reduction of post-pregnancy cellulite.
A black family moved into my neighborhood once,
and they were financially quite well-off, better than we
were; this proves that black people actually are
economically equal to whites.
ad hominem
In listening to what you have to say I have this to say
in reply: only an idiot would argue for pursuing a
peaceful solution to this conflict.
straw man
People who think abortion should be banned have no
respect for the rights of women. They treat them as
nothing but baby-making machines. That's wrong.
Women must have the right to choose.
false cause (post
hoc ergo propter
The administration closed the smoking court in our
school at the end of last year, and fights among
students have gone down this year; therefore, closing
the smoking court caused the reduction in fights
among students.
false dichotomy
(either/or fallacy)
Either you support the President in everything he says
and does or you are not a patriotic American.
did not have sex with that woman (if by sex you mean
penile-vaginal intercourse). [From Bill Clinton, in
relation to the nature of his relationship with Monica
loaded question
Have you always been incapable of speaking
appeal to false
My friend, who is serving in the infantry in Afganistan,
tells me that the government has a secret plan for
how to win the War that they won’t release until after
the election, and because he is my friend and I like
and respect him, this must be true.
Everyone else is displaying a flag, or a support our
troops sticker on their car; therefore, you should too.
slippery slope
"We've got to stop them from banning pornography.
Once they start banning one form of literature, they
will never stop. Next thing you know, they will be
burning all the books!"
red herring
I know your car isn't working right. But, if you
had gone to the store one day earlier, you'd
not be having problems.
circular argument President Reagan was a great communicator
because he had the knack of talking effectively to
the people.
If John F. Kennedy got away with committing adultery
while in office as President, then Bill Clinton and all
subsequent presidents should be able to do so too.
ad populum
"I read the other day that most people really like the
new gun control laws. I was sort of suspicious of
them, but I guess if most people like them, then they
must be okay."